The ceremony of catching Zhou is usually at noon? Longevity noodles? Before. Rich people who pay attention to some things should display major cases in front of their beds (kang), and put on them: seals, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoist scriptures, pens, ink, paper, inkstones, abacus, coins, account books, jewelry, flowers, rouge, food, toys, and shovels, spoons (cookers), scissors and rulers (for girls to grasp the week)
An explanation of grasping the meaning of week
1, official seal: senior officials, senior officials, people in power and leaders;
2. Mo Dou: an ingenious architect and designer. Mo Dou is a very common tool in the traditional woodworking industry in China. It was invented by Lu Ban, the originator of civil architecture, who pulled the thread for his mother.
3, pen: moire longevity, be a champion calligrapher, reporter, clerk and other people who are good at writing.
4, ruyi: good luck, lucky money, lucky money.
5, wishful thinking: businessmen with good business and good financial management, abacus rings gold.
Tao Di: A versatile musician who can sing and dance. It is an ancient and distinctive ceramic musical instrument, which is said to have evolved from forest.
7. Shoes: Travelers and explorers who travel around the world with full loads.