There are many stories about father and son calligraphy in history. Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi's father and son have their own dry autumn, and even Wang Xianzhi's cursive achievements have surpassed his father's; Wen Zhiming and Wen Jia have their own characteristics. However, there are few contemporary painters and painters who are better than "Looking at You". Although it is said that it is good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. There is also a saying that there is no grass under the big tree. There is another saying that thirty years ago, my father looked after me, and thirty years later, my son looked after my father. Everything seems reasonable, and everything can't be generalized. But in front of a peak, it is not easy to reach it, and it is very difficult, even difficult, to surpass it. Just like a famous song, no matter how good the cover is, people accept the original song and still think it is good. In addition, China people have a tradition of respecting the old, and they don't accept belittling the old and praising the young. The criticism of Wang Xianzhi in the Book Review is enough to prove this point. Transcription is as follows: "It is not too much to claim to win the father! He is famous for his talent. He won his mother's heart and never participated. " So I can only say that Mr. Shao Qing got his father's biography, classics and charm without losing his own characteristics.