Li Zai, the son of his brother and Minister of Housing, received an obituary in Beijing and will resign (return to his hometown) to pay his respects. I went to pay my respects and said to him, "In ancient times (for mourning), relatives and elders who needed to mourn for about a year died within five clothes, and officials had to resign from their official positions (to go home to mourn); The elder with the lightest sorrow in the five clothes died, and the scholar could not take the imperial examination.
Now you go back to your hometown to express your condolences, which is a sign of observing etiquette. Li said to him, "(I do this) is it used for etiquette?" I did it just to express my grief. "
As he spoke, he cried and said, "My uncle has been buried for some days, and a sarcophagus was buried in the grave. Just set up a stone tablet in the aisle in front of the grave to show his resume and moral character for future generations to see, and respectfully entrust the matter to Mr. "So (he) gave me a detailed statement (Mr. Li's resume and moral character).
Li received me with great respect and asked with a heavy gift. How can I refuse? Considering Mr. Wang's strong and upright character, there is nothing he dare not do for the sake of what. Everything he undertakes must come from the public interest, and sometimes he doesn't care about his private affairs.
The more things others are afraid of, the braver they are to do. In the early years of Jiaqing, followers of Sichuan and Chu rebelled one after another, and almost all areas of Hanshui Mianshui and Jingzhou Xiangyang were harassed and destroyed.
There is a Huan Tan town in the west of Suizhou, which is a big town. Thieves are going to invade there on a large scale and prepare for looting.
Mr. Wang told every household in the town that a man was holding a pile of firewood and a long pole in his hand to light a torch. Arranged neatly at the water's edge like a word, firewood burned all night (on the shore) and burned for six or seven miles. Thieves were afraid to cross the water, so Suizhou did not fall into the hands of thieves.
There is a field near the village that has been flooded for a long time. Officials demanded the neighboring village to pay the land tax, so the people suffered very serious losses. Mr. Wang complained to all government agencies one by one, begging for exemption from land tax for landless people, and finally the government agreed to his request.
Other things that are beneficial to the villagers are similar. So the county has something to do, unless he advocates it, it can't be done well; Disputes in the village will not end without his mediation.
His position is noble and prominent, and everyone says he hopes so! He was ill, and everyone went to see him! He died, and everyone cried for him very sadly. The Li family lived in Suizhou for generations, and their family was poor.
When Mr. Wang was a teenager, he worked hard with his brother XXX. It is estimated that he will never be able to show it to his family in the end, so he dropped out of school to go into business, and gradually accumulated thousands of dollars, all of which were used to help his brother learn the knowledge of being an official, and he didn't ask anything else. After a long time, he donated money to the court for his brother and was made an official.
Later, he was promoted to Songming Prefecture, Yunnan Province, and Mr. Wang himself was qualified to be a martial artist. Since then, Li's sons and nephews have made great achievements in their official careers, and literature has been able to make progress for officials and gradually expand the Li family.
Sir's first name is a certain name. Great-grandfather Li, grandfather Li, did not become an official.
Father Li, because of Song Mingjun's prominent status, accepted the imperial examination and became a doctor. Mr. Wang has two sons, the eldest son Li. Because Song Mingjun was born late, he was adopted as an heir, and later (Song Mingjun gave birth to a son) he never came home. The second son Li.
Grandson Li moumou. In the twenty years after Song Mingjun's death, Mr. Wang (independently) raised orphans, which was very hard and caring.
Li Jinjing is an official, and Mr. Li fully supports him, just like his brother. He treats his brothers' sons without knowing that they are not his own sons; He treats his sons, not knowing that they are not his brother's sons.
Alas! From the point of view of ordinary people, he has too much kindness to the villagers; Judging him from the perspective of an enlightened person who knows the way of heaven and earth and the reason of personnel, his contribution to the family is even more difficult! It's harder to do, and you can become an immortal! Note 1, Suizhou: place name. The youngest prefecture-level city in Hubei Province is located in the north of Hubei Province.
Suizhou is known as "the throat of Han Xiang" and "the pearl of northern Hubei". Suizhou, known as "the land of the Eastern Han Dynasty" in ancient times, is famous for its "antiquity, strangeness, beauty and novelty" and is a famous historical and cultural city in China.
According to historical records and the research of experts and scholars at home and abroad, Shennong, the ancestor of China Emperor Yan Di, was born in Lieshan (Lishan Town) in Suizhou, which has become a holy place for China people at home and abroad to find their roots. Large-scale complete sets of chimes (percussion instruments) unearthed from Leigudun in the west of Suizhou City are praised as world miracles at home and abroad.
