How did Wang Xizhi write Preface to Lanting Collection?
In 353 AD, on the eighth day of the third lunar month, the spring was bright and everything was so beautiful. Wang Xizhi and his good friend Xie An and others came to Lanting, Huiji Mountain, talking and laughing. They sang poems, raised glasses and enjoyed the beautiful scenery together. After a few drinks, Wang Xizhi was already a little drunk. At this time, his friend Xie An said to him, "The scenery is pleasant today, and everyone is having a good time. Do you want to write a word to help? " That's what Wang Xizhi meant. He picked up a pen and cheerfully wrote a preface to the collection of poems, which is the famous preface to Lanting Collection. Preface to Lanting Collection, with 28 lines and 324 words, is written in running script and has become a masterpiece recognized by calligraphers of all ages.