At the age of thirteen, Wang Xizhi attended a banquet hosted by a senior official named Zhou E in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Zhou E is well-known in the local area, and all the people invited are prominent figures. There was one at the party? Niuxin? This beef heart is a dish made of beef heart, which was very precious at that time. Most people simply can't eat it. Only high-ranking dignitaries are qualified to taste, which is also a symbol of status and status.
Zhou E probably thinks that although Wang Xizhi looks dull, he has some development potential. He intended to encourage him, so he cut a piece of beef heart for Wang Xizhi in front of many guests at the banquet. Wang Xizhi was flattered, and so were the guests present. The news spread quickly. At that time, everyone said that this Wang Xizhi was so popular with Zhou E that he must be not an ordinary child, but a powerful figure! The opinions of friends and relatives around him have gradually changed, and Wang Xizhi himself has become more confident and no longer full of doubts about himself.
Therefore, how a child grows up is greatly influenced by the surrounding environment and people. An environment full of criticism and belittling, and an environment full of encouragement and appreciation can be said to be a world of difference for children's future development. Zhou E gave Wang Xizhi not only a heart, but also the affirmation and dignity behind him, so that Wang Xizhi can have more self-confidence and motivation in the future and truly respect and believe in himself.