Zheng Wenzhen and Wei Zhi couldn't afford to get sick, so too many people from different sects went to inquire, fed him medicine bait, and the people who delivered medicine kept coming. Ang Lee Yanyan, the corps commander, was also sent to stay in Wei Zhi's house and report any movement. Emperor Taizong took the prince to his residence and pointed to Princess Hengshan, hoping to marry her to Wei Shuyu, the son of Wei Zhi. On the 17th of Chen Wu, Wei Zhi died, and Emperor Taizong ordered all the civil and military officials above grade 9 to attend the funeral, and gave a guard of honor and a feathered trumpeter to be buried in Zhaoling. Wei Zhi's wife said, "Wei Zhi usually lived a simple life, but now he decorated the national flag with bird feathers and buried it with the etiquette of a first-class official. This is not the will of the deceased. " They refused, only covered the car with cloth and carried the coffin for burial. Emperor Taizong boarded the West Building of Forbidden Garden and looked at Wei Zhi's hearse and wept bitterly. Emperor Taizong personally wrote inscriptions and tombstones. Emperor Taizong kept thinking about Wei Zhi and said to the ministers around him, "People can use copper as mirrors to arrange clothes and hats. Taking history as a mirror, we can observe the ups and downs of dynasties, compare people to a mirror, and know the gains and losses of our actions. Wei Zhi died and I lost an excellent mirror. "
2. Classical Chinese interpretation
1. Naidan wrote Chen Wangsheng (write it down)
Just write the word "Chen" on the cloth with a red pen.
If you buy fish to cook, you will get a book (text) in the fish's stomach.
The soldier (in charge of diet) went to buy fish to cook. He saw a piece of cloth in the belly of the fish with the words "Chen" written on it in red pen.
After three months of war, a letter from home is worth a ton of gold.
In the case of constant war, letters from my hometown seem so precious (and kind).
A family of four is poor and has no books to read (books, books)
The family is poor and there is no place to borrow books.
5. Send books (credentials) to the court
Present credentials to the emperor at court.
The world only knows his books (calligraphy, fonts)
His calligraphy is famous all over the country.
7 "Book" said: "Full of loss, modest gain" (especially "Book of History", which refers to all classics)
Shangshu (I) said: "Pride harms others, but modesty helps yourself."
1 Who is the only king or prince? (Familiar, careful)
I hope the king and his ministers will carefully consider and discuss this matter.
People who are not born to know, who can not be confused? (Who, which)
People can't be born knowing a lot. Who can not doubt it?
Who am I, Xu Hongmei from the north of the city (which is better than …, which is better than …, and where is it?)
I am more beautiful than Xu Gong in the north of the city.
4 Harmony between cold and summer, which is the grain (mature)
Crops need to mature in winter, spring, summer and autumn.
5 which is what (which is what and which is comparable)
Translation: It depends on the context.
1. The king of Qin invited me to the wall of the fifteenth city (exchange, exchange).
The king of Qin exchanged fifteen cities for my harmonious wall.
2. People who are restrained but can't easily realize their ambitions are all big (change, change) in the four seas.
There are few officials in the world who have not changed their ambitions.
3. Pickers can easily recognize their ears (easy and easy)
People who specialize in collecting are easy to distinguish and know.
It is easy to know the truth from a distance, because of the danger between thieves (terrain, flatness and ease)
Therefore, bandits (fortresses) know exactly where the mountain is dangerous (where it is relatively flat) (where the guard is relaxed) (where it is relaxed).
It is easy to make money from the past, but if you are not kind, there will be more money (contempt).
So the ancients despised money, not (his) benevolence, but (his) too much money.
6. When the people are rich, it will be easy to fertilize the fields. If the fields are easy to fertilize, they will pay a hundredfold (renovation).
When the people are rich, they can make the land fertile, and when the land is fertile, they can make crops several times more than before.
7. Yung Wing is a sincere and headstrong talent, a peerless hero, who is not easily afraid (very, very).
Rong Lu has talents like Cao Cao and Wang Mang, and is a rare hero in the world. I'm afraid it is not easy to deal with him.
3. Classical Chinese is waiting for the original text and meaning. Just Zhao Liang.
original text
Zhao Liangzhe, Yan Ren also. Wandering in rivers and lakes is as evil as hatred. One day, when I was passing by Xie Zhuang, I heard crying, stepped into the hut and saw a disheveled and heartbroken girl. The righteous man inquired about it, only to know that he was * * * by two villains in a village. He was very painful. The righteous man came to a village angrily, demanded two villains and said, "Why are you an innocent girl?" A rogue looked at him and said, "What's the matter?" Chēn (eyes wide open) scolded him: "You are not a person, just an animal's ear!" " Before the evil sword came out, the white blade of the righteous man had entered his chest and set up a servant. The villain kneels for mercy, and the righteous beheads the public. He (jǐng, warning) must not do evil.
Zhao Liang is from Hebei. Wandering in rivers and lakes is as evil as hatred. One day, when I passed by Xie Zhuang and heard crying, I hurried into the thatched cottage and saw a girl unkempt and sad. Zhao Liang asked her what happened, only to know that she was bullied and insulted by two hooligans in a village, and she was miserable. Zhao Liang was furious and went straight to the village. He found two little people and asked them, "Why do you bully and insult girls who are not at fault?" A little man greedily said, "What's it to you?" Zhao Liang glared and scolded: "You are not a person, you are an animal." Before the schoolyard bullies could draw their swords, Zhao Liang's white sword hit his heart and fell to the ground immediately. Another rogue knelt down and begged for mercy. Zhao Liang cut off the rogue's ear to warn everyone, warning him not to do evil again!
Greedy eyes
Pinyin: h ǔ sh ǔ d ā n d ā n
Interpretation: greed: staring eyes. Staring like a tiger. Describe an evil intention and wait for an opportunity to grab it.
4. Look at the original text in classical Chinese and see the meaning. Yi Zhao Liang is the original Zhao Liang, Yan people also.
Wandering in rivers and lakes is as evil as hatred. One day, when I was passing by Xie Zhuang, I heard crying, stepped into the hut and saw a disheveled and heartbroken girl.
The righteous man inquired about it, only to know that he was * * * by two villains in a village. He was very painful. The righteous man came to a village angrily, demanded two villains and said, "Why are you an innocent girl?" A rogue looked at him and said, "What's the matter?" Chēn (eyes wide open) scolded him: "You are not a person, just an animal's ear!" " Before the evil sword came out, the white blade of the righteous man had entered his chest and set up a servant.
The villain kneels for mercy, and the righteous beheads the public. He (jǐng, warning) must not do evil. Zhao Liang is from Hebei.
Wandering in rivers and lakes is as evil as hatred. One day, when I passed by Xie Zhuang and heard crying, I hurried into the thatched cottage and saw a girl unkempt and sad.
Zhao Liang asked her what happened, only to know that she was bullied and insulted by two hooligans in a village, and she was miserable. Zhao Liang was furious and went straight to the village. He found two little people and asked them, "Why do you bully and insult girls who are not at fault?" A little man greedily said, "What's it to you?" Zhao Liang glared and scolded: "You are not a person, you are an animal."
Before the schoolyard bullies could draw their swords, Zhao Liang's white Jian Qing hit his heart and fell to the ground. Another rogue knelt down and begged for mercy.
Zhao Liang cut off the rogue's ear to warn everyone, warning him not to do evil again! Pinyin: h ǔ shǔ dǔ nǔ nǔ nǔ nǔ Interpretation: ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ 4
Describe an evil intention and wait for an opportunity to grab it.