Wei Zi was the eldest brother of Zhou Wang in Shang Dynasty, and Bigan was Wei Zi's uncle. Zhou Wang's dissoluteness aroused strong opposition from the government and the people. North Korean ministers discussed abolishing Zhou Wang and establishing a mini-court. Upon hearing this, Zhou Wang demoted Weizi to Weizi (now Weizi Town, Lucheng City, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province) as a vassal. Weizi came to Weizi to graze cattle and sheep, reclaim land, plant mulberry trees, and work hard to build a home with the people. After a few years, it flourished.
The news of national rejuvenation spread to North Korea, and the ministers of the DPRK and China were all happy. Prime Minister Bigen, who has always been concerned about the country and the people, was even more overjoyed when he learned about it. He sang from Beijing to Wei Ziguo and found Wei Ziguo. What he saw and heard in rural Weizi excited him. After returning to North Korea, he remonstrated with Zhou Wang and advised him to take Cabbage as an example to save the country and the people. Zhou Wang wouldn't listen. At this moment, da ji beside Zhou Wang said with malicious intent, "Your Majesty, didn't he say that he would be loyal to you? Do you want to take out his heart and see if it is red or black? " Zhou Wang listened to the slanderers, but he was about to cut his heart on the spot.
Beagan didn't die after his heart was opened. He walked painfully to find Wei Zi. When I walked to a dirt mountain in the east of Weizi County, I lay down and died.
Later, people built Bigan Temple (Sanren Temple) here, carved a statue of Bigan, and called this earthen mountain Bigan Ridge. After Beagan was killed, Zhou Wang even copied it with her door. Bigan's wife, Chen, was pregnant at that time and was secretly released by soldiers who sympathized with Bigan, giving birth to Bigan's posthumous son in the nearby mountains. When Zhou Wang's tracker arrived, he asked the child's last name. Chen used his quick wits, took Lin as his surname, escaped this disaster, and drew the pulse of Lin. After the Shang Dynasty was destroyed, the tomb of Bigan was sealed, and the son forest of Bigan was officially given, named and built, and the river was sealed to clear the public, and the grain was collected in Boling (now Anping County, Hebei Province). Therefore, it was the ancestor of Lin, and Bigan became the great ancestor of Lin.
Bigan Temple Hall is magnificent, five meters wide and three rooms deep. The roof of the main hall is covered with colored glazed tiles and decorated with vertebrates and birds, which is very eye-catching. In the center of the main hall stands a tall statue of Bi Gan, a loyal minister since ancient times. I always feel a little familiar when I look at Beagan's image. After listening to the introduction, I know that he is the god of wealth posted on the door during the New Year! According to folklore, after Bigan's death, the Jade Emperor named him the god of literature. For thousands of years, people put his image on the door, hoping to keep safe and make money. (Figure 3) A local villager who came to burn incense told me that this folk custom has existed here for a long time. Whenever something bothers him, he goes to the temple to say goodbye. "Goodbye, God of Wealth, and all the best!"
In the east hall of Bigan Temple, there are three descendants of Bigan, and Lin Jian is the natural one in the middle. He has a square face, sharp edges and corners, sits with sleeves folded, wears a cicada crown, and has the majesty of an ancient duke. On the right is the forest, which is elegant and graceful. He is the twenty-fourth generation grandson of Bigan, a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, and one of the seventy-two sages under Confucius. He is the ancestor of Guangzhou Forest in Henan Province, and now he is the ancestor of Beilin.
The picture on the left shows the 56th Sun Lin of Bi Gan, born in Jin Dynasty. He is the ancestor of the Lin family in Putian, Fujian today. Later, Putian Lin became the largest branch of Lin. Due to geographical reasons, many members of the Lin family in Putian emigrated overseas. Today, the Lin family in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore is this branch. Therefore, Lin is the ancestor.
