Ji Xianlin's article.

In memory of my mother, the German translation includes a collection of short stories by anna seghers (1955), and the Sanskrit literary works include Indian Kali Toti Shagondaro (script, 1956) and a collection of ancient Indian fables, with five volumes (1959). Academic works include History Series of Sino-Indian Cultural Relations (1957), A Brief History of India (1957) and Indian National Uprising (1857- 1859). Modifications of finite verbs in Memorabilia (194 1 year, which systematically summarizes the various morphological adjustments of verbs in mixed Sanskrit used in Memorabilia of Hinayana Buddhism), and the transformation of Chinese and Indian suffixes -am to -o and -u (the transformation of -am to -o and -u was discovered and proved in 65438) ), as well as the northeast version of Prince R&F karma. As a literary translator, his works mainly include: Shagongdaro (1956), five-volume edition (1959), Euripides (1959) and Ramayana (7 volumes, 65438+). As a writer, his works mainly include Heart Shadow of Tianzhu (1980), Langrun Collection (198 1 year), Ji Xianlin's Prose Collection (1987) and Miscellanies of the Cowshed.