Shu Di. His courtesy name was Daoyuan, a native of Jixi. He was fifteen or sixteen years old. He taught the classics and history with Cheng Wen from the same county. Later, when he arrived in Yuanzhong, he issued an edict from Guichi. When his rank was full, he transferred to Taizhou to study upright. Encountering chaos in the world, he fled to the mountains with his relatives. When I tried to avoid the Kouyan Valley, I was captured. I scolded the thief with a straight face, and the thief was relieved. His poems are rich in ancient times and are not stained by the habit of delicate weaving. The calligraphy is particularly simple and unsophisticated, and those who know it think it comes from the Han official method. Scholars call him Mr. Zhensu. There are seven volumes of "Huayang Zhensu Zhai Collection". "
Shu Di was born in 1304 and died in 1377, at the time of the Yuan and Ming dynasties (the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed in 1368). As mentioned above, he "encountered troubled times." "I tried to avoid Kouyan Valley and was executed. , scold the thieves with a straight face, and release them when the thieves feel." From the words "avoiding bandits", "being held", "scolding thieves" and other words, we can see that the so-called thieves and bandits certainly refer to Zhu Yuanzhang and other rebels. The Ming Dynasty could not summon him repeatedly, but he died at home in the tenth year of Hongwu (1377)." These records tell us the emotional connection between Shu Di and the Yuan Dynasty. This point is extremely important for understanding this poem. The author of the poem is not included in the annotation. It cannot be said that it is a mistake to indicate the era in which Shu Di lived, which affects the candidates' accurate understanding of the connotation of the poem. Of course, if there is an introduction to Shu Di's life and poems in Anhui's local textbooks, it would be another matter, because Shu Di. Di is from Jixi, and Jixi is in Anhui. This is the reason why this poem was chosen as the theme. This song uses the Dragon Boat Festival as the carrier, starting from the Dragon Boat Festival customs seen in Jingchu, depicting a lively and busy scene, and the following. The film's "no one understands" is in sharp contrast, but the "Water of Yuanxiang" brings the author into history, expressing his sentimentality about the fall of the Yuan Dynasty and his failure to serve in the Ming Dynasty through Ji Hui, "Who can mourn Yuan again if I am empty and melancholy?" "Xiang"
"I feel sad after reading "Li Sao". Poems such as "No one understands" convey the author's sadness and loss, while "The past cannot be discussed." Thousands of years of loyalty and loyalty, the sun and stars shine" shows the author's loyalty and determination to the Yuan Dynasty. "The trees turn to the shade at noon", which is a common ending method in ancient poems. , the lingering aftertaste effect of "Several Green Peaks on the River". The author's pessimism and despair are beyond words.