The first thing is to be clear. First of all, in terms of font, it should be mainly regular script, not cursive script, maybe a little bit of connecting strokes. Secondly, the character spacing should not be too tight. This is very important! If it's too crowded, you won't be able to see clearly, and the strokes will fight with each other. If the marking teacher cannot see the answers clearly, it is impossible to increase the score. So increase the distance between words. Then the font size should not be too small or too big. If you want to practice this well, you can use it as writing paper, which is the graph paper at the back of the Chinese test paper. If it's too small, you can't see clearly. If it is too big, it will affect the overall layout and crowd the grid, like fat crowding the eyes. The second point is neat. Many people have a bad habit of overdoing their strokes when writing. For example, the word "teacher" must be written in a very long column and carried to the next column. Or next to a single person like "Bian", it must be written very prominently and drawn on the previous line. The successful "cheng" means that one hook has to cross two grids, and I think this is very cool and handsome. This leads to overall untidyness.