Words are like people. Mr. Guan Yuwen's calligraphy: a gentleman's style, dignified and powerful; It has the elegant air of a scroll, which is quite good-looking and full of ancient charm. In fact, it is the embodiment of his character. Liu Yuwen made friends with calligraphy and painting circles and cultural circles, and was closely related to Huang Baoyu, Fu Baoshi, Wu and Fang Jiekan. 1955, via Shanghai. In a letter to his friend Wang Siyuan, he said, "There is a gathering of celebrities from Hu Boying. Shen and Huang Ainong praised my book, calling it "Fairyland on Earth". Although I have gained a reputation, I am not confident. " It can be seen that his calligraphy achievements were generally recognized by his peers at that time.
Liu Yuwen has a large collection of books, so he called Zhai "Zilian Mountain Pavilion" and "Huanglong Brick Pavilion", and Wu Zhihui once said: 200 Lian Mountain Pavilion. He is filial to his mother, who is old. The library is also called Shouxuan Caotang. After the founding of New China, Liu Yuwen was indifferent to fame and fortune, lived in seclusion in his hometown, devoted himself to calligraphy, and devoted himself to economic construction and public welfare undertakings in his hometown, which was deeply loved by the villagers.