Henan County was formerly located in Luozhou. In the first year of Daye, the capital was moved and renamed Yuzhou. There are three gates in the east: Shangchun in the north, Jianyang in the middle, and Yongtong in the south. There are two gates in the south: Changxia in the east and Jianguo in the south. One hundred and three in the city, three in the city. In the third year, it was changed to a county and Yin was established. There are 18 counties in the system, with 222,230 households.
Henan Daijun. Relevant officials. There is Jiashan Mountain. There is water. There are Han people in Luoyang who have come to the old capital. In the Later Wei Dynasty, Sizhou was established, and in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, it was renamed Luozhou. In the later weeks, the six prefectures of Tokyo and the general manager of Luozhou were established. In the first year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the Six Prefectures were reorganized and the Shangshu Province of Tokyo was established. In that year, Tokyo Shangshu Province was abolished. In the second year, the general manager was abolished and placed in Xingtai Province, Henan Province. Three years later, he was abolished in Taiwan and appointed as the governor of Luozhou. In the 14th year, a separate director was appointed in Jinyong City. Emperor Yang ascended the throne and abolished the province. It was established in Henan County, moved to Ye in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and changed to Yiqian County. Later Zhou Dynasty was renamed Henan. In the first year of Daye, he moved to the new capital. In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Luoyang County and Heyin County were established. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the counties were abolished and Yichuan County was established. At the beginning of the great cause, Heyin and Yichuan counties were merged into Yan. The old town of Nuxiang was called Hucheng, but it was changed in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. There are Wangjian, Quanjiujian and Qinshan. Taolin was built in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. There is Shangyang Palace. There is Zishui. After Shaanxi was established by the Wei Dynasty, Shaanzhou and Hengnong counties were established. In the later Zhou Dynasty, Wei County was established. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, all counties were abolished. At the beginning of the great cause, the state was abolished and Hongnong Palace was built. There are Chang Ping Cang and Wen Tang. There are pillars. Placed around the back of the Xiong'er, there is Tongtui County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. There is also Wei County in the later Wei Dynasty, where the great cause was initially abandoned. There are two holes. There are Tianzhu Mountain, Datou Mountain, Xiashi Mountain and Gushui Mountain. After Mianchi, Henan County was established in the Zhou Dynasty, and the elephant was abolished. In the Zhou Dynasty after Xin'an, Zhongzhou and Dongyuan County were established, and the states were abandoned. In the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Guzhou was established. In the fourth year of Renshou's reign, the state was abolished, and Xin'an was abolished and moved to Dongyuan. Dayechu changed its name to Xin'an. There are officials. There are Gushan, Qiangshan, Quemenshan, Xiaoshui, Jianshui and Jingushui. Yanshi was abandoned and replaced in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. Relevant officials. There is Heyangcang. There is the Duwei Mansion. There are Shouyang Mountain, Li Mountain and Gansu Mountain. Empress Gong was abolished, and the emperor was restored in the 16th year of his reign. There is Xingluocang. There are nine mountains, including Tianling Mountain, Fengshan Mountain and Dongshouyang Mountain. Yiyang was established in Yiyang County in the Later Wei Dynasty, and Yang Prefecture was established in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. It was renamed Xiong Prefecture in the Later Zhou Dynasty. The Later Wei Dynasty was restored to Nan Mianchi County. Later Zhou Dynasty changed its name to Changluo. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. In the eighteenth year, Changluo was renamed Luoshui. At the beginning of Daye, Xiongzhou was abolished, and Luoshui was transferred to Yiyang from the province. In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Kinmen County was established and was abolished in the later Zhou Dynasty. There are Fuchang Palace, Kinmen Mountain, Nvji Mountain, Taiyin Mountain and Qiyao Mountain. After Shou'an, Wei established a county named Gantang, which was changed in the fourth year of Renshou. There is Xianren Palace. There is Cijian. Luhun The Eastern Wei Dynasty established Yichuan County and led Luhun County in the south. