The full text takes "righteousness" as the general outline to govern the narrative and discussion. Narration is to show its "righteousness", and discussion is to clarify its "righteousness". Narrative is the basis and foundation of discussion; discussion is to clarify the essential meaning of deeds. The two form an organic and indivisible whole. Praise and praise the five people (i.e. citizens), the Duke of Zhou, and the wise officials; criticize and criticize the eunuchs, the gentry, and the scholar-officials who live in an ignoble way. The article can be divided into three paragraphs.
The first paragraph (the first two sections) describes the cause of death of the five people and the origin of the tombstones. It praises the five people for "died motivated by righteousness" and the glory of sacrificing their lives for righteousness, directly highlighting the topic.
The beginning of the narration reads: "The five of them were the ones who died when the Duke of Zhou was arrested in Liaozhou, and they were so angry that they died. As of now, the wise men and officials in the county have invited them to be in charge, and they have eliminated the eunuchs of Wei and abandoned the temple. He should be buried at the right place and a stone should be erected at the door of his tomb as a reminder of what he had done. "Here we first put forward the outline of the word "righteousness". It points out three types of people who sacrifice their lives for righteousness and uphold justice: the five people, the Duke of Zhou and the wise officials. It also brings out the main target to be criticized: "Wei Eunuch", "that is, he destroyed the eunuch of Ni and abandoned the site of the temple to bury him, and set up a stone at the door of his tomb as a reminder of what he did." This shows that justice finally defeated evil. , the living temple built by the eunuch Wei Zhongxian, who was in power for a while, has been cleared and became the place where the five people returned to their bones. Tombs and monuments were built to "remember what they had done." This in itself is a very pleasing thing, and it has shown the glory of the three types of people to be eulogized, and the author would like to add: "Wow, it's so prosperous!" Taking a long breath, this thing also Grand enough! It is also a great irony for the "eunuch party". It highlights that justice has been done and makes people feel proud.
It goes on to write that it has been less than a year since the five people were sacrificed to today’s tomb, “All the sons of wealth and nobles, generous and ambitious people, have died of illness and have died and been buried in insignificance. What are the unknown people in the grassland? Why are there only five people?" This means that those who are rich and powerful and join the "eunuch party" in pursuit of fame and fortune will die of illness and death. There are already a lot of things that are buried and not worth mentioning, not to mention the ordinary, nameless people in the countryside! This is a direct criticism of the scholar-bureaucrats who lived an ignoble existence and those who collaborated with the "eunuch party" and obtained official positions. "Why are there only five people?" This narrative and question are thought-provoking and fascinating. It not only highlights the glory and greatness of the five people who died righteously, but also criticizes those who "lived unjustly" and "died unjustly". In terms of writing, it serves as a link between the previous and the following.
The second paragraph (sections 3 and 4) narrates the death of five people, that is, the struggle between Suzhou citizens and the "Eunuch Party".
First, write down the specific time when Duke Zhou was arrested. The crowd defended him, saw him off, and angrily beat up the minions sent by Wei Eun to arrest him. In the middle, Mao Yilu, who was responsible for arresting Duke Zhou, hid in the toilet to avoid being beaten. It embodies the greatness of the people's power and the ugliness of the soul of Wei Wei's minions. "Then he summoned the court for the rebellion of the Wu people and executed five people, namely Yan Peiwei, Yang Nianru, Ma Jie, Shen Yang, and Zhou Wenyuan, who are still in the tomb today." This explains how the "Eunuch Party" persecuted the five people, exposed the despicability of the "Eunuch Party", and showed that the five people were the leaders of Suzhou citizens' anti-violence struggle, echoing the beginning of the article. Listing the names of the five of them will leave a deeper impression on the readers and further reflect the author's praise of the five people.
Then he wrote: "However, the five people who were about to be punished were in high spirits. They shouted at Zhongcheng by calling him by his name, chatting and laughing until they died. Their heads were beheaded and placed on the city, and their colors changed a lot. There are wise men and officials. I was given fifty gold to buy five people. Then I sent a letter to them, and the corpses were buried together, so there are all five people in the tomb. "Praising the five people for not losing anything after death is also a commendation to the wise men and officials.
The third paragraph (the last two sections) discusses that the five people died righteously, were honored after death, loved the world, and made certain contributions to the country and the people; effectively criticized the Jin gentry who betrayed Yi Zhi; pointed out their works The purpose of recording.
