"Zuo Zhuan" records that in the second year of Gong Xuan, Gao Yi, Jinling, collected wealth from the people, harmed the people, and made the whole country uneasy. As a minister who ruled the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Dun tried his best to remonstrate many times, but Gong Ling did not change, but did great harm. He sent someone to assassinate him first, but failed, and then ambushed and killed him at the banquet, but failed. Zhao Dun was forced to flee. When he fled to the border of Jin, he heard that Gong Ling was killed by his brother Zhao Chuan and his army, and he returned to Jindun to remain in power.
Dong Hu recorded this incident with "Zhao Dun regicide" and announced it to the courtiers as a proclamation. Zhao Dun argued that Zhao Chuan's murder was not his crime. Dong Hu stated his reasons and said, "If the son is righteous, he will not cross the line, but he will not seek thieves. Who is it? " It means that as a ruling minister, when fleeing across the border, the original meaning of the monarch and his subjects has not been cut off. When he returned to the DPRK, he wanted to organize an army to crusade against the chaotic ministers. If he didn't crusade, he would be irresponsible. Therefore, the name of "regicide" should be borne by him, which is determined by the "calligraphy" of writing history.
Historians at that time were very different from later generations. They not only make historical plans, but also serve as ministers, that is, assist the monarch and his subjects to implement the laws and regulations governing the country. Their specific duty is to publicize the king's orders and record their achievements. They shoulder the dual tasks of managing history and politics. In fact, they are civilian ministers with the power of criticism and criticism. At that time, the "calligraphy" of chronicles was made according to rites, the core of which was to safeguard the righteousness of the monarch and his subjects. Zhao Dun didn't punish the monarch and his subjects, so Dong Hu decided to commit regicide. In this regard, Confucius praised Dong Hu, calling him "a good history in ancient times", and later called him "a good fox" to praise his beauty. This is because in the Spring and Autumn Period, the ceremony collapsed and the music broke down, and the powerful ministers held the life of the country and killed people to seize power. The principle of calligraphy, which violates propriety and righteousness, has long lost its majesty. Not everyone can be praised for adhering to this principle, but it often leads to fatal disasters. Qi Taishi wrote down the charge of "regicide" by Cui Shu, a powerful minister, and the two brothers were killed one after another. Dong Hu's straightforward writing style is naturally risky. Therefore, Confucius praised him, and later generations praised him, which is the recognition of the righteousness of his adherence to principles. This spirit has been persistently inherited by upright historians in later generations and has become the noblest moral sentiment in China's history and moral tradition.
Of course, with the development of the times, the meaning of straight pen has gradually got rid of the limitation that calligraphy violates etiquette and righteousness. Since Sima Qian, it has been endowed with the spirit of "not empty beauty, not hiding evil" and has the essence of historical materialism. This tradition has been inherited and developed by later progressive historians, who have compiled many works that can be called faithful history, and it is the essence of China's historical works. Its pioneering nature actually stems from the straightforward spirit of Dong Hu, a Jin Taishi, who is not afraid of power and adheres to principles.