The statue of Mazu is enshrined in the west annex hall of Bigan Temple, which is widely worshipped in the southeast coast of China and Taiwan Province Province. Only when I arrived at Bigan Temple did I know that the famous Mazu was also a descendant of Bigan. Mazu was born in the first year of Stegosaurus in the Northern Song Dynasty. She is the 22nd granddaughter of ancestor Lin and the 78th granddaughter of Bi Gan. The story of Mazu is little known in mainland China, but it is well known to women and children in coastal areas. Her real name is Maureen Niang. It is said that after she was born, she couldn't hear crying at the full moon, so she was named Mo Niang. As a teenager, she began to help fishermen and merchant ships at sea and rescue fishermen and crew who fell into the water. She did many good deeds and gained great popularity in the local area. On the ninth day of September when Mo Niang was 28 years old, she rescued fishermen in distress at sea. Unfortunately, she was swept away by a tornado and ascended to heaven. In memory of her, people built a temple and regarded her as a sea god. Later, people called her Mazu, Tian Fei and Tianhou, and she was the goddess with the most influence and followers in China. Now in the coastal areas of China, fishermen have to worship Mazu before going out to sea to ensure safety. 1900, Liang Qichao accompanied Dr. Sun Yat-sen to pay a visit to Mazu Tianhou Palace, and wrote a couplet, which was immortal and printed in all dynasties.
The "temple owner" of Bigan Temple told reporters that Lin's descendants are prosperous, and there are many people who study as officials in history. Lin's imperial examinations in past dynasties were indispensable, so there has been a saying since ancient times that "no forest does not test, no forest does not rank". In recent decades, descendants of Lin at home and abroad have come to Bigan Temple to seek roots and worship their ancestors. (Figure 9) 1993, on the occasion of the 3085th anniversary of Bigan's birth, 1500 people from 24 Lin clansmen's associations in four countries and regions gathered in Weihui to hold a grand commemorative ceremony. Since "Bigan cut the heart", this strange injustice has become the same topic composition of literati and celebrities in past dynasties, as evidenced by countless inscriptions and poems in Bigan Temple. A wise monarch regrets that he was born out of time, while a monarch with a bumpy career satirizes the present and realizes his own destiny. There are still many officials who lament the difficulty of loyal subjects.
The young commentator pointed to the stele gallery in Bigan Temple and proudly told the reporter: "This is the essence of cultural relics in Bigan Temple. In Bigan Temple, 86 stone tablets of emperors, generals, local officials and literati are preserved. It will take several days to see it in turn, so I'll introduce you to the most precious one! " It seems that the little girl wants to pick out the essence from the essence.
"The most famous is the Taihe tablet written by Emperor Xiaowen of Wei. The tablet is engraved with the tomb of Diaobi, written by Emperor Xiaowen. This is the earliest stone tablet of Bigan Temple. " At first glance, there is nothing special about this stone tablet. On closer inspection, it's really different. The stone tablet is engraved with words on all sides (Figure 5)! The front text of the stone tablet is Weibei font, which is thin, hard and steep. It is said that it was written by Cui Hao, a great calligrapher in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. As famous as Longmen 20, it is a rare calligraphy in China today!
This inscription written by Emperor Xiaowen is also highly praised by later generations. At the beginning, the article denounced Yin's "tyranny of cabin defeat" with a sharp pen, and then enthusiastically praised Bi Gan's loyalty and integrity, expressing his admiration and nostalgia for this ancient loyal minister. He regretted that Bigan was born at an untimely time and could not directly remonstrate against the great cause of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Finally, Emperor Xiaowen used more pen and ink to fantasize that Bi Gan drove dragons and phoenixes and traveled to heaven. The article is romantic in writing and magnificent in language, which vaguely reflects Qu Yuan's Li Sao. The story of Bi Gan Jian Xin is a household name among women and children, because it coincides with the psychology of China traditional culture. The first is the "gratitude" complex. Bigen played a key role in Zhou Wang's succession to the throne. In this sense, Beagan was very kind to Zhou Wang, but Zhou Wang bite the hand that feeds him, which immediately aroused great indignation. It is easier to arouse people's sympathy than loyalty to the country. Secondly, it seems that all the bad things Zhou Wang did were instigated by da ji, which catered to the traditional cultural psychology that "women are disasters". Isn't there a sister around Xia Jie, who is almost as bad as Zhou Wang?
Today, when we return to the historical scene with the help of Tai Shigong, we can still smell the thick smell of blood. The tragic scene more than 3,000 years ago almost erased the bright color of the whole Shang Dynasty, but the noble and upright spirit of fighting righteousness remained in the world, leading the admonishers through fire and water.
In the bureaucratic history of China for thousands of years, the admonition of loyal ministers is a unique landscape. Almost all dynasties experienced difficulties because of direct remonstrance, and even paid the price of their lives. Similar plots abound in literary works, among which there is no doubt a role model. More than 3,000 years ago, Bigan created an insurmountable standard of "till death do us part" for later generations, just as later generations commented that "since ancient times, monarchs have refused to remonstrate for many weeks, and since ancient times, loyal ministers have been more diligent." ...