First, the long sigh of "Ouch!" is eye-catching, and then two rhetorical questions are used to compare the gentry who easily changed his mind during the Great Eunuch Rebellion and the five people who were passionate about justice and risked their lives. It highlights the value of the death of five people.
Then, the facts are presented to make sense: under the pretense of the emperor's orders, Wei Gong arrested the implicated Donglin Party members on a large scale. In the end, the citizens of Suzhou became angry and did not dare to arrest people for the crime of involvement again, making Wei Gong hesitant and afraid of justice. , the conspiracy to usurp the throne is difficult to launch immediately. It has to be said that it was caused by the strength of the five people. Highlighting the outstanding achievements in fighting violence echoes the previous article "Only five people?, why?"
It then goes on to say that a high-ranking person who is in high position "once acquits himself or escapes to escape, he cannot be tolerated near or far, and there is also a person who has his hair cut off and pretends to be mad and does not know where he is. His humiliating and despicable behavior will be regarded as five How important is the importance of a person's death? "It highlights the noble character of the five people, emphasizing that the Duke of Zhou was loyal to the court, and bestowed praises and honors on his death; and the five people were also able to add their earth seals and list their names on the embankment. "Everyone from all over the world will worship and weep, and this will happen in a hundred generations." He also imagined: "Order five people to protect their leaders, and if they grow old under the roof, they will spend their natural years. They are all able to serve them, and they are able to subjugate heroes and choke the tombs, expressing the sorrow of their lofty ideals!" This shows that the author is extremely excited that their unjust cases have been exonerated and commended, as well as his sincere admiration and sincere admiration for their heroic actions! Passionate praise. It is intended to illustrate that once the shameless behavior of high-ranking people is compared with the five people, their status is extremely humble, as light as a feather, while the heroic behavior of the five people is as important as Mount Tai. Because of this, the author further pointed out that "to all the gentlemen of the same society, the person who mourned Si's tomb has his own stone, and the memorial is also to show that life and death are important, and the importance of an individual is more important than that of the country." This highlights the main purpose of the article. Adding the name of the wise scholar at the end not only echoes the beginning and end, but also commends the wise scholar.
The biggest feature of this article is that it seeks truth from facts, without false beauty or hidden evil. Record truthfully and discuss things as they happen. For example, a person with high rank and authority will "pretend to be crazy and don't know what to do" once he is accused of a crime. In fact, there was a famous calligrapher named Zhang Ruitu who was an official and a bachelor at that time. Wei Jun made a lot of new poems and asked calligraphers to inscribe plaques on them. Zhang Ruitu, who was known as "South Zhang Beikui" at that time, was from Jin, Fujian. Dong Qichang pretended that he had injured his hand in a fall while riding a horse and could not write well. But Zhang Ruitu felt so flattered that most of the inscriptions on memorial tablets in various places were written by him. Emperor Chongzhen ascended the throne, and Zhang was included in the counter-case. He fled to his hometown, but the Royal Forest Army was chasing him urgently. He pretended to be crazy, dressed in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, and talking nonsense. Crawling around in the pig pen, covered in pig feces, the smell is terrible. While walking in front of the imperial guards, he picked up the "pig and dog food" mixed with grain, sesame seeds and red glutinous rice that had been placed on the road. So the pursuers let him go. (See the "Middle School Chinese" issued by Hubei University, Issue 8, 1986)
The second characteristic is that the word "righteousness" dominates the whole article at the beginning, and the narrative and discussion center on "righteousness". The techniques of contrast and contrast are used throughout the article, and "righteousness" itself contains the contrast between righteousness and unrighteousness. Then we contrast justice and evil and intersperse the struggle between the two. The result of the comparison is the righteous side, greatness in life and glory after death, which is more important than Mount Tai; the result of the struggle is to be brutalized first and finally vindicated; the spirit lasts forever and the name will last forever. The evil side is humble in life and disgraceful in death, as light as a feather. As a result of the fight, his reputation was instantly ruined and he disappeared forever.
The third characteristic is that it integrates narrative, discussion, lyricism and description. For example, "The eunuchs of the Wei Dynasty will be destroyed and the site of the temple abandoned for burial" is a narrative, and it is full of ridicule and contempt for the eunuchs. "Wow, it's so prosperous" was the comment, which was also full of praise. "In high spirits,... talking and laughing to death, his head was beheaded and placed on the city, and his color changed a lot." The martyrs' heads are covered with blood, but the color has not changed. This describes the mood of the five people when they sacrificed their lives, and also expresses the author's praise for the five people who were still alive despite their death.