2. Tomb table: tombstone. Because it stands in front of or in the tomb to commemorate the dead, it is called it.
Later, it was converted to refer to a specific style. Xu Shizeng in the Ming Dynasty said in the Preface to Stylistic Analysis: "According to the tomb table, from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the tomb table dedicated to Jing Jun was set up in the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, and later.
Its style is the same as that of the tablet, and it can be used with or without officials, unless there is a grade restriction on the tablet. Qing Mi Jing "He Li" said: "It is only the method of epitaph, and it only counts major events. Depending on the style of tombstone and temple monument, the style of epitaph is also different.
Epitaphs can express feelings, say small things and show off. "Hua Yao's" Post-thesis Catalogue III ":"Those with the same name but different from the tomb style have tomb tables, such as Lu Xian; There is a tomb, such as a room announcement.
The table was planted outside the tomb or hidden in the tomb. 3. Zeng Guofan (181-1872): Zicheng, formerly known as Bo Han, was born in Shengdi, the grandson of the seventieth Saint Ceng Zi.
China was a politician, strategist, philosopher and writer in modern times, the founder and commander-in-chief of Xiang Army. Zeng Guofan was born in a landlord family. He has been diligent and studious since childhood. He entered this school at the age of six.
At the age of 8, he can read four books and recite five classics. At the age of 14, he can read Zhou Li and Historical Records. In the 18th year of Daoguang (1838), he entered imperial academy and was a protege of Zhang Mu, Minister of Military Affairs.
Reluctantly moved to a bachelor's degree in cabinet, assistant minister of does, assistant minister of military, industrial, criminal and official departments. We are close friends with university students such as Woren, Huining Road and Guizhen, and strive for "practical learning".
Peace day.
2. Sui Shu Liu Zhuochuan Translation Liu Zhuozi Teachers College, Changting, the provincial capital city.
Father Liu Qia, is a county gongcao.
Liu Zhuo has a protruding forehead and a turtle-like back. He is farsighted, smart, keen and calm, and he didn't like to play when he was young.
When I was a child, I made an alliance with Liu Xuan in Hejian and became friends. He studied the Book of Songs with Liu Guisi, Mao Dang's Zuo Zhuan and Fucheng Xiong Ansheng Li. I left without finishing my studies.
Wu Qiang Jiao Jinqiao Liu Zhihai's family has always had many ancient books. Liu Zhuo and Liu Xuan go there to study. After about ten years, although they have no worries about food and clothing, their hearts are still very calm.
So he became famous for Confucianism and became a doctor in Zhou.
Tang Ying, secretary of the Secretariat, recommended him to work and was recommended as a scholar. He won the first prize in the exam.
Wang Shao, the co-author, revised the national history and participated in the discussion of the music calendar. He was on duty again and again, waiting for advice, and soon became a foreign general.
Later, together with other Confucian scholars, I examined various works in the secretary province and went back to my hometown on vacation. Wei Yezhi, the county magistrate, recommended him as a kung fu.
Soon, he went to Beijing again to discuss the ancient and modern problems of Guo Zi School and the significance of the ignorance of the sages with Zuo Fushe, Su Yang, Niu Hong, Shangshu of the official department, Su Wei, Yuan Shan, Dr. Xiao Gai, He Tuo, Dr. Fang Huiyuan, Cui Chongde, Wen Xue and others.
The humiliation of getting on the seat and the debate started one after another, which could not make Liu Zhuo give up. Su Yang and others admire his profound knowledge.
In six years, the Shijing of Luoyang was shipped to Beijing. Because the words are ambiguous, no one can recognize them. The emperor ordered Liu Zhuo to consult with Liu Xuan and others.
Later, when Liu Zhuo and Liu Xuan were studying in the garden, they paid tribute to the sages and teachers. They both talked about justice and rationality, which made all Confucian scholars feel very depressed. All the Confucian scholars gathered secret jealousy and resentment, so Liu Zhuo was slandered in an emergency and was removed as Shu Ren.
Therefore, I live leisurely in my hometown, taking teaching and writing as my own responsibility and working tirelessly.
Jia Kui, Ma Rong, Wang Yi and Zheng Xuan commented on books, and Liu Zhuo also made many comments.
