1. First start PowerPoint20 10, execute the command design-background color-background format, and then pop up the background format dialog box.
2. Set the background format dialog box to fill the picture or texture, insert the file of your choice, find the picture to fill in the pop-up dialog box, and click the Insert button.
3. Execute the Insert-Shape-Rectangle command, draw a rectangle on the picture, click the right mouse button on the rectangle, select Edit Text in the drop-down menu, and then enter the text. The font is set to Wang Xizhi's calligraphy font, and the font size is 138.
4. Then select a rectangle, set the outline of the shape to no outline, right-click the rectangle, select the option of setting the shape format from the drop-down menu, set the fill to solid color fill in the pop-up dialog box, select white, and set the transparency to 60%.
5. Select the rectangle to be copied by pressing ctrl+c, then right-click in the blank and choose Paste from the drop-down menu, and select a picture from the paste options.
6. Select the pasted picture and set the color to transparent color in the picture toolbar. At this point, the mouse changes to the shape of a brush, and then clicks on the text.
7. Then select the original shape and press the delete key to delete it. Select a picture, resize and position it, and set it in the center of the page.
File-Save As Command
8. In this way, the picture will have the effect of frosting and hollowing out. Execute, enter a name in the pop-up dialog box and save it in a suitable location.