Xu Botao is a scholar and a great grandfather of Dongyang. Bo Zhen is lonely and has no paper to learn. He often uses bamboo arrows, bamboo leaves, bananas and the ground to study books. Mountains and rivers burst their banks and flooded houses, and all the neighbors in the village ran away; Bo Zhen sat wearily on the bed and continued reading. After ten years of research on classics and history, many scholars rely on it. Wang Tansheng, Wu Yan (1), Li Bi (2) and Bo Zhen (* *) all retired later, and so on. Gu Huan, Wu Jun, wrote history books, Bo Zhen gave lectures and answered, which were very organized and followed by Confucianism.
There is a high mountain in Jiuli, south of the house, which Bangu calls Jiuyan Mountain, and there is a shelter in Houhan Longshan. In two years, Bo Zhen moved it. Catalpa trees are born in front of the door, and they are discounted for one year. The family is very poor. (4) When all four brothers are bald, people call them Sihao. Jianwu four years, died, at the age of eighty-four. There are more than 1000 educated people.
(Excerpted from Volume 76 of Nan Shi, abridged)
Note ① Langya Wang Tansheng and Wu Yan: The following "Wu Huan" are place names. 2 monarch: recruitment (for the official). ③ Long Qiuzhong: Name. 4 poverty.
Xu Bozhen, whose real name is Wen Chu, is a native of Taiyu, Dongyang. Xu Bozhen lost his father in his early years and his family was poor. He writes and practices calligraphy on bamboo leaves and the ground. The house was flooded by flash floods, and all the neighbors in the village fled in a hurry, but Xu Bozhen folded the bed and left it open, reading more than one article. Ten years later, I studied classics and history, so most people who study abroad obey him. The satrap's evil king, Xiao Tansheng, and Zhang Yan once hired him. Xu Bozhen retired immediately after * * * and did * * twelve times. Gu Huan is a soldier of Wu. He picked out the ambiguous places in Shangshu, and Xu Bo really explained it in a very organized way, so Confucian scholars admired him very much.
There is a high mountain in Jiuli, south of his home, which is called Jiuyan Mountain by Ban Gu, and it is the seclusion place of Hanlong Qiuli. Two years later, Xu Bozhen moved to Zhuanli. There is a catalpa tree in front of his house, which grows thick every year and needs two people to hug. The family is very poor, and the four brothers are all bald, so people call them "Four Nobles". In the fourth year of Jianwu, Xu Bozhen died at the age of four. More than 1000 people received his instruction.
2. Xu Bozhen, the classical Chinese translation of Ruo Ye Xue Shu, is a literary critic with five fingers and Mrs. Dongyang. Xu Bozhen lost his father in his early years and his family was poor. He writes and practices calligraphy on bamboo leaves and the ground. The house was flooded by flash floods, and all the neighbors in the village fled in a hurry, but Xu Bozhen folded the bed and left it open, reading more than one article. Ten years later, I studied classics and history, so most people who study abroad obey him. The satrap's evil king, Xiao Tansheng, and Zhang Yan once hired him. Xu Bozhen retired immediately after * * * and did * * twelve times. Gu Huan is a soldier of Wu. He picked out the ambiguous places in Shangshu, and Xu Bo really explained it in a very organized way, so Confucian scholars admired him very much.
There is a high mountain in Jiuli, south of his home, which is called Jiuyan Mountain by Ban Gu, and it is the seclusion place of Hanlong Qiuli. Two years later, Xu Bozhen moved to Zhuanli. There is a catalpa tree in front of his house, which grows thick every year and needs two people to hug. The family is very poor, and the four brothers are all bald, so people call them "Four Nobles". In the fourth year of Jianwu, Xu Bozhen died at the age of four. More than 1000 people received his instruction.
3. Xu Bozhen, the classical Chinese translation of Ruo Ye Xue Shu, is a literary critic with five fingers and Mrs. Dongyang.
Xu Bozhen lost his father in his early years and his family was poor. He came to write and practice calligraphy on bamboo leaves and the ground. The house was flooded by flash floods, and all the neighbors in the village ran away in a hurry. However, Xu Bozhen folded the bed and stayed on it, reading more than one.
Ten years later, I studied classics and history, so most people who study abroad obey him. The satrap's evil king, Xiao Tansheng, and Zhang Yan once hired him. Xu Bozhen retired immediately after * * * and did * * twelve times.
Gu Huan, a native of Wu Bai County, picked out the ambiguous places in Shangshu, and Xu Bo really explained it in a well-organized way, so Confucianism admired him. There is a high mountain in Jiuli, south of his home, which Du called Jiuyan Mountain, in a secluded place at the foot of Hanlong Mountain. Two years later, Xu Bozhen moved to Zhi Zhi.
There is a catalpa tree in front of his house, which grows thick every year and needs two people to hug. The family is very poor, and the four brothers are all bald, so people call them "Four Nobles".
In the fourth year of Jianwu, Xu Daobo really died at the age of four. More than 1000 people received his instruction.
