Xuande ten years (1435), recommended by Jing Mingxing, went to Renhe County (now under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou) to teach county studies. When the mother died and was buried, the people in the village listed the virtues of her mother and son, went to the office and summoned her door. Later, he was taught by Changzhou. During his tenure, he repaired the school, rectified the style of study, and hired celebrities with academic knowledge to teach.
Jingtai studied history in the imperial court for six years (1455) and was recommended to imperial academy. At that time, he was over half a year old, weak and exhausted. He wrote a poem with deep affection to Wang Zhi, the minister: "Who is the white hair in the mirror and who is the green hill on the lake?" A thousand miles of old friends are divided, and a hundred years of public opinion is late. "Soon after the book was published, he died in the capital mansion.