In the south of the city, the calligrapher bravely won the two kings' law. When Emperor Taizong asked about the danger of the book, it naturally belonged to the two kings. Emperor Taizong was indifferent to the books of the right army, and used his privilege to collect the original works of the right army and enjoy them every morning and evening. He also ordered Xiao Yi to obtain the original Preface to Lanting from the eloquence of Yin Shan monks. Whether he was buried in Zhaoling after his death is still an unsolved mystery.
Emperor Taizong lived up to his superior conditions. His running script is hidden in the right army, graceful and graceful, and his brushwork is vivid. When writing this inscription, Emperor Taizong was in his later years, so his calligraphy was mature and fluent. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the inscriptions before the Tang Dynasty were made of seal script, official script and regular script, and the inscription of running script should start from Emperor Taizong. This is not only the reason of power, but also the spiritual embodiment of Emperor Taizong's daring to be the first in the world as a monarch.
"Wenquanming" is not only beautiful in words, but also excellent in calligraphy art, which has been praised by all previous dynasties and can be called a boutique. His book is pregnant with the charm of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi's cursive script, which is "floating like a cloud and agile like a dragon". Zheng Ruzhong, a famous scholar, wrote in "Calligraphy Art in Tang Dynasty and Dunhuang Writing Volume" that "his calligraphy is fluent, graceful and generous, with obvious calligraphy style of two kings, and he carved tablets with running script, with Emperor Taizong as the first person. "