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished and the county was renamed Fuliu. Daye first changed his name to Lu Hun. There was also Northern Jingzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, which was renamed Hezhou in the later Zhou Dynasty. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, it was renamed Yizhou. The great cause was abolished at the beginning of the state. There is also Dongting County in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, which is seeking to be abolished. There are Fangshan, Santushan, Gushan, Yangshan and Wangmujian. Yique was called Xincheng in the old days, and Xincheng County was established in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. In the eighteenth year, the county was renamed Yan. There is Mount Yique. The great cause of Xingtai was first established. There are Lugui Mountain, Graphite Mountain and Zhongshan Mountain. The old Gou family was abandoned and replaced by the Eastern Wei Dynasty. The emperor was deposed in the 16th year of his reign, and the great cause was restored at the beginning. There are Fengshi Mountain, Shenyuan Mountain and Jingshan Mountain. After Chongyang was established in the Wei Dynasty, it was named Yingyang. The Eastern Wei Dynasty divided and established Xuyang, and the later Zhou Dynasty abolished Yingyang and entered it. In the sixth year of Kaihuang's reign, it was renamed Wulin. In the eighteenth year, the name was changed to Lunshi, and in the first year of Daye, the name was changed to Songyang. There was also Zhongchuan County in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, which was abolished in the later Zhou Dynasty. There are Songgao Mountain, Shaoshi Mountain and Yingshui. After the Wei Dynasty established Yangcheng County in Yangcheng, it was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. Songzhou was established in the 16th year, and Renshou was abolished in the fourth year. Later in the Wei Dynasty, Kangcheng County was established, and Renshou was abolished in the fourth year of his life. There are Jishan, Yanyueshan, Jingshan, Yushan and Xiaoshan.
Xingyang County, old Zhengzhou. In the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Guanzhou was established. The great cause was first restored to Zhengzhou. There are 11 unified counties, with 160,964 households.
Guancheng was formerly known as Zhongmou, and Guangwu County was established in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished and Zhongmou was renamed Neimou. In the 16th year, Guancheng was established. In the eighteenth year, it was renamed Neimou as Putian Ruyan. Quliang County was established in the Later Wei Dynasty, and was abolished in the Later Qi Dynasty, leaving Zhengshui. The old name of Sishui was Chenggao, which means Wulao. Dongzhongfu was established in the Later Wei Dynasty, Beiyuzhou was established in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and Yingzhou was established in the Later Zhou Dynasty. In the early days of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, it was called Zhengzhou, and in the 18th year it was changed to Gao and Sishui. At the beginning of the great cause, the Wulao Duwei Mansion was established. There are Zhoushan Mountain and Tianling Mountain. In the fourth year of Emperor Xingze's reign, he was named Guangwu. In the first year of Renshou, the name was changed to Yan. It was originally built in the 16th year of Emperor Wu Kaihuang's reign. Yangwu Putian was built in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign and was named Jiacheng. The great cause has just begun to change. Junyi In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Liangzhou and Chenliu counties were established. Later Qi Dynasty abolished Kaifeng County and entered it. In the later Zhou Dynasty, it was renamed Bianzhou. The counties were abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and the prefectures were abolished at the beginning of the great cause. Relevant officials. There are Tongji Canal and Caishui. After all the jujubes were abolished, they were revived in the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. Relevant officials. After Xinzheng, the Wei Dynasty was abolished, and in the 16th year of Kaihuang's reign, it was restored. At the beginning of Daye, Wanling County was merged into Yan. Relevant officials. There is Otayama. Xingyang was formerly located in Xingyang County. Later, the two counties of Juan and Jing of Qi Province entered the county, and it was renamed Chenggao County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. There are Jingsuo River and Wutong Stream. Kaifeng was established as a county in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, but was later abolished.
Liang County established Songzhou in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang’s reign.
There are 13 unified counties and 155,477 households.
