Sima Zhou Jitong, the head of the household department, Guo Ruone, will be executed for this crime. Ji Tong and others were drunk, and Yan Zi was only thirteen years old. The sleeve blade pricks more than the seat, killing left and right. Ji Tong was dying and said, "I wonder if there is a dutiful son in the trial. If you are stupid, you are wrong about me. " The trial was exempted from the official, and the capital returned to the east. Su (pavilion page) was injured in filial piety and erected a monument in his tomb. Liu Jiwen. Wu Zetian summoned the judge and used it to ask, "Do you like it?" After the word-judging dance, I gave a poem of joy, sighed its text, gave a book to Zuo Lang, and moved to Yuan Wailang of the Food Department. At the beginning of Shenlong, I took transportation to Zhang Yizhi and Liu Feng. He joined the imperial academy Master Book and the Xiuwen Pavilion as a bachelor and died. Li Qiao, a college classmate, invited him to play and gave him a gift. At first, the judge said that he was very ill. What about Wenzhi, Wuping and other provinces in Song Dynasty? He replied, "It's unfortunate that children are suffering. Why should we talk about it?" However, I am here, and I have been waiting for the public for a long time. It's a great comfort to die now, but I hate not seeing others. Du Yu, Li Qiao, Cui Rong and Su Weidao are also called the four friends of the article, and the world number is "Cui Li Su Du". If you die, you will be persuaded by your words. If you judge words, you will have leisure, and leisure will make you happy. (The Book of the New Tang Dynasty Du Chuan Tang Caizi Biography)
Du is a descendant of Du Yu in the Western Jin Dynasty. In the first year of Xianheng, he became the first scholar with Song Shoujie, the top scholar, and served as the county magistrate. Shen Yan is arrogant by virtue of his talent, and everyone hates him. When Su Weidao was an assistant minister of celestial officials, he tried to participate in the preliminary examination of officials. When he came out, he asked others, "Su Wei Road will die." The person who heard this was shocked and asked why. The judge replied, "He should die of shame when he saw my verdict." Shen Yan also said: "My articles made Qu Yuan and Song Yu's poems subordinates, and my calligraphy made Wang Xizhi a student." Such is his conceit and arrogance. Later, Shen Yan was found guilty and demoted to Jizhou to join the army. When Wu Zetian recalled him and prepared to reuse him, she asked him, "Are you happy?" Dance and dance as a sign of gratitude. Wuhou ordered him to write a ode to joy, which satisfied Wuhou and was appointed as a writer. Later, he served as a straight bachelor in Xiuwenguan until he died of illness. At the first trial, Song and Wu Pingyi went to see him when he was seriously ill. He said to them, "I have suffered a lot for the children." What else can I say? But I'm still alive. I always keep you busy. Now I am dying, but unfortunately I can't find a replacement! " When Shen Yan was young, he was as famous as Li Qiao, Cui Rong and Su Weidao, and was called "Four Friends of Articles". There are ten volumes of collected works left by him, which have not been handed down so far, and only more than forty poems have been handed down.
In the first year of Xianheng (AD 670), he was promoted to Jinshi and was appointed as the captain of Jicheng. Then switch to Luoyang city. In the first year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (AD 698), he was demoted to Jizhou to join the army. But at this time, they offended their colleague Guo Ruoying and Chief Executive Zhou Jizhong, conspired to frame Du and sentenced him to death. Du 13-year-old son sneaked into and assassinated Zhou Jitong to avenge his father's death, and was also killed on the spot by guards and warriors. This situation shocked the ruling and opposition parties, and everyone called Du He a dutiful son. Xu Guogong and Su Xiang spend money like water, and personally set an epitaph for Du Heli.
When Wu Zetian heard about this, he called the judge to Beijing. Because he appreciated his poems, he appointed Shu Zuolang as the official and Yuan Wailang as the food department. Later, he was exiled to Fengzhou for colluding with the Zhang Yizhi brothers. Soon, he was recalled to the master book in imperial academy, where he received a bachelor's degree.
About the second year of Qianlong (AD 708), he died and gave it to a writer.
Wife of a family member
Shi Xue
Lu, the daughter of Shang Shu, Rong Cheng Hou Lu Rou, Wei Nan Lu and Lu, is the county magistrate of Shenxian County, Luzhou.
Du Fu's poems can only be appreciated by the vagrants, and the new beauty is shocking. The bright sun on the sea is about to rise, and Jiangnan in the south of the Yangtze River is reviving. Warm spring urges warblers to sing, and duckweed in the clear sun is dark in color. Suddenly I heard that simple melody you sang, which made people cry. -Du Fu's "Looking at Lu Chengchu Spring Tour in Jinling" and Lu Chengchu Spring Tour in Jinling in the Tang Dynasty.
Only those who are far away from home are particularly sensitive to the change of natural phenology.
The bright sun on the sea is about to rise, and Jiangnan in the south of the Yangtze River is reviving.
Warm spring urges warblers to sing, and duckweed in the clear sun is dark in color.
Suddenly I heard that simple melody you sang, which made people cry. There are 300 Tang poems, spring, homesickness, sadness and poetry. Flowers and birds in this spring garden are worried about the past. I pity those who fled south from Beijing alone. I envy the water of Xiangjiang River, but you went to the north! -Du Tang's "Crossing Xiangjiang River" crossed Xiangjiang River
Lamenting the past in the garden, the sight of birds singing in spring triggered my sadness at the border.
I pity those who fled south from Beijing alone. I envy the water of Xiangjiang River, but you went to the north! In spring, I feel sad and lyrical. I am traveling alone in Qin this year, worrying that spring is not spring. The flowers in the upper reaches of the garden are free and open, and the willow leaves in front of the beautiful Liu Ying have sprouted. Friends should be having a good time in Nanqiao at this time, and the general's family are reluctant to disperse. I am here to see the distant Luoyang and the scenery in spring. When I meet my friends again, next spring will give me a more beautiful spring! -Tang Du's Spring Pregnancy in Beijing, Spring Pregnancy in Beijing.
When I went out to play this year, I came to Chang 'an alone. I didn't watch spring with my friends, and I didn't feel spring.
The flowers in the upper reaches of the garden are free and open, and the willow leaves in front of the beautiful Liu Ying have sprouted.
Friends should be having a good time in Nanqiao at this time, and the general's family are reluctant to disperse.
I am here to see the distant Luoyang and the scenery in spring. When I meet my friends again, next spring will give me a more beautiful spring! In spring, I miss you alone. Read more about Du Fu's Poems >>