The last line of the signed letter has the author's name. Write it at the bottom right of the text. The distance between the signature and the salutation can be determined according to the number of stationery left. When signing, according to the relationship with the recipient, you can have your surname or not.
Traditionally, according to the relationship with the recipient, titles such as "Sun", "Brother" and "Old Friend" are written in the upper left corner of the name, and the font is small.
final result
After writing, you should write words expressing wishes, respect or encouragement, which is also called tribute. Salute depends on the object. If you write to your elders, you can write "I wish you health" and so on; If you write to your peers, you can write "I wish you progress in your studies!" Wait a minute.
And "this salute" is more general and suitable for the conclusion of ordinary people. The words "sincerely" and "best wishes" at the end can be written immediately after the main text or in a single line with two spaces in the middle. "Salute", "health" and other wishes should be written on another top line.