The characteristics of Tai Chi martial artists are the same as any font.

semi-cursive/running script/hand (in Chinese calligraphy)

Meditation promotes each other. Both calligraphy and Tai Ji Chuan need meditation. Practicing any of these skills can gain the ability to meditate and transfer this ability to another skill. This kind of quietness is a kind of concentration and qigong. Calligraphy is also a kind of Tai Chi. You should control your emotions and your heart, so as to hold your breath, hold your breath and make it stop, even in a bumpy car. This is true qi stability. Many people are trying to control their balance. There is actually no calligraphy class. Imagine that the instability of the hand and the balance of the body when writing have little to do with the direction of stress. If you are restless, your breathing will be uneven, your breathing will be unstable, and you will not be able to hold your hand. So will boxing. Some of my students want to practice balance on the bus and subway, so they all work hard under the pile and under their feet. Actually, it's useless It doesn't matter whether they stand still or not. The main thing is to live