Country 2. When Wang Xizhi was about five or six years old, Mrs. Bai Wei studied calligraphy for her teacher. His calligraphy has made rapid progress. At the age of seven, he was famous in the local area for his writing, which was very popular and praised by his predecessors.
When Wang Xizhi was 1 1, he read The Story of the Pen, which only adults could understand. He got up every morning and practiced writing in the dark according to the method described in Pen Shuo, which was simply fascinating. After a while, I looked at my handwriting, and there were some changes compared with what I wrote before. One day, his teacher, Mrs. Wei, was taken aback and said, "The child must have seen the secret of calligraphy. I found that his calligraphy has recently reached the level of an adult. In this way, my child's future achievements in calligraphy will definitely drown my reputation. "
Wang Xizhi was not complacent because of the teacher's praise. He worked harder and harder, even forgetting to eat and sleep.
Once at lunch, bookish, he brought his favorite garlic paste and steamed bread and urged him to eat it quickly several times. He still didn't even look up, as if he didn't hear, absorbed in reading posts and writing. The meal was cold, so Jibang had to ask Wang Xizhi's mother to persuade him to eat. Mother came to the study, only to find Xihe holding a steamed bread stained with ink and sending it to her mouth, making her mouth black. It turned out that when Xi Zhi was eating steamed stuffed buns, he was still looking at the words and thinking about how to write them in his mind. As a result, he mistook the ink for garlic. Mother couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene. Wang Xizhi still doesn't know what's going on Hearing his mother's laughter, he also said, "today's mashed garlic is really fragrant!" " Wang Xizhi persisted for decades, studied hard, kept posting, and practiced very solid kung fu, which laid the foundation and paved the way for his future development.
3。 Wang Xizhi loved to practice calligraphy since he was a child. When he was 7 years old, he learned calligraphy from the calligrapher Mrs. Wei. He concentrates on his efforts and makes progress every day. In less than three years, his pen was heavy and frustrated. In the calligraphy competition held by Langya Taishou, he won the first prize in one fell swoop, which shocked the famous calligraphers in Fiona Fang Baili. For a time, the praise was constant and the guests were full. Wang Xizhi, who just turned 10, can't help feeling proud under such circumstances.
One day, Wang Xizhi passed an alley and saw a group of people making noise in front of a restaurant. Especially the couplets on the shop door are particularly eye-catching. It says: delicious, famous, handsome and loved by everyone.
The horizontal plaque says "Swan Jiaozi". But the words are lifeless, lack of kung fu and plain.
After reading it, Wang Xizhi curled his lips and thought, this kind of word that lacks kung fu can only be used in front of this humble alley shop to make a fool of himself! But he also thought: delicious, famous and handsome, everyone loves it. What's so surprising about jiaozi? Whose shop is this in jiaozi? How dare you be so arrogant!
When Wang Xizhi walked into the shop, he saw four large iron pots filled with boiling water and placed them under a screen. The wrapped jiaozi flew over the screen like white birds, and landed in the boiling pot impartially. The waiter in jiaozi's shop is busy greeting the diners. Each waiter is in charge of a pot. Count off: No.1 pot is half a catty, ok, 1 catty again. ""No.2 pot weighs half a catty. " "No.3 pot is 92 liang ..."
Curious, Wang Xizhi conveniently took out a few coppers, asked for half a catty of jiaozi and sat down. Jiaozi soon served on the table. He looked at it carefully. jiaozi here is really different, delicate and delicate, like a white swan frolicking in the water. Xiang Tiange is really great. He picked up a jiaozi with chopsticks, gently took a bite and sent it to his mouth. Ah, suddenly it's delicious. Before I knew it, I swallowed all the plates of jiaozi. After a full meal, it was really memorable.
Wang Xizhi couldn't help saying to himself, "This swan jiaozi really deserves its reputation." I thought to myself: It's just that the couplet at the door is so badly written that it really doesn't deserve this jiaozi. Why don't I, Wang Xizhi, take this opportunity to write another couplet for the hotel and live up to this delicious meal? Thinking of this, he asked the man, "Where is the shopkeeper?"
The clerk pointed to the screen and said, "Hui Xianggong, the shopkeeper is behind the screen."
Wang Xizhi bypassed the screen and saw a white-haired old woman sitting in front of the chopping board, rolling dough and wrapping jiaozi. Fill in the stuffing, pinch it a few times quickly, and instantly turn into a skilled white swan. To his surprise, after jiaozi wrapped it, the white-haired woman threw jiaozi at the screen. Swan jiaozi flew over the screen one by one and landed in the pot. Every two or five, according to the number reported by the buddy, how much is put in each pot and the weight is exactly the same.