The mountain is not high, but there is a fairy, so it is famous; If the water is not deep, the dragon is the spirit. I am a humble room, but I am virtuous. The moss marks are green on the upper steps, and the grass is green in the curtains. I talk and laugh with a scholar, but I have no Bai Ding. I can tune the lute and read the Golden Classics. There is no fuss about the silk and bamboo, and there is no cumbersome form. Zhuge Lu, Nanyang, Yunting, Xishu. Confucius said, "What is the ugliness?"
The Book of Humble Rooms has already become a well-known "famous article". According to legend, this famous article was "angry".
Liu Yuxi offended the dignitaries of the current dynasty because he participated in the political reform movement at that time, and was demoted to Anhui and Zhou County as a small general judge. According to the regulations, the general judge should live in three three three-compartment houses in the county government. Unexpectedly, he was bullied by the county officials for half a year. In the end, it was just a dogfight. Think about this snobbish dog officer, it was really cruel, so he angrily wrote this extraordinary and elegant "Humble Room Ming" and asked someone to carve a stone tablet and stand in front of the door.
However, this "Humble Room Ming" was not contained in the collection of poems compiled by Liu Yuxi or edited by others in the Tang Dynasty, and it was originally written by Song people. There has always been a debate about whether Liu Yuxi wrote the Book of Humble Rooms.
There is a passage in Shi Zhiyuan's A Collection of Idle Houses in the Northern Song Dynasty: "The book of Humble Rooms is said to have been written by Liu Yuxi, which is absurd, and it has made people crazy and concise, stealing Yuxi's reputation, so as to make people know it." ..... to spread the word. Fu Ming's works, if they don't praise the beauty of ancestors, mean that things have been accomplished. If they are painted in this way, they don't mean that they have been engraved. If they praise the beauty of ancestors, Song Dingming is also. If they say that things have been accomplished, the inscriptions on Jin people in Zhou Temple are also. Commonly known as the "Humble Room Inscription", they don't mean that things have been accomplished, but they are extravagant and boastful. Lu Jiyun:' Ming Bo Yue is warm and moist.' Si Ming is also, the purpose is not bo Yue, and the words are not warm and moist, so what Yu Xi did is evil! Ignorant people are often carved on the wall of a hanging house. I am afraid that I will be the last child to learn Liu's name and recite it in my heart, thinking that it is a model. Isn't it a mistake? Pretending to write this article is a shame for Yu-xi, and it saves the mistake of going back to the past ... "
It can be seen that Zhiyuan's argument that Liu Yuxi didn't write The Inscription of Humble Rooms is mainly as follows: First, it doesn't conform to the genre of the inscription; Second, it doesn't conform to Liu Yuxi's personality. Third, it doesn't conform to the style of Liu Yuxi's articles.
Zhiyuan named himself the Doctrine of the Mean, and wrote The Biography of the Doctrine of the Mean. His Preface of Living in Idleness says: "Besides talking about Buddhist scriptures, I am good at reading Zhou, Kong, Yang and Meng. I often learn ancient prose to learn from it, and I like to recite five or seven-character poems." It can be proved. At the same time, Professor Bian also put forward several reasons why Liu Yuxi didn't write the humble room inscription.
The Preface of Living in Idleness was written in the ninth year of Dazhong Xiangfu (116). Snow Liu Yuxi is one of the books. This article sighs: "The vulgar biography of the humble room inscription, ... is often engraved in Wan Yan and hung. Moreover, it has been circulated.
Qian Tang Shi Zhiyuan was the first person to mention "Humble Room Inscription". Wuzhou, not far from Qian Tang, has stone carvings with this inscription. From these two signs, it is speculated that "Humble Room Inscription" was written by the literati in Zhejiang Province under the guise of Liu Yuxi. The south is humid and there is moss on the ground. The so-called "moss marks are green on the top" in "Humble Room Inscription" reveals that. Moss is rare around the house.
The Humble Room Inscription is different from Liu Yuxi's style. Liu Yuxi writes inscriptions in four or seven words, and the sentence patterns are neat. The Humble Room Inscription is only eighteen sentences, including four words and six sentences, five words and five sentences, three words and one sentence, six words and two sentences, five words and two sentences, three words and one sentence.
Liu Yuxi is good at writing on stone tablets, which is "condensed with the pen, and familiar with the style of epigraphy" (comments on Lin Shu's Selected Works of Lin's Famous Scholars and Liu Bin's Collection), "Exquisite refinement and elegance, and the right track of epigraphy" (four comments on the first volume of Gao Buying's Tang and Song Wen Ju Yao), and "carved in Wan Yan"
The Inscription of Humble Rooms is quite different from Liu Yuxi's ideological style and living environment. For example, "There is a great scholar in talking and laughing, but there is no Bai Ding in communication", which is a tone of contempt for the masses. It is different from Liu Yuxi's ideological style of "If you want others to be ignorant, it is no big deal, but you can trust them with salt, and you can give things to everyone, so that they are almost ordinary". Obviously, if "there are immortals who are famous" advocates Taoism, and "reading the Golden Classics" advocates Buddhism, it is "scholars" who come to the humble room to "talk and laugh", not monks and Taoists, which reflects that the forgers of "The Inscription of the Humble Room" lack logic and pieced together a written text. How can they be with "every word is cast like iron and cannot be easily changed"
Whether Liu Yuxi wrote it or not, the Humble Room Inscription has spread through the ages, and the Humble Room has become famous all over the world. Today, in Hexian County, Anhui Province, there are three nine houses in the shape of words, with arches and cornices, white walls and black tiles, which are elegant, quaint, quiet and beautiful. The small stone shops are green everywhere, and the pine and bamboo welcome people, which makes people seem to smell the rich fragrance of calligraphy. Carved on it is the full text of "Humble Room Inscription", written by calligrapher Meng Fanqing. It is handsome and pleasing to the eye. In the middle of the main room, there is a statue of Liu Yuxi, handsome and solemn, with the plaque of "Good Government" hanging on it.