There are more than ten books, such as Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, Zhou Xie and Seven almanac. Liu Zhuo has examined its basis and unveiled its mystery.
He wrote ten volumes of Ji Ji, ten volumes of Li Shu and the Five Classics, all of which are well-known works.
Liu Xuan was smart and knowledgeable, and his fame was second only to that of Liu Zhuo, so people called them "Er Liu" at that time.
China later Confucian scholars hope to learn by answering questions, and countless people come from thousands of miles away.
Critics believe that for hundreds of years, there has not been a knowledgeable scholar above him.
However, he is not broad-minded and stingy in property. No one had ever taught the man who didn't pay for the manuscript, so people looked down on him at that time.
When the loser prince Yong Yang heard that his name called him, he didn't have time to see him. The emperor ordered Liu Zhuo to serve the King of Shu, because it was not what he wanted, and he didn't go for a long time.
The king of Shu was very angry and sent someone to take him to Shu and send him to engage in military defense.
Later, he presided over the arrangement of books.
King Shu was abolished because of his sin, and revised and approved the etiquette and criminal law with all Confucian scholars, and served as a captain.
After Yang Di acceded to the throne, he was transferred to the Imperial College and soon left due to illness.
After a few years, he was called to consult, so he submitted an almanac, but unlike Zhang invited by the Tai Shi, he was rejected.
Daye died in six years at the age of 67.
3. Interpretation of vernacular Chinese by Sui Shu Liu Zhuo: Liu Zhuozi is a scholar and a native of Changting, Xindu.
Father Liu Qia, is a county gongcao. Liu Zhuo has a protruding forehead and a turtle-like back. He is farsighted, smart, keen and calm, and he didn't like to play when he was young.
When I was a child, I made an alliance with Liu Xuan in Hejian and became friends. He studied the Book of Songs with Liu Guisi, Mao Dang's Zuo Zhuan and Fucheng Xiong Ansheng Li. I left without finishing my studies. Wu Qiang Jiao Jinqiao Liu Zhihai's family has always had many ancient books. Liu Zhuo and Liu Xuan go there to study. After about ten years, although they have no worries about food and clothing, their hearts are still very calm.
So he became famous for Confucianism and became a doctor in Zhou. Tang Ying, secretary of the Secretariat, recommended him to work and was recommended as a scholar. He won the first prize in the exam.
Wang Shao, the co-author, revised the national history and participated in the discussion of the music calendar. He was on duty again and again, waiting for advice, and soon became a foreign general. Later, together with other Confucian scholars, I examined various works in the secretary province and went back to my hometown on vacation. Wei Yezhi, the county magistrate, recommended him as a kung fu.
Soon, he went to Beijing again to discuss the ancient and modern problems of Guo Zi School and the significance of the ignorance of the sages with Zuo Fushe, Su Yang, Niu Hong, Shangshu of the official department, Su Wei, Yuan Shan, Dr. Xiao Gai, He Tuo, Dr. Fang Huiyuan, Cui Chongde, Wen Xue and others. The humiliation of getting on the seat and the debate started one after another, which could not make Liu Zhuo give up. Su Yang and others admire his profound knowledge.
In six years, the Shijing of Luoyang was shipped to Beijing. Because the words are ambiguous, no one can recognize them. The emperor ordered Liu Zhuo to consult with Liu Xuan and others. Later, when Liu Zhuo and Liu Xuan were studying in the garden, they paid tribute to the sages and teachers. They both talked about justice and rationality, which made all Confucian scholars feel very depressed. All the Confucian scholars gathered secret jealousy and resentment, so Liu Zhuo was slandered in an emergency and was removed as Shu Ren.
Therefore, I live leisurely in my hometown, taking teaching and writing as my own responsibility and working tirelessly. Jia Kui, Ma Rong, Wang Yi and Zheng Xuan commented on books, and Liu Zhuo also made many comments.
There are more than ten books, such as Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, Zhou Xie and Seven almanac. Liu Zhuo has examined its basis and unveiled its mystery. He wrote ten volumes of Ji Ji, ten volumes of Li Shu and the Five Classics, all of which are well-known works.
Liu Xuan was smart and knowledgeable, and his fame was second only to that of Liu Zhuo, so people called them "Er Liu" at that time. China later Confucian scholars hope to learn by answering questions, and countless people come from thousands of miles away.
Critics believe that for hundreds of years, there has not been a knowledgeable scholar above him. However, he is not broad-minded and stingy in property. No one had ever taught the man who didn't pay for the manuscript, so people looked down on him at that time.
