Neat handwriting
Neat handwriting is also convenient for marking teachers to find scoring points in the answers. Scribbled handwriting will not be deducted directly. If you can't read your whole answer clearly, it should be impossible to get high marks. The exam is not to let others appreciate your handwriting. You must make others understand what you have written, so that you can get a score.
Answer the question "in the right place"
All papers should be entered into the computer before marking, and each teacher is only responsible for grading one of the questions, and the other questions are invisible. Therefore, when you answer the questions, you must read them carefully, so that the answers are "in the right place" and written in the corresponding position, otherwise the marking teacher will not see them, even if they are correct, it will be in vain.
Don't miss this question.
Missing questions refer to small questions that are easily overlooked by everyone. For example, if a case asks "is it correct and explains the reasons", it is answered in two steps: first, whether the answer is correct, and then state the reasons in different articles. Never say the reason directly and ignore the judgment. It's a pity to lose points.