Song City was formerly known as Suiyang and was located in Liang County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished, and in the eighteenth year the county was renamed Yan. At the beginning of the great cause, a county was established. Liang also set up Xinan County in the north and sought to abolish it. After Yongqiu, the Wei Dynasty established Yangxia County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished and Qizhou was established in the 16th year. The great cause was abolished at the beginning of the state. After Xiangyi was abolished, it was restored in the 16th year of the founding of the Emperor. After Ningling, Qi was abolished, and Emperor Kaihuang was restored in the sixth year. The later Wei Dynasty of Yucheng was called Xiao, and later Qi was abolished. Founded in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the name was changed to Yan. Later Wei established Pei County, and later Qi abolished it. After the grains were ripe, Wei was abolished and the emperor was restored in the 16th year of his reign. After Chen Liu, Wei was abolished and Emperor Kaihuang was restored to power in the sixth year. In the 16th year, Xinli County was established, and the great cause was initially abandoned. There is also Xiaohuang County, which was abandoned by the later Qi Dynasty. There are Suishui and Huanshui. After Xiayi, Qi abolished Siwu County and entered Yan. After Kao City, it was called Kaoyang in the Wei Dynasty and was placed in Beiliang County. Later, the prefectures and counties of Qi were abolished and became Cheng'an County. In the eighteenth year of Kaihuang's reign, the name was changed to Kaocheng. After Chuqiu, the Wei family was named Si, and was placed in Beiqiao County. Later Qi counties and counties were abolished. In the fourth year of Kaihuang's reign, the Si family was added, and in the sixth year, it was renamed Chuqiu. The Wei Dynasty established Dangshan Mountain and named it Anyang. In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the name was changed to Yan. There are Dangshan and Yushan. Yucheng was formerly known as Yucheng, but was abolished by Qi Dynasty later. It was rebuilt in the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign and was called Yucheng. There is valley water. The old name of Zhecheng was Zhe, which was abandoned for a long time. In the 16th year of Kaihuang's reign, it was built and named Zhecheng.
Qiaojun was established as Nanchong Prefecture in the Later Wei Dynasty. In the later Zhou Dynasty, the General Manager's Office was established, which was later renamed Bozhou. In the first year of Kaihuang's reign, the government was abolished. There are six unified counties and 74,817 households.
Qiaojiu was called Xiaohuang and was established in Chenliu County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished and in the 16th year it was divided into Meicheng County. In the third year of Daye's reign, Xiaohuang was renamed Qiao County and Meicheng was merged into Yan County. The old one was abandoned and restored in the 16th year of the founding of the Emperor. There was Ma Tou County in the old days, and Xiayi County was established in the Later Wei Dynasty, and was abolished in the Later Qi Dynasty. The father of the city was established in the Song Dynasty, and his name was Junyi. It was changed in the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. After Guyang, Qi Province was restored in the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. After Shansang, the Wei Dynasty established Wozhou, Woyang County, and Qiao County. Liang changed Weizhou to West Xuzhou. In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, it was renamed Qiaozhou. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished, and in the 16th year, Woyang was renamed Feishui. At the beginning of the great cause, the prefecture was abolished and the county was renamed Shansang. Liang also established Xin'an County in the north, and Meng County in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. After the Qi Dynasty, the county was abolished and Meng County was established, and then the county was established. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. Liang also established Yangxia County, which was abolished by the Eastern Wei Dynasty. After Linhuan, the Wei Dynasty established Linhuan County and Dancheng County. The Eastern Wei Dynasty established Baichu County, and later Qi County was abolished. In the first year of Kaihuang's reign, Dancheng Province was established. At the beginning of the great cause, Baichu Province was added to the province and merged into Yan. There are Jishan and Longgang.
Jiyin County was established in Xiyanzhou in the Later Wei Dynasty, and was renamed Caozhou in the Later Zhou Dynasty. There are nine counties in the system, with 140,948 households.
After Jiyin, the Wei Dynasty established Pei County, which was later abolished. In the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Huang County was divided into Huang County, and in the eighteenth year it was changed to Mengze. The great cause was initially abandoned in Yan. After the Waihuang Dynasty, Qi abolished Cheng'an County and entered it. In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the first city and county was established, and the great cause was initially abandoned. After Jiyang became a military force, it was established in Yongchang County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished and Daizhou was established in the 16th year. The great cause was abolished at the beginning of the state. Yuanju Cheng's clan Ding Tao Dan's father was named Lihu in the Later Wei Dynasty, and he was placed in Jiyin County in the north. Later Qi counties and counties were abolished. In the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the official list was updated. In the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Jinxiang was divided into Changyi County, and Dayechu was merged into it.