When the loser prince Yong Yang heard that his name called him, he didn't have time to see him. The emperor ordered Liu Zhuo to serve the King of Shu, because it was not what he wanted, and he didn't go for a long time. The king of Shu was very angry and sent someone to take him to Shu and send him to engage in military defense.
Later, he presided over the arrangement of books. King Shu was abolished because of his sin, and revised and approved the etiquette and criminal law with all Confucian scholars, and served as a captain.
After Yang Di acceded to the throne, he was transferred to the Imperial College and soon left due to illness. After a few years, he was called to consult, so he submitted an almanac, but unlike Zhang invited by the Tai Shi, he was rejected.
Daye died in six years at the age of 67. Original text: Liu Zhuo, born in Shiyuan, is a native of Changting, the capital of Beijing.
Father QIA, county gongcao. There is a rhinoceros on the turtle's back. Looking high and far, it is deep in wisdom and weak and difficult to control.
Less ally with Hejian, Liu Guisi, who is in the same county as Shi Pin, left without graduation from Mao Chang in Zuo Zhuan to Xiong Ansheng in Li Wen. Wu Qiang Jiao Jinqiao Liu Zhihai has many graves and studied for ten years. Although he has no food and clothing, he is as good as Yan.
He is famous for Confucianism and is Zhou's doctor. Zhao Tong, the secretariat, cited him as a scholar and shot Jiake.
He studied the history of the country with the author of Lang and consulted the legal calendar, but he still went directly to the province and waited for the consultant. Russian generals other than members.
Later, he and Confucian scholars made a textual research in the secretarial office. Wei, the county magistrate, was awarded merit for returning home falsely.
Back to Beijing, I was on an equal footing with Zuofu, Niu Hong, Shangshu of the official department, Su Wei, Yuan Shan, Dr. Xiao Gai, Dr. He Tuo, Dr. Fang Huiyuan, Cui, Li, and Cui Hu. Every time I reach the top, I can't bow my head, and Su Yang and others can't refuse to accept his knowledge.
In six years, Luoyang Shijing was transported to the capital, and the words were indelible. Those who can't know it, such as Feng Yi and Liu Xuan. Later, Guo Zi was slandered by Zhang Fei because of his drinking, his benevolence and righteousness, and his deep frustration with Confucianism.
So I traveled to the countryside, devoted myself to teaching writing and worked tirelessly. The chapters handed down from generation to generation by Jia, Ma, Wang and Zheng are full of right and wrong.
There are more than ten books, such as Nine Chapters Arithmetic, Zhou Xie and Seven Yao Almanac, which push the classics of the sun and the moon and measure the skills of mountains and seas, all of which are essential and poor. He is the author of ten volumes of Jiji, ten volumes of Li Shu and Five Classics.
As clever and knowledgeable as the dragon, everyone calls him Er. Famous Confucian scholars in the world are backward, questioning their official career, and countless people come from thousands of miles away.
Critics believe that after hundreds of years, they are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and they are second to none. And those who are not open-minded and increase their wealth will not practice, no one has taught them, and sometimes people use them less.
The abandoned prince bravely called him, but he did not enter the court. The imperial edict is for the king of Shu, and it won't take long. Hearing this, the King of Qi was furious and sent people to see Shu in a flail, which was worthy of great army defense.
Later, these books were proofread. The king abolished it with sin, and the dragon made etiquette with Confucianism, except riding a captain in the clouds.
Emperor Yang Di ascended the throne and moved to imperial academy, but Russia resigned due to illness. A few years later, he was recruited as a consultant, because the almanac written before was different from that written by Zhang Zhou appointed by the Taishi, and was rejected.
Daye died of illness for six years at the age of 67. This paper takes Wei Zhi's Sui Shu in the Tang Dynasty as the background: First, the guiding ideology is clear.
Emperor Taizong, who ordered the revision of the history of the Sui Dynasty, experienced the war to destroy the Sui Dynasty. After taking office, he often talked about the lessons of the demise of the Sui Dynasty and clearly put forward the view that "taking the ancient as a mirror, we can watch the rise and fall". Taking history as a mirror, taking history as a mirror, has become the guiding ideology of the revision of Sui History.
Secondly, "Sui Shu" carries forward the fine historical tradition of expressing one's feelings directly, and the commentators are not so taboo. Editor-in-chief Wei Zhi is upright and upright. He presided over the compilation of biographies, and his writing style was not much, which was not taboo for the venerable master.
