(Song Taizong) took the written words and asked Wang Zhu. Wang Zhu's answer is still the same as at the beginning. When asked about his intentions, Wang Zhu said: "Although (the emperor) originally wrote very well, if he said so soon (the emperor wrote very well), I am afraid that the emperor will no longer pay attention to calligraphy." From then on, the emperor's calligraphy was superb, surpassing his predecessors. The world believed that this was the result of Wang Zhu's encouragement to the emperor.
Moral enlightenment:
Through the love of learning books, this paper wrote in The King: "Books are solid and good. If they are called good, I am afraid the emperor will no longer have this intention." With the help of the last successful case, it tells us that there is no end to learning and there is no end to learning. We should pursue perfection.
This article shows that Wang Zhu is a person who encourages others to learn how to guide them.