June 2, 1927. Wang Guowei got up early and finished washing, that is, he went to the dining room for breakfast and sat in the study after dinner. Wang Guowei arrived at the office, ready to evaluate the results of graduate students, but found that the papers and articles were not brought, and ordered the page of the research institute to take them from home. After the manuscript was taken, Wang Guowei made a serious evaluation. Later, Wang Guowei talked with Hou Houpei of the Institute's office about enrollment for the next semester, and talked for a long time. It was said that Wang Guowei wanted to borrow two yuan, and Hou gave five yuan notes, and Wang Guowei left the office immediately. Wang Guowei hired a rickshaw and went to the Summer Palace. Wang Guowei finished smoking a cigarette, jumped head-down and plunged into the water, sinking himself in the fish and algae garden of Kunming Lake in the garden.
Afterwards, people found a suicide note in their underwear pockets, which said, "Fifty years, only one death is needed. After this world has changed, there is no shame. "In just a few words, it has given countless speculations to future generations.
After the Qing Dynasty abolished Emperor Puyi, Wang Guowei was given the title of "loyalty" by posthumous title.
On June 3rd, 1927, Wang Guowei died and stopped at Gangbing Temple in Chengfu Street. On the 7th, Luo Zhenyu came to Beijing to manage his funeral and held a memorial service on the 16th.
On August 14th, 1927, Wang Guowei was buried in the original place of seven rooms in Xuxi Liu Cun, East Erli, tsinghua campus. On June 3, 1928, on the anniversary of Wang Guowei's death, Tsinghua established the Monument to Mr. Wang Jing 'an in Haining. The inscription was written by Chen Yinke, designed by Lin Zhijun, Shu Dan, Ma Heng and Liang Sicheng.