Wang Shu, an ancient general of a title of generals in ancient times, is not famous, as famous as Xihe, but Xihe is very light because of its good relationship. First of all, it will be a meeting, mother will live in the county, and Xi's generation will stop, so it will be unimportant. Every time I hear the sound of the horn, I mean I have to wait for myself and wait for it. Such people have been doing this for several years, but they ignore it and say they hate it. It is also described as Yangzhou secretariat, which will levy county boundaries, but not Xihe, temporarily, and don't. First of all, Xihe often called his guest friends and said, "Huaizu is regarded as the ear of the minister, and he can get a servant shot if he votes old." If you ask for more records, you will be satisfied with yourself. "The above approval, Xi's shame under it. He sent an emissary to the imperial court, demanding that it be recorded as Yuezhou. The resignation of pedestrians was greatly laughed at by the sages. Then he felt ashamed and sighed, saying that his sons said, "I don't want to lose the memory of my ancestors, but I am in danger, so you can't wait to tell the truth." "After the inspection will take the county, argue its criminal politics, its main tired of Jane. Deeply ashamed, Xihe said that he was ill and went to the county. He swore to himself in front of his parents' graves: "Wei Yong was born in March in the 11th year, and on the 9th of 1911, Zi Xihe dared to tell the spirit of the second statue. If you don't know what's going on, you'll be fierce and won't be scolded by the court. Mother and brother bowed to Yu, and gradually got a good impression. Therefore, due to the lack of people, it was awarded by the state. When entering the festival, you are disloyal to filial piety, and you push the sages back. Every time you recite the commandments of Lao Shi and Zhou Ren, you often fear that you will die in one day, worrying about ancestor worship. It's just a small body! If you fall into a deep valley, it will be a sigh forever. The difference between stopping and not stopping is determined today. I would like to hold a banquet on the auspicious day of this month, with sincere words and vows. From now on, it is disrespectful to dare to worry about it and be greedy for perfection. Children are not children, heaven and earth are not covered, and famous teachings are not allowed. Sincerity in faith and oath is like death! 」
Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty was a rare genius with few words. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the ancient "Pen Shuo" under his father's pillow and stole it. Father asked, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the pen." Father thinks he is young and is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father, "Give it to me now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your childhood talents. " Father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress. When Mrs Wei saw it, she said to Wang Ce, the official of Taichang, "Wang Xizhi must have read Bi Shuo. I recently read his calligraphy and developed a mature and steady style. " Mrs. Wei said with tears, "This child will definitely be more famous than me." At that time, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and infiltrated the board for three points.