Wang Duo once said that his calligraphy is "unique to Xi Xian," but some predecessors have pointed out that "Juesi Nianbo's calligraphy is all from Qingchen, Haiyue, and Beihai calligraphy, and it is not just the calligraphy of Shanyin. ." Judging from this "Li He's Poetry", this statement is true.
Wang Duo does have a work of "unique Xixian", but this one is not. Its side-turning momentum comes from Li Beihai, its speed comes from Mi Fu, and its robustness is obviously that of Fayan Zhenqing. In this work, Wang Duo used a large amount of wet ink, causing the brush marks to swell out and form block surfaces, which contrasted with the crisp and fast brushwork. The calligraphy is full of passion, continuous and powerful.