Master Yin Guang said, "Fa Hua Ao Dian, Miao Guan Qun Jing, died when he heard it, and felt the same." What do you mean?

Master Yin Guang, the thirteenth ancestor of Jing Zong, is recognized as the general trend, and the Bodhisattva will come again.

Fahua Canon Austria: Canon Austria. It must be a classic of righteousness and a round solution.

Miaoguan Qunjing: Tiantai judges teach, and Fahua is a circular religion. Reality has no right, and power is convenience. The previous classics are all convenient guidance. After the world has respected the law for a long time, it should be said that it is true. The Buddha came to the world for a great event, that is to say, China made all living beings realize their understanding of the Buddha. Only Buddhism is true, and the rest is convenient for guidance. It's just that this fact is not true. Hokkeyo is the king of all classics, only Hokkeyo says so, and there are no other classics.

Smell and die: Smell is not what you hear, but what you hear and understand. After reading Fahua, I understood "Three Zangs with One Heart". Now that the Buddhist country is dead, my merits are enough. I just don't turn around, and my merits are not what I used to be. In fact, I have been taught by the Buddha, and they all appreciate this secret. The only great religion in France and China is extensive and profound. If you don't practice without a license, you will be enlightened and proved. It is hard for the world to believe. So 5000 people walked out of the Fahua Association, and the Buddha didn't stop them.

Equal sense: Only the Dharma is rigorous, upright and round, seeing the truth, realizing the truth, and the top grade is born. The Buddha said in the four precepts that relying on righteousness, not relying on righteousness. You don't need to practice hard to see the true nature of your heart. Seeing the true nature in vain is death.