Xiangcheng County was established in Northern Jingzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and was renamed Hezhou in the Later Zhou Dynasty. It was renamed Yizhou in the early days of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and it was renamed Ruzhou in the early days of Daye. There are eight unified counties, with 155,917 households.
The old name of Ruyuan was inherited, and Rubei County was established. Later it was renamed Ruyin County. In the later Zhou Dynasty, the county was abolished. At the beginning of Daye, the county name was changed to Chengxiu and Xiangcheng County was established. There is yellow water. The former Liang Dynasty established Rubei County, which was later abolished by Qi Dynasty. There is a spring. Jiacheng was formerly known as Longshan. The Eastern Wei Dynasty established Shunyang County, Nanyang County, and Nanyang County. In the early days of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Longshan was renamed Runan, and the two counties were abolished in three years. In the eighteenth year, Runan was renamed Fucheng, and Nanyang was renamed Qicheng. At the beginning of Daye, the auxiliary city was renamed Jiacheng, and the city was abolished and moved to Yan. Regarding officials, there is Daliu Mountain. Yangzhai In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Yangzhai County was established, but at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. There is a fishing platform. There is Jiushan Temple. In Ruyuan and Runan there were Runan County and Fulei County in the Later Wei Dynasty, which were merged and later abolished. After Lu, Wei established Jingzhou, sought to abolish it, established Luyang County, and later established Luzhou. The county was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and the prefecture was abolished at the beginning of the great cause. Relevant officials. There are Heshan Mountain and Dayi Mountain. Jicheng was formerly known as Pheasant Yang. In the 18th year of Kaihuang's reign, the name was changed to Zhanshui, and Dayechu was renamed Yan. In the later Zhou Dynasty, Wushan County was established and was abolished in the first year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. In the Later Wei Dynasty, Nanyang County and Heshan County were established, and Dayechu was abolished in Yan. There is Yingshan.
Yingchuan County was formerly located in Yingzhou. It was renamed Zhengzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty and Xuzhou in the Later Zhou Dynasty. There are 14 counties in the system, with 195,640 households.
Yingchuan was formerly known as Changshe, and Yingchuan County was established. Later Qi Dynasty abolished Yingyin County and moved into it. In the early days of Emperor Kaihuang, the county was abolished and changed into a county. In the Eastern Wei Dynasty, Huangtai County was established. When the great cause was first abandoned, Yan was established and a county was established. Xiangcheng was formerly located in Xiangcheng County, and in the later Zhou Dynasty, Ruzhou was established. The county was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and the prefecture was abolished at the beginning of the great cause. There is water. After your tomb, all of them were placed in Guangzhou County of Han Dynasty. If they were to be abandoned, there would be Shou Mountain. Ye Houqi moved to Xiangzhou. In the later Zhou Dynasty, Xiangzhou was abolished and Nan Xiangcheng County was established. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. The Eastern Wei Dynasty established Dingnan County, which was abolished in the Later Zhou Dynasty and became Dingnan County. The great cause comes from the beginning. Beiwu was formerly located in Dingling County, but was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. There is a hundred-foot ditch. Yancheng was established at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and Daozhou was established in the 16th year. At the beginning of the great cause, the state was abolished.
In the later Wei Dynasty, Yingchuan County was established, and in the later Qi Dynasty, it was changed to Linying County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. There is also Shaoling County, where the great cause has been abandoned. There is water. After Fanchang Linying and Wei's clan were abolished, they were revived in the sixth year of Kaihuang's reign. Changge was established in the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. Xuchang Xuyinqiang built it in the 16th year of his reign and named it Taocheng, which marked the beginning of great changes. Xuchang County was established in Fugou Yanling in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, but was abolished in the later Qi Dynasty. The county was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, and Yanling County was restored in the seventh year. In the 16th year, Weizhou was established, and the state was abolished at the beginning of the great cause. In the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Caipi County was established, and the province entered Yan.
