Original text:
Gong said, "If you do more injustice, you will die, and your daughter-in-law will treat you." Then Uncle ordered the West to despise and the North to despise itself. Sun Lu said, "This country is unbearable. What would you do? You have to tell uncle that I asked for it; If equal to, please divide by. No heart. " Gong said, "No need, I will be self-sufficient." ?
My uncle also took two as his own cities, as for Yan Yan. Zi Feng said, "It's all right, thick will get more people." Gong said, "Unjust leads to collapse." After the meeting, Shu Shuhe will attack Zheng. Ma 'am will start. When the public heard about it, they all said, "Yes!" Life is 200 times to cut a handsome car. Beijing rebelled against the uncle, entered Yan, and publicly cut Yan (yān). May is ugly, uncle ran away. ?
The book says, "Zheng Bo can stop at Yan." Duan is not a brother, so don't say brother; For example, the second gentleman is called gram; Zheng Bo said that he meant the loss of education; It's called Zheng Zhi. It's hard to run without saying anything.
Vernacular translation:
Duke Zhuang said, "If you do more injustice, you will die. Just wait. " Soon, Duan secretly controlled the border towns in the west and north of Zheng.
Zi Lu said, "One country cannot tolerate the rule of two monarchs. What are you going to do now? " If you want to give Zheng to your uncle, then I ask to serve him; If not, please get rid of him, and don't let the people have doubts. "
Zhuang Gong said, "Don't worry about him, he will suffer himself." Uncle turned the two places into his own ruling land and extended them to Yan Yan. Zifeng said, "You can act! When the land is expanded, he will get more support. " Duke Zhuang said, "The monarch and the minister are unjust, and the brothers are not close. Although the land has expanded, it will eventually collapse." ?
Uncle Duan repaired the battlements, gathered the people, prepared enough food, repaired armored weapons, prepared infantry and chariots, and was about to attack. Zheng Guodu. Wujiang wants to be the inside man for Duan Shu to open the door.
Knowing the date of Duan Shu's sneak attack on Zheng, Duke Zhuang said, "You can attack!" So he ordered Zifeng to lead two hundred chariots to crusade against Jingyi. Jingyi's people betrayed Duan Shu, who fled to Yancheng. Zhuanggong chased Yancheng again to punish him. On May 23rd, * * * Uncle Duan fled to * * *. ?
"Spring and Autumn Annals" records: "Zheng Boke is in Yan." It means Duan Shu doesn't keep his duty as a younger brother, so he doesn't say he is a younger brother. The two brothers fight like two kings, so they use the word "gram";
Calling Zhuanggong "Zheng Bo" (meaning Big Brother) is a mockery of his failure to teach his younger brother well. Get rid of * * * uncle section is out of Zheng Zhuanggong's original intention, don't write * * * uncle section automatically run away, implied blame Zheng Bo forcibly get rid of * * * uncle section.
This article is from Zuo Qiuming's Zuo Zhuan Cited AD.
Extended data writing background:
The narrative scope of Zuo Zhuan began in the year of Lu Yin (722 BC) and ended in the twenty-seventh year of Lu Aigong (468 BC). The works mainly record the important events and figures in politics, economy, military affairs, diplomacy and culture of various countries in the 254 years before the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. They are precious documents and excellent prose works for studying the pre-Qin history of China.
Zuo Zhuan's classics are 13 years longer than Chunqiu's, and the actual chronicle is 26 years longer (the last thing is to make three corrections to eliminate Jin). Taking the annotation of Chunqiu as the key link, some explain the calligraphy of Chunqiu, some supplement the classics of Chunqiu, and some revise the annotation of Chunqiu incorrectly.
Most of the books belong to the events in the Spring and Autumn Period, but the completion of the book entered the Warring States Period. All these show the close relationship between Zuo Zhuan and Chunqiu.
About the author:
Zuo Qiuming, whose date of birth and death is unknown, is a monarch with a surname of Qiu and a name of Ming. Because his father was a historian, he was called Zuo Qiuming. (As for the name of Zuo Qiuming, for a long time, due to the limited records of Zuo Qiuming, the author of Zuo Zhuan in the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, scholars in previous dynasties argued endlessly about the name of Zuo Qiuming. Compound surname, Ming said; It is said that Shan's surname is Zuo and his first name is Qiu Ming. However, according to historical records, Zuo Qiuming is a descendant of Jiang Ziya, and the direct line Sun Qiu (Qiu) is more reliable, and the collateral Zuo family is open to question)
At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Junzhuang (now Donghengyu Village, Shi Heng Town, Feicheng City, Shandong Province) was born. Historians, writers, thinkers, essayists and militarists in the late Spring and Autumn Period.
At the same time or slightly older than Confucius. He used to be a historian of Lu, and wrote Zuo Zhuan (also known as Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals) and Guoyu for the purpose of analyzing Spring and Autumn Annals. He was blind when he wrote Mandarin. The two books recorded many important historical events in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Annals, and preserved original materials with high value.
Because of the detailed historical materials and vivid writing, it has aroused the hobbies and discussions of scholars at home and abroad. Confucius and Sima Qian both honored Zuo Qiuming as a "gentleman", known as "Shi Sheng, a scholar" and "the father of politicians". Emperors of past dynasties have many seals: the seal of the Tang Dynasty; Song Feng's flawed Qiu Bo and Du Zhongbo; The Ming dynasty named sages and sages. Tyumen Middle School was built in Feicheng, Shandong Province to commemorate Zuo Qiuming.