Interpretation: If there is a gentleman in the praise of wine and virtue, heaven and earth are once, ten thousand generations are once, the sun and the moon are once, and there are eight shortages and one court. There is no trace of travel, no room to live in, and the night is on the ground. Take the bottle when you stop, and carry the pot when you move. Only wine is business. How do you know the rest? And your son, Chu Shi, a courtier, got wind of me and talked about it. This is a problem of arrogance, glaring and gnashing teeth. Chen said that etiquette is the front of right and wrong. Mr. Wang then picked up the bowl and filled it with mashed potatoes. I am eager to lie on my back, my pillow is bent by bad things, I am carefree and I am happy. When you are drunk, you will wake up. Listen to the sound of thunder, turn a blind eye to the shape of Mount Tai, and feel the feeling of cutting meat and lust in cold and hot weather. Looking down on everything, it is like duckweed in Jianghan for three years; Fannie and Freddie waited on them like grasshoppers and moths. Dong Qichang wrote it in Shihu Villa.
Ode to Wine Virtue is a parallel prose by Liu Ling, a poet in Wei and Jin Dynasties. This paper fictionalizes two groups of opposing figures, one is the adult image of "only wine is business", and the other is your son and courtier Chu Shi, representing two attitudes towards life. Mr. Adult indulges in willfulness, indulges in wine, and is not fettered; Your courtiers, such as your son and Chu Shi, stick to etiquette and stick to it, and dare not cross the line. In the name of praising wine, the article expresses the author Liu Ling's distinct attitude of transcending the secular and despising etiquette. The article is light in writing, bold in brushwork, vivid in description and humorous in language, with no trace of carving.