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How to turn on Xiaomi 8 when it doesn't turn on at regular intervals?
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How to turn on Xiaomi 8 when it doesn't turn on at regular intervals?
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Why doesn't Xiaomi mobile phone work when it is turned on regularly?
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If you encounter a time switch failure of your mobile phone, I suggest you: 1. Try to set a time switch machine with an interval of 10 minute to see if the problem still exists; 2. Check whether it is in the charging state from the planned shutdown to the startup (in the shutdown state, when the charging process reaches 100%, it may lead to time on-off failure).
2022- 1 1-06
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Xiaomi 8 can't be turned on
Miss Xiao Yuan, a digital genius.
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Hello, dear, let me answer for you this time. Please be patient. There are several reasons why the mobile phone has power but cannot be turned on: 1. The power line is not normal. Look: use an external power supply to power the mobile phone, and use an electric meter to check whether the indicator light has changed. If there is no change, it is likely that the boot cable is broken or the boot key is in poor contact. 2. The battery power supply circuit is abnormal: use the external interface to supply power to the mobile phone, and turn it on to see if it returns to normal. If it is normal, it is determined that the mobile phone power supply circuit is abnormal. 3. Abnormal mobile phone power IC: Test the peripheral circuit of the power IC against the circuit schematic diagram to see if the test value is normal. 4. The system clock and reset of the mobile phone are abnormal: you can use the dual main oscilloscopes to detect the CPU power supply of the mobile phone to see if the waveform in the reset is correct. 5. There is something wrong with the logic circuit: the circuit board of the mobile phone is faulty. Generally, this problem can be solved by repair welding.
2022-07- 14
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