Shu Duan Wang Xizhi
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a seven-year-old scholar. When I was twelve years old, I saw the old ghost saying (2) under my father's pillow and secretly read it again. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xihe just laughed. Mother said, "Do you think we should use brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father was afraid that he couldn't hide it and said, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xi's invitation: "Use it today to make adults afraid of three children and young children." Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress.
Mrs. Wei used to talk a lot when she saw this. Wang Ce said, "This son must know how to use a pen. You will be wise if you read his books carefully. " Snoring, he said, "This child is going to stamp my name!"
(from "Wang Xizhi of Shu Duan")
Note 1 Kuang: Wang Kuang, father of Wang Xizhi. Two essays: a book about calligraphy. 3 Cover: Obstruction. 4 young order: a wonderful gift of childhood. ⑤ Mrs Wei: calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
(1) Explain the red words in the following sentences. (2 points)
① Good books at the age of seven: ② Good books in the unprofitable period;
(2) What beneficial enlightenment did you get from Wang Xizhi's story of learning calligraphy? (3 points)
12.( 1)① Good at ② fullness, till.
(2) Enlightenment: In practical learning, I think interest is the best teacher. It is precisely because Wang Xizhi likes writing and is eager to learn and make progress that he becomes a book saint.
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, named Shao Yi, was the son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the book Bi Shuo, which was talked about by the previous generation, and stole it from under his father's pillow. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother asked, "Are you looking at brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father said to Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy." I bow down to you. Now let my son read this book. Looking at it when you grow up will delay your child's early development. Father was very happy and gave him the book at once. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs Wei knew this, she told Taichang Wang Ce, "This child must be reading" Using a Pen ". I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. " He said with tears, "This child will definitely overshadow my reputation in the future."
2. Zhang Huai's translation of classical Chinese Shu Duan Wang Xizhi:
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, named Shao Yi, was the son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw a book about calligraphy written by the previous generation under his father's pillow and secretly read it. My father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. Mother asked, "Are you looking at the brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father was afraid that he could not keep the secret, and said, "I will teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi bowed to his father and said, "Now let me have a look. When I grow up, I am afraid that I will not be able to bury my wonderful talents when I was young. " Father was very happy and gave him the book at once. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress. When Mrs Wei knew this, she told Taichang Wang Ce, "The child must have taken a fancy to the skill of writing. I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. " He said with tears, "This child will definitely surpass my reputation." During the Jin dynasty, the northern suburbs were sacrificed and the classes were changed. The craftsman carved the words written by Wang Xizhi with brilliant brushwork. (Wang Xizhi) Thirty-three wrote the preface to Lanting, and thirty-seven wrote Huang Tingjing. After writing, someone in the air said, "Your calligraphy touched me, but what about the world?" I'm grandpa Tiantai, claiming to be really better than Zhong You. "Most of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is not his same font.
3. Translation of Shu Duan Wang Xizhi: Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, whose real name is Shao Yi, son of Wang Kuang.
At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the book Bi Shuo, which was talked about by the previous generation, and stole it from under his father's pillow. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother asked, "Are you looking at brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father said to Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy." I bow down to you. Now let my son read this book. Looking at it when you grow up will delay your child's early development.
Father was very happy and gave him the book at once. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs Wei knew this, she told Taichang Wang Ce, "This child must be reading" Using a Pen ". I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. " He said with tears, "This child will definitely overshadow my reputation in the future."
When Emperor Jin was in the Jin Dynasty, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs and changed his classes. Craftsman Xihe carved words with clever brushwork. Thirty-three people wrote Preface to Lanting Collection, and thirty-seven people wrote Huang Ting Classic. Later, someone in the air said, "Your calligraphy touched me, but what about the world?" I'm grandpa Tiantai, claiming to be really better than Zhong You. "
Most of Xi Zhi's calligraphy is not fonts.
4. Classical Chinese
A good book at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, I saw the previous generation of Bi Shuo at my father's bedside and secretly read it again. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xi smiled and didn't answer.
Mother said, "Do you think we should use brushwork?" Father thinks it is too small to keep a secret. Xi's language says, "I'll teach you when you are an adult."
At the invitation of Xihe, use it today to make adults fear children's orders. Father was very happy, so he followed.
If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress. When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must read the book" Using a Pen ". Read his book carefully and you will have wisdom. "
Snoring like thunder, he said, "This child will stamp my name." When the Jin emperor offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, he even wished the edition and made a work cut.
Translation: Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, named Shao Yi, was the son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the book Bi Shuo, which was talked about by the previous generation, and stole it from under his father's pillow. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother asked, "Are you looking at brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father said to Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy."
I bow down to you. Now let my son read this book. Looking at it when you grow up will delay your child's early development. Father was very happy and gave him the book at once.
In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress. When Mrs Wei knew this, she told Taichang Wang Ce, "This child must be reading" Using a Pen ". I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. "
He said with tears, "This child will definitely overshadow my reputation in the future." When Emperor Jin was in the Jin Dynasty, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs and changed his classes. Craftsman Xihe lettering, incisive brushwork.