Zhong Yao’s small regular script for announcing the table

Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, said: "Cunning momentum, good shape, and close density are better than self-luck." The brushwork is simple and vigorous, graceful and natural. When Wang was heading east, he sewed the watch into his belt and took it with him. Later, he passed it on to Master Yi, who in turn passed it on to Wang Xiu. Wang Xiu then took it and buried it where it was buried, never to see the light of day again. What was handed down later was Yi Shao's copy. The font is neat and elegant, the structure is slightly flat, and the strokes have lost eight of their ancient meanings. They are all real calligraphy. It is a masterpiece of Yuan Chang, and can also be said to be the ancestor of regular script. Zhong Yao: A native of Changge, Wei, Henan, Three Kingdoms, with the courtesy name Yuan Chang, he was an official and was known as Dafu Zhong in his later life. Chen Si's "Short History of Shu" said he was good at calligraphy and studied under Cao Xi, Liu Desheng and Cai Yong.

Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty said in his "Shujuan" that "his true calligraphy is exquisite, surpassing that of a teacher, both strong and soft."

There are many interesting things in the dot paintings, which can be said to be profound and boundless. More than quaint, since the Qin and Han Dynasties, only one person! "It is said that Zhong Yao saw Cai Yong's authentic calligraphy at the residence of Wei Dan, a calligrapher at that time, but he couldn't get it. He was so anxious that he vomited blood. Cao Cao, the great ancestor, saved him with the Five Spirit Pills. After Wei Dan's death, Zhong Yao secretly sent people to steal it. After finding his tomb, he finally found Cai Yong's handwriting, and he realized that "those who are strong and have strong tendons are saints, and those who are weak and have no tendons are sick", and then they got the essence of his calligraphy.

Zhong Yao taught calligraphy to his son Zhong Hui. Shi once said that I had been studying calligraphy for 30 years. Whenever I talked with friends, I would walk around and explore calligraphy. The quilt would be scratched from practicing calligraphy. Whenever I saw all things in nature, I would explore their images and calligraphy. This shows the depth of his calligraphy skills. Zhong Yao and later Wang Xizhi were called "Zhong and Wang" and were regarded by later generations.