For example, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was mean and arbitrary, disliked writing poems, and hid in the avenue, while Yang Di was melodramatic and hoed off.
4. Flattering others is called "wearing a top hat". Did people really wear high hats in ancient times? We often hear the word "wearing a top hat" in our life. We call people who like to kiss up to others "people in high hats".
There is an official in Beijing who is going to work as a farewell teacher in other places. The teacher said, "Local officials are not good, so be careful."
The student replied, "I want to have a hundred tall hats, and I will give one to each of them." I think I will get along well! " "When the teacher heard this, he was very angry:" Scholars pay attention to honesty and frankness, so why bother? "The student immediately said," How many people in the world like teachers don't like being flattered? "The teacher nodded:" What you said makes sense! "When the students came out, they told others," I used to have a hundred tall hats, but now there are only ninety-nine left. "Of course, this is just a story.
According to Northern History? "Biography of Xiong Ansheng" said: "Zongdao will wear high-wing hats and big coffins. When the state is coming, he will pay an audience, raise his head, raise his elbow and bow down to the coffin. Self-proclaimed bachelors are mostly three public. "
Zhai Hao, a scholar in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, wrote "Wearing a Top Hat" in the clothes category of Volume 25 of Popular Articles. After quoting this historical material, he added the following remarks: "Now it is said that the empty space expands itself, and those who praise themselves are good at wearing high hats, so they build it."
According to Zhai Hao, the word "wearing a top hat" comes from a Confucian scholar named Zong Daohui in the Northern Wei Dynasty. His behavior is very strange. He likes to wear a tall hat and big clogs.
Judging from its notes, the bad habit of wearing high hats was very common in Qianlong period. Officials in the early Ming Dynasty were all "short crowns with black veil". After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the social atmosphere changed greatly.
For example, Wang Chang, the minister in charge of the Ministry of War, said: "The gauze cap is the top, the boots are the bottom, and the high bar is used. People call it' Mr. Sangao' (Volume I of Guest Redundancy). As can be seen from the above materials, "wearing a top hat" has evolved from a bad habit of one person to a bad atmosphere of the whole society, and then reflected in people's social psychology.
We call flattering others "wearing a top hat". Of course, it's not to give a hat, but to satisfy each other's vanity.
5. Who were the celebrities in ancient Hebei Jizhou? A, the emperor officer to 1, Tong Pi Liu Xiu went to Luoyang to worship Tong Pi too often, and was later appointed as Zuo Cao's assistant, serving around the emperor.
During the Song Dynasty, Zhou Qiren honored Tong Pi as the "King of Medicine", and during the period of Taiping and Xingguo in the Northern Song Dynasty (976-984 AD), qi zhou established the "Temple of the King of Medicine". Liu Yong, a college student in the Qing Dynasty, inscribed a tablet for "Wang Yao Temple".
2. Feng Ba (? -43 1), the word Wen Qi, was born in Guo Jun, Beiyan, sixteen countries in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Xindu, Changle County (now Moon Village, Jizhou Town, jizhou city). In 409 AD, Gao Yun, the prince of Yan, was killed by his subordinates, and Feng Baping settled the matter and was elected king by the people. The year number is "Taiping", and the country is still called Yan (known as Beiyan in history).
In 43 1 year, Feng Ba was seriously ill, and the philosophers and their brothers fought for power and the king, killing each other and dying of panic. 3, Hongfeng, the word, the younger brother of Feng Ba, the monarch of Beiyan.
When Feng Ba was in power, Hongfeng was named Zhongshan Gong. After the death of Feng Ba, Hongfeng killed Feng Yi, the son of Feng Ba, and established himself as the monarch of Beiyan, with the title "Taixing" and reigned for six years.
In 437 AD, Wei Bing was forced to flee to North Korea (present-day Korea) at the gate of Beiyan. Two years later, he was killed by the king of South Korea. 4. Feng Taihou (44 1-490), a native of Xindu, Changle County (now Moon Village, Jizhou Town, jizhou city), the granddaughter of Hongfeng, the monarch of Beiyan, was an outstanding female reformer.
5. Feng (? -495), the word Jinchang, was born in Changle Xindu (now Moon Village, jizhou city), the younger brother of Feng Taihou, surrendered to the Northern Wei Dynasty with his father Lang Feng, and was convicted and killed. After being killed, Feng was taken away by his mother, fled to raise him and learned a good martial arts.
