Habitat (of animals), place of origin (of plants)
3. sea travel. Hail; Long live [long live]
4. hair. Hair, hair; wool
5.halfn。 Half, half. Half, half. Half a piece of land
6. Hahn. Auditorium, auditorium, office building, hall
Halton. Stop, stop, stop moving forward.
Ham. ham
9.hamburgers, beef patties
Harmon 10. Hammer, mallet, hammer v. Hammer, knock
1 1,hamperv。 Hinder, hinder, contain
12,handn。 Hands, manpower, employees; Professionals; Pointer five.
13, manual No.
14, handy. One; Ethnic minorities; a handful of
15, handicapv v. hinder n. (physical or mental) defects; adverse conditions
Handkerchiefs; handkerchief
17, handle. Handle, handle, manipulate; Touch, improve
18, handsome A. beautiful and handsome; Generous, substantial
Handwriting, handwriting, calligraphy
20. handy, handy; convenient
2 1,hangv。 Hang, hang; Hang up, hang up
22. by accident. Happen (by accident); By accident, by accident.
23. Happy, happy; Willing; satisfactory
24. harassment; Harassment; Be upset, upset
25. Harbor. Harbor; Shelter; hide
26. Hada. Hard; Strong; Difficult; Unbearable; strict
27. Hardeff (brand)
28. Hadley. Hardly, not at all; only
Hard ['hard] a. hard.
30. Hardware, metal products; Hardware appliance
3 1, Harmon /v。
32.harmony Coordination and harmony; Harmonious
Nail harness. Harness, harness
34. Hasha. Rough; (sound) harsh; Harsh, harsh
35. harvest, harvest; Results, Consequences and Harvest, Harvest
36. Hurry, hurry; Hasty; Hasty. urge
Hasty, hasty; light-minded
Hahn. Hat (usually a hat with edges)
39. Khieff. Incubate, hatch out; Hatch, door
40. Hartf. Hate, hate; Don't like it, don't like it.
4 1,hatredn。 Hate, hate, resentment
42. Hao Lu. Drag, drag, drag.
43. Harvard Yes, yes; Experience, experience; Engage in; Manufacturing; Eat and drink.
44. Hawke
Hayne. hay
Hazarden. Danger, adventure, injury; Adventure, despair
47. Hepran. He; A person (regardless of gender)
48.headn top; Supervisor v. supervisor; On top of ... ...
Headache; have a headache
headline news
53. Headquarters; Headquarters; head office
55. Health; Health status; health
56. health Health; Healthy, beneficial to health
57. Shippen. (1) Piles, lots of piles, heaps, heaps.
58.hearv trial; Receive a letter/phone call from; hear about
59. Listening. Listen, listen; Listening; question
60.heartn。 Heart (dirty); Inner feelings; Passion; Center, point
6 1, heating. Heat, heat; Heat, make hot.
62, Havev. Lift, lift and pull (forcibly); Throw; Drag; vomit
63. Heaven. Heaven, sky, heaven; (Heaven) God, God
64. Heaven. Heavy, heavy; Heavy, huge, violent
Hedges, hedges, obstacles
Helen. Heel, heel, heel
67. Height, height; (often pl. ) Highland
68. height v. Improve, improve
Hein. Heir
Helicopter (helicopter)
7 1,helln。 Hell, the underworld; Suffering, great pain
Hello. English (American) Hello (used to say hello or attract attention)
Helmet, helmet
74.helpv。 Help (assistance); Contribute to; [cry for help] Help [hands]
75. beneficial. Useful. Useful, useful
Hemisphere [hemisphere]
Henn. hen
78. Henside. From now on, in the future; therefore
From now on. in the future
80. Heplon [She is the accusative] She; [She has everything] Her.
8 1, herb. Vanilla, vanilla (for seasoning), vanilla
Hutton. Herd, herd, cattle v. grazing, clustering
83. Here it is. Here (to, to); At this time; On the score
84. Genetic genes. Inherit; tradition
85, heron. Heroes, warriors; Hero, hero
Heroes. Heroic, heroic, noble
87. Extremely emotional and hysterical
88. Khronin. Heroine; heroine
Hesperon [She is the possessor pronoun] She (the owner)
90. herself. [Reflexive pronoun] herself; Herself, herself
9 1, hesitate v. hesitate, hesitate; Vague, prevarication
92. Hilger. (Hey) Hi! Hey!
93. hide; Hide; Hide leather
94. Hierarchy; Hierarchical system; Ruling group, leadership
95. High, high, advanced and noble advertisements.
Highland; upland
97. Highlight it; Emphasize the best part
98. Be highly vigilant. Height, very, very; appropriately
99. Expressway.
100,hijackv。 Hijacking, hijacking, highway robbery