Good son-in-law
/kloc-at the age of 0/6, Wang Xizhi was chosen as the son-in-law of Dongchuang by Chi Jian. Chi Jian has a daughter who is 28 years old and has a beautiful face. She is not married. Chi Jian loves her daughter, so she wants to choose a husband for her. She has a deep friendship with Prime Minister Wang Dao and is also an official. I heard that there are many children in her family, all of whom are talented and beautiful. One morning, I told the Prime Minister Wang my idea of choosing a spouse. Prime Minister Wang said, "Well, my family has many children, so you can choose at home. I will agree with whoever you like. "
Ask the confidant housekeeper to bring a generous gift to the Prime Minister's house. When the children in Wang Fu heard that Qiu Xi sent someone to find her husband, they all dressed up and came out to meet each other. Looking around, one person is missing. The housekeeper took the housekeeper to the study of the East Cross Court and found a young man lying on his back on the bed near the east wall, indifferent to Qiu's search for a husband. When the housekeeper of Xi's mansion returned to the mansion, she said to Taiwei Xi, "I heard that Xi's mansion is looking for a husband, and there are more than twenty younger sons in the mansion, all vying for it. There is only one son lying on the east bed, and nothing happens. " Chi Jian said, "This is the kind of person I want to choose. Go and show me. " When Chi Jian came to Wang Fu, he saw that this man was both enlightened and elegant, talented and handsome. He got a dowry on the spot and chose him as his son-in-law. This is how the phrase "son-in-law in the east bed" came from. [6]
Xiang LAN ju ting
In the ninth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 353), on the third day of the third lunar month, 465,438+0 people, including Wang Xizhi, Xie An and Sun Chuo, drank wine and wrote poems in Lanting, Shaoxing, and compiled them into a book. This is the famous Preface to Lanting Collection. This post is a draft with 28 lines and 324 words. Described the scene of the collection of literati at that time. Because the author had the best effect at that time, he said that he couldn't write any more later. Among them, there are more than twenty "zhi" characters, which are written in different ways. Mi Fei called it "the best running script in the world" in Song Dynasty. [7]
Call an illness and abandon an official
In March of the 11th year of Yonghe (AD 355), Wang Xizhi claimed to be ill and abandoned his official position. "With the son fuck from wuxi migration in jinting. Build a library, plant mulberry fruits, teach children, write poems, make paintings and calligraphy, and let geese fish for entertainment. " [8] He and Xu Xun, Zhi Dun and others began to travel around the world. After settling in Jinting, calligraphy rose. His descendants are good at painting and calligraphy, and their works are hung all over the hall and study, so they are called "Huayuan Painting Hall". Later generations named the village "Huatang" and have been calling it so ever since.