Carry out moral education of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, faithfulness and honesty.

Cao Gui was loyal to his country, worried about his country and people, resisted the enemy and saved the country, and threw himself into the river. Ants lure the enemy to smell chickens and dance. Yan Zhenqing's upright scholar retreats from the enemy. Li Qingzhao's feelings guard the border against the enemy, but he forgets to attack Yinshan at night. Wu Shu generously went to the disaster area to stop the gold troops. He defended Peking and Yangzhou's young hero. When he died, the loyal subjects recovered the blood spilled in Humen, Taiwan Province Province. He was ordered to fight bravely and resist invasion. Loyalty and righteousness, after a great victory, returned to Zhao, guarding the sheep. Fan Jijin, the boss of Shan Li dairy industry, offered Yueshi back to Hanyang Valley to be loyal, honest and upright, and did not struggle for the road of filial piety. He borrowed beige clothes to raise relatives, Lao Laizi teased relatives, buried bodies, buried fathers, carved wood, worked for parents, buried children, served his mother to satisfy hunger, filial daughter-in-law Zhu Hu escaped, stopped the wind and raised Liu Yin by Wang Yanse. Cry and cry to kill the chicken, be at ease, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, be filial, and be a legacy of orange, be a relative of Yongquan Yue carp, give up the official, Cui Na Jixu, avoid begging for the spirit, Qin Siding, Jin Gyeong, meet the weeping stick of the thief Bo Yu, take an examination of the flesh of Uncle She, the filial son of Wang Po's weeping tomb bed, and have tasted soup and deer milk, kissed bamboo shoots, Lin Xingzu of Ji Min, Song Xiang helps people to eliminate pests. Zhuge Liang created steamed bread. Bao Zheng pleaded for the people. Zhang Wenqian loves people. He loves money and his son. Haishao disaster relief. Tamia Liu cares about people. Yao Chong kills locusts. Charity dedication. Tang Wang cut Ge Min, Zi Qian and his stepmother took people across the river. The goddess of wealth donated a house to study. Your world turned locusts into gods. Sugar can wipe out the plague. Seek to learn. Listen to music. Recognize the wife, grandson and queen, and the hungry will be grateful. Yurang repaid the kindness of the king of Chu in his farewell dinner. Mesons push themselves to be independent. Shi luxury is ashamed of dereliction of duty. Han Xin repaid Zhao's orphan and impeached the "teacher". The mirror of Emperor Taizong offered a humble apology. Righteousness is greater than profit. Ji Zha asked the state to commend talents, so that everything was indifferent. Harry is honest and unprincipled. The virtue of law enforcement is selfless. Emperor Wendi severely punished Prince Zhao Chu according to law. He killed his son-in-law. Take one hundred cases of remonstrance and punishment for fish carcasses, for example, to get rid of violence, search for money, not enforce the law impartially, collect taxes impartially, Wei Sijun redeemed Xu Wei, Sima Guang smashed the jar, Jing Ke stabbed Qin Miao to death, and even more frankly, he saved the Korean teenager, laid down his life to rescue the hero of the train, and his elder brother Wen Can refused to be killed. Wang Shouren's predecessor, Tian Zhen, sighed for mercy, and fought for Zhu Xian's death with Chen Fang, Sima Guang, your brother Xu Maogong and your brother, pushing jujube to make Li Sean respect the elderly and honour the virtuous corporal. Qi Huangong adopted Ling Jun's courtesy to Hou Yinglong's countermeasures. Please introduce yourself, feed the swallows, recruit the prince and Jiang Ziya, and come out of the mountain to be righteous, loyal to the teacher and godson. Chen avoided the party. Zhao Wei, a respected teacher in Ceng Zi, cooked porridge and learned manners. Confucius respected Mr. Han and was determined to learn from Yin, Song Lian, Yan Zhenqing, the Monkey King, Hua Tuo, Tao Xingzhi and Chen Yi. There is only one thing like a good word from Xihe that a famous neighbor lives there. Under the guidance of his father, he outwitted him. Liu Bowen writes the paper in the evening. Shen gradually told Sun Liang to solve the case. Ceng Gong outsmarts the overlord society. Sun Bin coup. Zhou Xuanwang saved Zhao Yuwei by fighting cocks. The old horse knows how to burn a boat. Take advantage of the fire to rob, fight, and make a blockbuster. It is only fair to work hard. Go upstairs and draw a ladder and grass boat to defeat Kim, and defeat Chu to hijack Huan Gong and Zhao She to save him. The death of Yan Zhimu is waiting for you. Chong Wang exposed the deception. Fan Zhen opposes superstition and clever horse buying. Teenagers are wise. Teenagers advised to break the cow case. Chickens dance to save the shopkeeper for eight years. Answering questions is like a long story. Sima Guang smashed the jar. Like Ganluo, he can learn the tricks of swimming in the tiger and learn wisdom. Xerox studied Han Shu and worshipped his wife as a teacher. Dong Yu's Sanduo often reads Zhang Pu's books-copying and stabbing stocks. Zhuge Liang's letters are honest and trustworthy. Liu Xiu, who is treacherous, plays with his sword in Ji Zha and The Prince Falling into the Water, sincerely convincing people that Han Kang sells drugs regardless of price. Yue Yangzi's wife Zhang said that she wouldn't commit perjury at night, but she would restrict her drinking in Tao Kan. Li Mian's burial compensation, this money is worth it. Xu Heng and pear owners in troubled times kept their promises, and the children holding empty flowerpots only earned a penny. An honest man tells the truth at a fork in the road. Yan Hui, a loyal Confucius, cooks and Chen Shou writes Tai Shigong. Four brothers tell the truth. Gao Yun Sun Fujia told Sima Guang that when he said he would not sell sick cows, he would do it. Wei Wenhou's integrity, Shang Yang and Li Mu, keep his word and keep his promise. Zhao rou sells pears, is honest with her friends and keeps secrets. Zibung Sanjie is honest and selfless. Lu Suzhuo, keep promise, forgive making friends, keep promise. A trustworthy paradigm, giving timely help in the snow, keeping promises, emphasizing righteousness, taking care of life and supporting an orphan.