People who know nothing know nothing about calligraphy.

The knower does not speak, and the speaker does not know. Plug its exchange, close its door, discourage its spirit, resolve its disputes, and share its glory. It means Xuan Tong. Therefore, if you can't get it, you can't get it; If you can't get it, you can't get it, and it hurts; It's expensive if you can't buy it, and it's cheap if you can't buy it. Therefore, you are the world.

Wise men know subtlety, so they don't arbitrarily impose laws on people; People who are good at executing laws are not wise. Blocking the road of lust, closing the door of lust, not leaking the edge, dispelling the disturbance, shining with the sword, and being in the same place with the secular, this is the mysterious realm of unity. Self-cultivation can reach this level, regardless of personal relationships, interests and dignity. Those who can transcend this closeness, interest and dignity are the most distinguished people in the world.

The way the world cherishes is the record of words, which is nothing more than language, so cherishing words is actually cherishing language. Language attaches importance to content and meaning. Some meanings can be expressed, while others cannot be expressed in words. Because the world attaches importance to language, it is recorded in books and handed down in words, but this writing is really worthless.

I don't value it because what they value is not the most precious thing in the world. The most precious things are often between the lines! What the eyes can see is shape and color, and what the ears can hear is name and harmony, which have become the media that penetrate the avenue of people's hearts. In fact, that kind of shape, color, sound and name can't help people discover the truth of the avenue at all.

Therefore, those who know "Tao" don't talk about it, and those who are good at talking don't know "Tao". How can the world know these truths?

One day, Huan Gong was reading in class. When the wheelwright was making wheels in the garden, he heard Huan Gong reading. The lathe worker put down his tools and went to class. He asked Huan Gong:

"What book is your majesty reading?"

Duke Huan replied, "This is the word of a saint."

The wheelwright asked, "Is the saint still alive?"

Huan Gong said, "Dead."

The wheelwright said, "Then what your highness read is just the dross of the ancients!" "

Huan Gong said angrily, "I'm studying, so you can criticize me at will as a lathe worker?" It's okay to have a reason, and you're dead without a reason.

The lathe worker said, "Let's take what I did! If the wheel is too tight, it will not turn; If it is too loose, it will be unstable. To do this well, you must have a soul mate. But this feeling of unity of heart and hand cannot be expressed in words. " So I can't pass this craft on to my son and let him inherit my mantle. I'm seventy years old and I'm still making wheels here.

The ancients and what he couldn't teach disappeared. Didn't your majesty read the dross left by the ancients?

As we all know: from the body to the body, it is called life; From having a body to not having a body, it is called death. However, people still keep talking about this matter, and only those who seek Tao ignore it. Therefore, people who really know the avenue will not discuss it, and people who chatter endlessly will not find the avenue.