What should I buy for my parents when I go home?

When you go home to visit your parents, you should buy something that your parents like. This is what you bought for your parents when you went home.

0 1 cake

When you go home to see your parents, you should buy some delicious cakes for your parents. Parents usually scrimp and save. When you visit your parents, you should buy some delicious cakes for your parents to taste.

02 mobile phone

Nowadays, mobile phones are popular and smart phones are very cheap. Buy a smart phone for parents, replace the old one, and let parents experience a new sense of fluency.

03 sparerib

When you go home to visit your parents, buy more spareribs for them and stew a pot of braised spareribs for them to eat, so as to increase nutrition and make them live a long and healthy life.

04 clothes

When you go home to visit your parents, buy each parent a seasonal dress, so that parents can feel their children's filial piety and enjoy family happiness.