Ouyang Xiu, a great scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty, said: "To establish oneself, one must first establish one's studies, and to establish one's studies, one must read books."
The literary sage Confucius was knowledgeable and good at reading. He was "sensitive and eager to learn, and he was not ashamed to ask questions." , often "read Yi, Wei compiled three unique things". The martial sage Guan Gong wrote Tao's military strategy, and he still kept his hands on the scroll. He "loved Zuo's biography, and his satires and recitations were all catchy." He said in a letter to Liu Bei that "I have been reading since childhood and have a rough understanding of etiquette." Kuang Heng, a Confucian scholar of the Western Han Dynasty, He loved reading, but his family was poor since he was a child. He could not afford candles, so he had to cut through walls to steal light. He studied hard and finally became a great scholar. He was appreciated by Emperor Han Yuan and was appointed prime minister.
Love reading, read more, and read good books, so that we can aim high, activate our thoughts, and open up our wisdom. It can help us distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, find the truth and light, realize self-positioning, be calm in the face of changes, and develop tranquility and long-term goals. The pattern of the people, the cultivation of virtue and integrity, and the noble and upright sentiments.
Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty said: "Books are like medicine. Reading them well can cure stupidity." This means: Books are like medicine. Reading them properly can make people sensible and intelligent.
As the saying goes, a light can eliminate darkness, and wisdom can eliminate foolishness. The books of sages are the crystallization of wisdom left by ancient sages and sages, and are the spiritual wealth passed down from generation to generation of Chinese civilization.
Chinese civilization has a long history, and Chinese culture is broad and profound. The ancient sages and sages have left numerous classic books, which are profound, timeless, and full of wise and philosophical thoughts.
For example, the four books: "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius".
For example, the Five Classics: "The Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Changes", and "Spring and Autumn".
For example: "Tao Te Ching", "Huang Di Nei Jing", "Loyalty Classic", "Filial Piety Classic", "Three Hundred Tang Poems", "Three Hundred Song Ci Poems", "Guan Zhi", "Er "Fourteen Histories" etc.
Enlightenment textbooks: "Three Character Classic", "Hundred Family Surnames", "Thousand Character Classic", "Disciple Rules", "Young School Qionglin", "Zengguang Xianwen", "Liaofan Four Trainings" "wait.
Three major folk Bibles: "Guan Sheng Di Jun Awakening the World True Sutra", "Tai Shang Inspiration Chapter", and "Wenchang Di Jun Yin Zhi Wen".
Guan Di’s holy edict and mantra series: "Taoyuan Ming Bible", "Three Realms Subduing Demon Pass Holy Emperor's Loyalty, Filial Piety and Righteousness True Scripture", "Treasure Confessions of the Supreme Emperor Zhongwu Pass to Protect the Country and the People", "Guan "Emperor's Great Explanation of Wrongs", "Jie Shi Zi Wen", etc.
These classics of ancient sages and sages imply the common principles of life, allowing Chinese people to gain access to the wisdom of sages and sages, lighting up their hearts, becoming adults and realizing themselves, becoming inner saints and outer kings, like bright morning stars in the sky. The souls of the descendants of Yan and Huang have become the cultural nourishment passed down from generation to generation by the Chinese nation, rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people, and profoundly affecting the Chinese people's way of thinking and action.
Emperor Guan made it clear at the beginning of the "Taoyuan Ming Bible": "The scriptures are eternal, and what they say are nothing more than common principles for daily life, which can be passed down through the ages. People can respect the body and mind, and never forget the fundamentals. , always be a filial brother, respect this heart, do not be greedy, and do not engage in sexual misconduct. The saint is enlightened, loyal and courageous through the ages, the holy spirit for thousands of years, the first saint and the later saint, this is the same. The Ming One is like the sun and moon illuminating the universe, not missing anything, making people's minds always have a clear mind. The spiritual platform is clean and swept like a precious mirror, making the mind and nature clear, so it is called "Ming Bible"."
The books of sages laid the foundation of traditional Chinese culture and are immortal monuments in the history of the development of Chinese culture.
The reason why the sages’ books are called sages’ books is because they systematically expound the moral thoughts, philosophy of life, values ??and codes of conduct of Chinese culture, thus forming the unique culture of the Chinese nation. Gene.
Since history, the cultural cultivation and moral ideals of the Chinese nation, the magnanimity, charm and spiritual world of the Chinese nation have all been deeply rooted in the cultural nourishment of the sages’ books and have been able to thrive and thrive. , has become a unique cultural symbol that distinguishes Chinese civilization from other civilizations.
Confucius' "Sincerity, integrity, self-cultivation, ordering the family, governing the country, and peace of the world" let us understand the life ideal of strengthening personal moral cultivation and determined to become talented; Mozi "Those who are not ambitious will not be wise." "He who does not believe what he preaches will not achieve results", let us understand the value pursuit of honesty and trustworthiness, inspiration and self-improvement; Zeng Zi's "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance, the road ahead is long and arduous", let us understand the thoughts and sentiments of shouldering a mission and having the courage to take responsibility. Mencius "If you are poor, you can be good for yourself; if you are rich, you can be good for the world." This allows us to understand the spiritual realm of a gentleman who is careful about himself and has the world in mind.
The Holy Instructions of Emperor Guan earnestly instruct: "Read good books, speak good words, do good deeds, and be a good person." Reading good books should be regarded as the starting point for a successful life.
Reading books by sages can continuously activate thoughts, expand horizons, stimulate positive energy in the human body, read nutrition, wisdom, and temperament.
Taiwanese female writer Sanmao said: "When you read more, your appearance will naturally change. Many times, you may think that many of the books you have read have become a passing smoke and are no longer remembered. In fact, they are still in your latent temperament. , in conversation, and in writing."