Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in Jin Dynasty, studied calligraphy in Linchi for twenty years. Only when he washed his pen and dyed the water black did his calligraphy reach perfection. Work is the foundation of success. If a person wants to succeed, he must go through hard struggle, which is also the process of accumulating work.
A drop of water fell from the eaves and landed heavily on the stone, splashing a splash, but there was no trace on the stone. However, a year later, two years later ... the hard stone was finally penetrated by water drops.
If success is easy and can be achieved without struggle, if success does not require work accumulation and hard climbing, then success will become cheap and lose its original dazzling color. Then why should we succeed?
Li Shizhen traveled across mountains and rivers, tasted all kinds of herbs, collected and sorted them for decades, and kept writing, which led to the pharmaceutical masterpiece Compendium of Materia Medica. Sima Qian traveled to famous mountains and rivers, read classic cheats, was imprisoned, endured humiliation and insisted on writing, and the birth of historical records.
On the road to success, there are neither shortcuts nor precious gourds, so instead of sitting and admiring others' "success", it is better to stand up and accumulate your own "achievements". It should be noted that the blooming of any flower requires the long-term gestation of buds; Any medal requires the winner to pay a corresponding price. Success is selfish, it will never give glory to lazy people, success is fair, and it will shine bright stars on persistent strugglers without reservation.
1. Success is (selfish) for lazy people and (fair) for strugglers.
2. There are two obvious characteristics at the end of this paper, namely:
1. (summary of the last article) 2. (point out the theme);