Later, I went to Chang 'an to study Xiao Jing, The Analects of Confucius and The Art of War of Yin and Yang. Feng Zhangzi married Princess Changle, the younger sister of Emperor Xiaowen, and worshipped a captain, lieutenant Zheng and Nanping Wang.
In the 19th year of Taihe (AD 495), Feng died of illness and was posthumously given to Fu, Tai Wei and Jizhou. Emperor Xiaowen set up an epitaph to express his condolences. 6. Shangyi, a native of Jizhou (now jizhou city) in the Ming Dynasty, was known as the "Cloth Order" because of his incorruptible officials.
Shangyi Yongle was a juror in the three-year examination and served as the magistrate of Yan 'an County. Shangyi was a county magistrate in Yan 'an for eighteen years. He is an honest official, dedicated to the people, never corrupt, and only wears shabby cloth all his life. Only ceremonial robes are made of silk, which is called "cloth robe order".
Shangyi has been an official for several years, but poverty remains the same. The people of Yan 'an County have set up a monument of love for Shangyi.
7. Sun Jing, whose real name is Wen Bao, was born in Xindu (present-day jizhou city) in the Han Dynasty. The allusion of "head hanging beam" came from Sun Jing. "Peaceful Magnolia" contains: He is "studious and never stops in the morning and evening". He studied hard all the year round behind closed doors and was called "Mr. Closed Door".
Sun Jing often stays up late to study hard. In order to get rid of drowsiness, he was tied to the roof beam. If he bends his head to sleep, he will pull his hair to wake up. Sun Jing studied hard with his unique "hanging beam" spirit and finally became a well-known scholar at that time.
Later generations highly praised Sun Jing's "hanging beam" spirit of studying hard. There is "hanging a beam and stabbing a stock, but he is diligent without teaching, like a firefly, like snow, and his family is poor and does not drop out of school". Sun Jing and Su Qin, as well as Che Yin's Capsule Firefly and Sun Kang's Snow, are listed as role models for studying hard. 8. Liu Zhuo (544-6 10), a native of Xindu County (now jizhou city), was a scholar and astronomer in the Sui Dynasty.
Liu Zhuo was smart since he was a child, and he had a good relationship with Liu Xuan in Hejian. Together, they learned the Book of Songs from Liu Guisi of Xindu County, Zuo Zhuan from Mao and Yi Li from An Sheng. Later, they studied hard for ten years at the University of Wuqiang, Liu Zhihai, and became famous scholars and state doctors, that is, Liu Xuan. Liu Zhuo's works include Ten Volumes of Historical Records, Ten Volumes of Li Shu, Five Classics, etc., which were later lost.
There is 1 volume "Shangshu Liu Yishu" in Ma Guohan's "Han Yu Shan Fang Yi Shu Collection" in Qing Dynasty. When introducing The Scholars, Tang said: "Commentators believe that their knowledge of Confucianism is second to none for hundreds of years."
Fan Wenlan, a modern historian, wrote in the third volume of A General History of China, "The most famous Confucian scholars in the Sui Dynasty were only Liu Zhuo and Liu Xuan." 9. Kong Chao's father (? -784), born in Jizhou (now jizhou city), was a minister in the Tang Dynasty. He was one of the "Six Replies of Zhuxi" and made friends with literary giants such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Huang Furan. Some excellent poems were published in the world, but they were later lost.
10 Hu (1884- 1942), born in Jizhou (now Fujiazhuang Village, jizhou city), was a famous calligrapher in modern times. Hu was born in a scholarly family. His ancestor Hu founded Yi ology. Grandfather Ying was a candidate in Qing Dynasty and worked as a teacher in Yixue. His father, Hu Ceng, teaches in the capital and is good at calligraphy.
1 1, Daoan (3 12-385), an outstanding translator and famous monk in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Daoan was a scholar family in Fuliu County (now Liucun Village, Xiaozhai Township, jizhou city). His original surname was Wei, and he called himself Shi.
12, Song Mailun (1809- 1893), a famous patriotic martial artist in the middle of Qing Dynasty, was called "Shen Quan Song Lao Mai" and was born in Jizhou (now Zhaojiazhuang Village, Zhang Huai Township, jizhou city). His father, Song Qice, was a university student in the Qing Dynasty.
