ai brush illustration-how to use AI to create hand-painted illustrations

How to use AI to make illustrations

AI illustration creation ideas

Computer: Huawei MateBook14

System: Windows 10

Software: Adobe Illustrator 2019

1. Rectangle tool, draw a rectangle the size of the page and fill it with gradient color.

2. Click the brush style to bring up the art brush and decadent brush, brush tool, select a brush style, draw a line, and adjust the thickness of the line.

3. Object - Expand the appearance and use the node tool to adjust it as shown in the picture.

4. Ctrl C, Ctrl F, copy one in place, click on the property bar to flip it horizontally, as shown in the figure.

5. With the pen tool, draw a shape as shown in the figure as a river. With the brush tool, select a brush style as a water splash.

6. With the pen tool, draw two shapes as shown in the figure as the planes of the two cliffs.

7. In the symbol panel, bring up the logo element, select 2 patterns, place them on the cliff, and adjust the size and position. AI illustration tips

The following are some AI illustration tips to share:

Tip 1: Use a tablet

Create a new brush, select the calligraphy brush, and make sure the digital is connected In the case of the plate, select Pressure for size and turn the variable to maximum.

In this way, you can draw various lines on the tablet. The following four lines are lines drawn with different strengths using the tablet when the stroke thickness of the brush is the same:

Tip 2: Make a homemade brush

Many friends want a pressure-sensitive line effect with changing thickness, so we can choose from the "Variable Width Profile" that comes with AI For non-proportional styles, adjust the "Brush Definition" to Standard. But these lines are a bit sharp at both ends and not soft enough.

Draw an ellipse and select it, click New Brush in the Brush Panel, and select Art Brush. Change the coloring method to Hue Conversion on the options panel and click OK to draw a brush with rounded ends and varying thicknesses.

Tip 3: Create more painting layers

It doesn’t cost money to create layers! Just create a layer after painting a group. I have many layers in one picture, ai and ps Different, although it can be grouped in the same layer, it cannot merge layers. It is best to put one layer in a group. In this way, if you want to select the entire layer to move, just lock other layers directly.

Draw a layer and lock it. Sometimes if you don't lock a layer, it's easy to draw on another layer. If you finish drawing, lock it, create another layer and draw a new one. If you want to make changes, just unlock the modified layer. How to use AI to make hand-drawn effect illustrations

1. After opening Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document with a width and height of 850x850 pixels, we will start to draw the avatar, which is the same for all women. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw an ellipse. In the picture below you can see the fill color you need. Change this shape: Go to Effect>Transform>Fish. Enter the options you see below and press OK.

2. For the eyes, first create a brown oval (using the Ellipse Tool (L)). and rotate it slightly to the left. Next, create a white ellipse in front of the brown one (using Control-C and Control-F). Move it diagonally down to the right.

End the eyes with a small dark brown circle. To make a uniform circle, use the Ellipse Tool (L) while holding down the Shift key. Finally, group all the eyes (right click >Group).

3. Place your eyes on the left side of your head. Take the Reflect Tool (O) and hold down the Alt key while clicking on the forehead. In the new dialog window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees and press Copy. You should now have two eyes.

4. Place a small circle on the face where the nose is.

Create another circle and while keeping it selected, pick up the Eyedropper Tool (I) and click on the face. Your new circle will now get the same color as the face. Make the two circles overlap so you can see the crescent shape. This is the nose.

Using the same technique, create an ear. Take the Reflect Tool (O) and, holding down the Alt key, click in the middle of the head. In the new dialog window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees and press Copy. You should now have two ears.

5. Make eyebrows. Using the Ellipse Tool (L), create a thin, horizontal dark ellipse. Then taking the Direct Selection Tool (A), select by dragging the top and bottom anchor points of the oval and sliding them upward. This will be the eyebrows.

6. Place your eyebrows on the left side. Feel free to rotate it however you want - just don't make her angry! Make the other eyebrow using the same technique you used to create the eyes and ears. Now you have two eyebrows.

7. To draw the mouth, draw a new horizontal ellipse. Select this new ellipse and transform the left and right anchor points by clicking on them with the Transform Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C). Create a new white ellipse in front (Control-C, Control-F).

Shrink it, but make sure the white oval stays inside the brown oval. Very important: combine the entire mouth.

After this, go to Effect > Distort > Arc and enter the options you see below.

8. Using the Rectangle Tool (M), add a rectangle under the head to create the neck. It should be the same color as the face's fill. While keeping it selected, go to Effect > Distort > Highlight. In the new dialog window, enter the options you see in the image below. Expand this shape (Object gt; Expand Appearance).

9. To complete the head, let's add some curly hair. Draw a large circle at the back of your head. Keep it selected and go to Object>Path>Add Anchor Point. Do this a few times and you'll notice how the anchor points are added evenly across the circle.

Then go to Effects > Distort and Transform > Pucker and Bloat. In the new dialog window, move the slider to the right end to get 6 and press OK. You should end up looking like you have curly hair. Don't forget to expand this shape (Object > Expand Appearance).