Du Fu's poem "Pei Daozhou's calligraphy sent to Su Xun to serve the court in late autumn": "Daozhou's calligraphy should be restored, and the paper length should be read three times."
Wen Song Ying's Jade Pot, Volume 7: "If water is also Confucian, filial piety must be good. When the northern army was still disturbed, I visited it myself. "
"Biography of Qian Ruoshui in Song Dynasty": "If the north is not peaceful, you must visit the water from the inside. If the water is in the north, there must be five."
Qing Sun Zhiwei's poem "The Birthday of the Reform Movement of 1898": "Every time you reach out, you will worry for ten days."
Lu Xun's Letter to Xu Shoushang: "Yesterday's handwriting belongs to the study of treating the mind. I respect it. "
"Handwriting" sentences:
1. Readers really want to enjoy this classic travel book of the 20th century, which makes Van Gogh's paintings more ornamental.
2. Look at a notebook full of rich life insights.
3. Blue Devil's letter says that it makes no difference whether it is a person or a demon.
4. Handwriting is the freest form of writing, so this form can often better reflect the true style of the author's calligraphy.