When the new office building is completed, Mr. Wang wants to ask Liu Baitong to write an inscription for the company. But if you know, Liu Baitong is lofty, and he is despised by the general nouveau riche. If the company doesn't ask Liu Baitong to write an inscription, it will definitely make everyone laugh. If you come to the door in person, you are afraid of refusing. Reasoning, Wang asked his assistant to move an urn of rice wine from the backyard, and then wrote a letter and sent it to Liu Baitong's home.
After Wang's assistant left, Liu Baitong's son, Liu Ru, saw the jar of rice wine and said, "Give away the cheap wine."
Liu baitong didn't say a word. That urn is really ugly, with a round belly, a flat mouth, a dull color and many burrs. Liu Ru said, "Dad, he looks down on you, so don't respect him. I'll write this word. Deal with it."
While Liu Ru was writing, Liu Baitong opened the seal of the urn and took out some wine with a small spoon. As soon as the wine entered, I felt that the sauce was outstanding, with sweetness in the spicy and cotton in the sweet. Exquisite taste, full-bodied, elegant and delicate, with a long aftertaste. The quality of this wine is absolutely no less than that of Maotai.
Liu Baitong understands that Wang Boss is secretly sending a message: nothing can be judged by its appearance. Liu Baitong asked Liu Ru to come and have a taste. Liu Ru only took a sip, which is also called good wine. "What should I do, you write a new one?" Liu Ru asked his father. "No, he can test me, and I will test him." Liu Baitong smiled and folded his son's written words into a large envelope, wrote the address and asked his son to drop it in the mailbox.
Three days later, Wang received a reply from Liu Baitong, and the assistants gathered around to watch. If you open the rice paper, you almost didn't make everyone's nose crooked. Those "Wanglaoda Industrial Co., Ltd." are written without any strength.
Wang Lao Da sighed and sank into the boss's chair. Suddenly, he felt something hard under his ass. He felt it out and saw that it was the torn large envelope. Wang was stunned and said to his assistants, "Just use Liu Baitong's words and call the advertising company to prepare and unveil the celebration on time."
The assistants don't know what medicine Wang Laoda sells in the gourd, and think that he worships celebrities and is crazy. How dare they say that?
on the day of the unveiling ceremony, the company gate was packed. Bright red satin wrapped the signboard tightly. Liu Ru was pleasantly surprised to hear that Wang used his own words. I'm surprised that Wang has no vision, but I'm glad that I can cut a dash this time. He asked his father to go with him, and Liu Baitong readily agreed.
At noon, the red cloth was slowly unveiled by Wang Laoda. Suddenly, the venue was cheered. The words on the signboard were written vigorously and naturally, and the brushwork was exquisite. It really had a style of "Dragon leaping into the heaven and tiger lying in the phoenix pavilion".
Liu Ru was stupefied. This is indeed his father's handwriting, and Wang's assistant was confused, and they all turned their suspicious eyes to Liu Baitong.
Liu Baitong ha ha smiled, took Wang's hand and said, "You are a businessman with vision. I admire you."
It turns out that Wang Boss used the font written on the envelope by Liu Baitong himself.