Jiang Guan (Jiang Guan) is two people, Han Jiang Hou and Ying Yin Hou Guan Ying. They all helped Emperor Gaozu set the world, made contributions and sealed Hou. The two of them started from cloth clothes. They are plain-looking and uneducated. They once envied Chen Ping and Jia Yi. Liu Yuanhai's Notes on the Book of Jin: "Every time I read a book, I often despise Lu (Lu Jia) for his lack of weapons and words, and he is also a Taoist. Those who know nothing are ashamed of being a gentleman. " Tang Hanyu's poem "Accompanying Du's Imperial Tour to Two Temples in Western Hunan" says: "Pepper orchids are jealous and blushing." Zhao Ming Zhenyuan's "Sacrificing Yuan (Yuan Keli Zi) to Yuan's": "Bowing and shooting tigers, laughing and irrigation without words; If you can carve dragons, you will have no weapons. Gu Shi's poem The Former Residence of Jiafu in Qing Dynasty: I don't know that people are versatile, but I only know that there are few teenagers in Luoyang. "Jing Yaoyue's poem" Reading History "reads:" Sweat is full of learning to kill dragons, and crimson irrigation is full of learning to kill dogs; Killing dogs is a good way, but killing dragons can't make a living. "
In fact, I am a minister, and ministers sometimes write ministers in calligraphy, which is convenient for vertical arrangement and beautiful.