Runan County was established in Yuzhou in the Later Wei Dynasty, and Xingtai was established in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. In the later Zhou Dynasty, the general manager's office was established, which was later renamed Shuzhou, Xunfu was renamed Yuzhou, Luozhou was renamed Yuzhou, this was Qinzhou, and it was also renamed Caizhou. There are 11 unified counties and 152,785 households.
Ruyang was formerly known as Shangcai and was established as Runan County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. At the beginning of Daye, a county was established, the county was renamed Ruyang, and Baocheng County was abolished and moved to Yan. There is Hongqipi. Chengyang was abandoned and replaced by Liang, and there was Yixing County. The Later Wei Dynasty established Chengyang County, the Liang Dynasty established Chuzhou, the Eastern Wei Dynasty established Western Chuzhou, and the Later Qi Dynasty established Yongzhou. In the ninth year of Kaihuang's reign, he was abolished and moved to Chunzhou. In the 18th year, it was changed from Yixing to Chunyi. Daye Chuzhou County was abolished and moved into Yan. Liang also established Wucheng County, which was later abolished. There are Shizhang Mountain and Damu Mountain. Zhenyang was formerly located in Yingzhou. The Eastern Wei Dynasty abolished the state and established Yiyang County. Later Qi abolished the county and moved it into Baocheng County. In the eleventh year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. In the 16th year, a county was established, which was called Zhenqiu. Daye was first renamed Zhenyang. There is also Baigou County, and Liang established Huaizhou. Later Qi abolished the prefectures and established Qixing counties, and the counties were abandoned. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was renamed Huaichuan, and the province became Yan. There was also Anyang County in the later Wei Dynasty, which was later abolished. There is Wenshui. After Xinxi, the Wei Dynasty established East Yuzhou. Liang changed the name to Western Yuzhou. It was also renamed Huaizhou. The Eastern Wei Dynasty was renamed Dongyuzhou, and later Zhou Dynasty was renamed Xizhou. The great cause of Chuzhou was abolished. Later in the Wei Dynasty, Runan County was established, and at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. Liang also set up Dianzhou and sought to abolish it. Liang also established Beiguangcheng County, which was abolished by the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and Beixinxi County, which was abolished by the later Qi Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, the praise letter was changed to Baoxin. The great cause has just begun to change and return to its old state. Liang also established Liang'an County, which was abolished at the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign. There was also Changling County, which was later abolished as a county. At the beginning of the great cause, the province was restored to the county. After Shangcai was established in the Wei Dynasty, he was named Linru. After that, they were all abolished. Kaihuang placed it in the middle, named Wujin. Dayechu changed its name to Yan. The old Ping Yu was abandoned, and the great cause was first changed to the new Cai Yan. There is Gepi. Xincai Qi established North Xincai County, Wei said Xincai County, and Eastern Wei established Caizhou. Later Qi abolished the state and established Guangning County. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. In the 16th year, Shuzhou, Shu County and Guangning County were established. In the first year of Renshou, Guangning was renamed Rubei. At the beginning of the great cause, the state was abolished and Rubei was renamed Xincai. Later, Yongkang County was established together, and it was later renamed Caishui. Finally, it was merged with Shu County into Yan. Langshan was formerly known as Anchang and was established as Chu'an County. It was abolished and the county was renamed in the eighteenth year. Liang also established Chuzhou, which was abolished by the later Wei Dynasty, and Qi established Jingzhou and sought to abolish it. In the later Zhou Dynasty, Weizhou was established and later abolished. Wu Fang was originally called Suining, and later Suiyi County of Qi Province entered Yan. Daye was first renamed Wu Fang. After Xiping, the Wei Dynasty established Xiangcheng County. Later Qi Dynasty changed the county's name to Wencheng. At the beginning of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the county was abolished. There is also the old Wuyang County, which was renamed Wufang in the 18th year, marking the beginning of the great cause of the province. There are also the old Weizhou and Yaozhou, which were merged and later established together, and were all abolished at the beginning of the emperor's reign.