The two seals of the calligraphy inscription are the name seal and the signature seal of the inscription. Some names are linked together, while others are separated. The inscription is stamped with the word "one surname" as positive, and a surname can also be used. The name of the printed paragraph; The word, and then use the name stamp. If money has a surname, you can use a name stamp. If money has no surname or no signature, you should use a name stamp to identify the author. The ancients used chapters and paid attention to etiquette; Anyone who is humble and young should be honored by books and should use a name seal; Words and seals used between peers; If the elders want to give it to the humble and young, they can use another stamp. On the contrary, it is ridiculous and generous.
Name seals are generally divided into Zhu Wen (Yang Wen) and Bai Wen (Yin Wen). When a calligraphy work is stamped with two seals, it is best to have one Zhu and one white, and the two seals are appropriate in size. When multiple chapters are used at the end of a paragraph, the order is that the name chapter comes first, and the words and numbers chapter comes last.