Jiaozi sold in the store is like a duckling playing in the water. They are extremely delicate and delicious, so their business is booming, but the words on the signboard are crooked. The shopkeeper is a white-haired grandmother who skillfully rolls jiaozi with leather bag stuffing. She wrapped a jiaozi, without looking, threw it casually, bypassed the low wall and fell into the pot without bias or inclination. Wang Xizhi was surprised and asked the old man how long it would take to practice such deep kung fu. Grandma said: "It takes fifty years to be proficient, and it takes a lifetime to practice deeply." Wang Xizhi asked the old man, business is so good, why not ask celebrities to write signs? The old man said angrily, "The invitation is not good!" Take ten-year-old boy Wang Xizhi as an example. It's amazing. In fact, his writing skills are not as deep as mine! "Wang Xizhi felt ashamed. From then on, he knew that there was someone outside and there was a day behind. He studied calligraphy harder and eventually became a master of calligraphy.