4. Li Taizong's translation of classical Chinese
When Song Taizong was in power, a man named Wang Zhu learned Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and got the hang of it. He works as a library assistant in Imperial College London. In addition to dealing with political affairs, the emperor also paid attention to practicing calligraphy. He repeatedly sent eunuchs to show Wang Zhu his own handwriting. Every time, Wang Zhu thought that (Song Taizong) didn't learn well, and Emperor Taizong copied calligraphy more attentively. (Song Taizong) took the written words and asked Wang Zhu. Wang Zhu's answer is still the same as at the beginning. When asked about his intentions, Wang Zhu said: "Although (the emperor) originally wrote very well, if he said so soon (the emperor wrote very well), I am afraid that the emperor will no longer pay attention to calligraphy." From then on, the emperor's calligraphy was exquisite, surpassing the predecessors and ancients. The world thinks this is the result of Wang Zhu's exhortation to the emperor.
5. Yan Baishi studied hard to become the answer to classical Chinese reading.
1, (1) So (2) Look.
2, the study (education) that I received when I was young, I have to read the book many times to be generally fluent.
3. Ten years of "silent memory".
4. Overcome difficulties and make unremitting efforts, and you will succeed.
Mr. Yan Baishi is a master of Confucian classics in junior high school and has an extraordinary memory. However, his talent is very dull. When he was a child, he read and recited hundreds of times before he realized that he was prone to illness. His mother wouldn't let him study, so he secretly remembered not to speak. So after ten years, one day, I suddenly felt suddenly enlightened. I don't doubt the books I have read before. This is because of the hard accumulation of energy. People in the world shrink from their stupidity. Or people who neglect their studies under the pretext of illness, compared with Mr. Baishi, should understand that this is very shameful.
6. Jiang Shiquan's Mother read classical Chinese for four years and was awarded four books (1) with several sentences on Mother's Day; Bitter children can't write, but they carve bamboo branches into silk, cut them, bend them into strokes and combine them into words. Once they know, they take off their knees and teach. Tomorrow, they will let all the staff read it with bamboo silk, and it is correct. At the age of six, they began to write and study books. When Jiang Shiquan was four years old, his mother put Jiang Shiquan on his knee and taught him to read. When you know a word, tear it off. Teach Jiang Shiquan ten words every day. The next day, let Jiang Shiquan spell out the words he knew the day before until there are no mistakes. When Jiang Shiquan was six years old, his mother taught Jiang Shiquan to write with a pen. Pay attention to four books: The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, University and The Doctrine of the Mean. Bi: Du, Du. Chen: Resettlement. Left and right: both sides. Ren: Ren. Early summer: corporal punishment equipment in ancient schools. Xia means "Jia Mu", that is to say, Mu Jia Mu Chu and Shu Yan.
7. Painting and translating classical Chinese; Ouyang Xiu, whose real name is Yongshu, is from Luling. At the age of four, his father died of illness, and his mother decided not to marry again, and personally taught Ouyang Xiu to read. Because my family is poor, I can only practice calligraphy on the ground with flags. At an early age, Ouyang Xiu was so talented that he could recite the book once. In adulthood, it is more of a character and a reputation. Ouyang Xiu began to work in Chuzhou, starting as an old drunkard and later changing to a 6 1 layman. He is naturally outspoken and has the courage to do good deeds of justice. Even if there is a trap ahead, he will never look back even if he is hurt. Ambition is the same, even if it is degraded many times.
Ouyang Xiu was born in Luling. At the age of four, his father died, and his mother Zheng decided not to remarry and taught Ouyang Xiu to read. Because my family is poor, I can only practice calligraphy on the ground with reeds. At an early age, Ouyang Xiu was smart enough to recite the book once. When I am an adult, I am more famous for my superior personality. Ouyang Xiu began to work in Chuzhou, calling himself an alcoholic, and changed to a layman in his later years. He is upright by nature and brave. Even if there is a trap ahead, he will go forward bravely and never look back even if he suffers. Even though he has been demoted many times, his ambition remains the same.
8. Translation of ancient prose in Yong Shu Yong Shu
original text
Yong Gong lived in Yongxin Temple in Xing Wu and studied books for many years. Then there are ten jars of Logger Vick, each counting stones. People come to look for books and ask for titles. The residence is limited to piercing holes, but it is wrapped with iron leaves. People later called it "iron gate limit", which was taken from the pen and numbered "returning the pen to the tomb"
-Excerpted from Zhang Tang's Breaking My Mind and Reading Books.
To annotate ...
Cave: cave, cave.
Urn: A container with a large mouth and abdomen.
Stone: old unit of weight.
Household limit: threshold.
Bury: Bury.
Number: Called.
Looking: looking.
Book: written by Zhiyong.
Grave: tomb.
Bald nib: refers to a long-used brush, and the hair on the nib has fallen off, leaving only one nib.
Xing Wu: Ancient place name, now Huzhou, Zhejiang.
Accumulated years: many years.
Book: Calligraphy.
All: all, all.
Quantity: several.
Ask: ask.
Title: Write.
In favor of: existence.
Cave: small hole.
Yes: just.
Leaves: skin, sliced.
Call: call.
Yong Gong: that is, wisdom and courage; Palace: a title of respect for people.
Zhiyong lived in Yongxin Temple in Xing Wu and studied calligraphy for many years. Later, there were ten cans with broken brush heads, each of which contained several loads (so heavy). People come to ask for ink, and as many people ask him to write a plaque as there are people downtown. As a result, the threshold of his house was stepped out of the hole, so he wrapped the threshold with iron and called it "iron threshold" After burying the pen, it is called "returning the pen to the grave".