13, Yin Fu (1840- 1909), born in Jizhou (now Zhang Huai Village, Zhang Huai Township, jizhou city), was a martial artist in the late Qing Dynasty, known as "Thin Yin", and was a member of the Boxer during Guangxu period. 14, Li (1900- 1995), the third generation descendant of Baguazhang, was called "Wu Jie" and was born in Jizhou (now Li Tao Village, Jizhou Town, jizhou city).
15, Zhang Chang: Pingyang (now southwest of Linfen, Shanxi Province) in the east of the Western Han Dynasty, with a high word. It's my first time as a servant.
Xuan Di, then a doctor in Taichung, offended General Huo Guang and was demoted to a captain in Hanguguan. After Huo Guang's death, he was appointed Jing Zhaoyin. Later, he served as Jizhou secretariat.
As Jing Zhaoyin, he paints eyebrows for his wife every day. After Thrushcross, it became a romantic story of husband and wife's love.
16, Cui Hong: The word is Xuanbo, and there are few wizards, so he is called "Jizhou prodigy". He was born in Cui Shi, the largest cremation Qinghe in the north at that time.
After Fu Jian, the younger brother of the former Qin emperor, was integrated into Jizhou, he paid him a respectful tribute, worshipped him as assistant minister of Yangping, and led Jizhou to engage in it. People call him "Wang Zuo's talent, unprecedented in modern times".
17, Li: Uncle of the father of the famous poetess Li Qingzhao. Celebrities in the Northern Song Dynasty wrote articles, which were circulated in the history of the Song Dynasty.
Song Shenzong was a scholar in Xining for nine years (1076), and once served as a military attache and probation officer in Jizhou (now jizhou city).
6. Ancient Chinese words for burial:
Bury-Bury, funeral. "Water Margin" the second time: "Buried in the ancestral grave of Xishan Village. Shi Jinjia has never been seen since. "
Funeral —— The meaning of burial in China's classical literature. Chapters 3 and 2 of the History of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: "So, if you are a son, you must pay tribute when you are alive and be buried when you are dead. You have never heard of those who fight for wealth and never die. "
Bury it.-bury the body. Wang Song Anshi's poem "Car Corner": "Those who are still afraid of drowning will get it, and the sediment is often buried."
Bury-bury; Bury the body. Xiong Ansheng: "An ancient tomb in a village is the tomb of Xiong Guang, a general of Shanxi and Henan. He has been here for 72 years. This ancient monument was buried for the villagers. "
Bury-bury; Cover it up Tang Li Bai's "Harmony: There are chariots and horses at the door": "The north wind raises Hu Sha and buries Zhou Qin."
7. What do you mean by wearing a top hat? Wearing a top hat is also called buttoning a top hat. Literally means to raise others, whether intentionally or truly.
"Northern History Xiong Ansheng Biography" said: "The Zongdao Association is good at wearing high-wing hats and big coffins. The country is coming, and he will pay an audience, raise his head and raise his elbow, and bow down to the coffin. Self-proclaimed bachelors are mostly three public. " During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, scholar Zhai Hao wrote "Wearing a Top Hat" in the category of clothes in Volume 25 of Popular Articles. After quoting this historical material, he added a note: "Today, people say that they are proud and praise themselves, saying that they are good at wearing high hats, because of this." According to Zhai Hao, the bad habit of wearing a top hat was listed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Because Zong Daohui was a Confucian scholar with excellent self-feeling and strange behavior in the Northern Wei Dynasty, his high-winged hat, especially his big shoes, made him famous in the North. Can this statement be established? This needs further study. It is worth noting that, judging from Zhai Hao's comments, there was a saying of "wearing a top hat" during the Qianlong period, and he liked others to flatter himself. Of course, this does not mean that the bad habit of wearing a top hat begins when you are dry. As far as the literature can be found at present, this bad habit has been widely spread in society at the latest in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The premise of the bad habit of wearing a top hat is the social psychological generalization of being proud of it. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, officials were "short-crowned and black-veiled" and were not proud of their high hats. But by the middle of the Ming dynasty, the atmosphere had changed greatly. For example, Wang Chang, the minister in charge of the Ministry of War, said: "The gauze cap is the top, the boots are the bottom, and the high bar is used. People call it' Mr. San Gao'. " (Hakka Words, Volume 1). It can be seen that black hats change from short to high, and high hats are popular. Feudal society is an official-oriented society. Since all the officials in power regard wearing a top hat as an honor, the social atmosphere will inevitably change.