In the first month of spring, ugly B, the emperor called Wang Dan, the minister of slaughter, and the Privy Council took care of Wang Qinruo, and so on. The emperor said, "In my bedroom, all the curtains are blue. You can't tell the color without candles at dusk. Last year 1 1 at midnight, we went to bed. Suddenly, the room became empty, and we were surprised. When I saw the robe of Shenxing Koujiang, I said to me,' On the third day of next month, it is appropriate to build the throne Dojo in the main hall in January. Three heavenly books and auspicious symbols should be issued, so don't reveal the secret!' I faced it bravely, but suddenly it disappeared, so I wrote it down. In December, the new moon, that is, fasting, built a Dojo in Yuan Chao Temple, built a nine-level altar, carved wood as a symbol, decorated with gold treasures, and bowed down to the gods. Although ecstatic, it dare not stop. It's appropriate to watch the Imperial Capital Minister play. On the left is the south corner of Tianmen House. There is a yellow silk hanging on the kiss. I asked it to read, echoing the cloud:' Its silk is two meters long, sealed like a book, surrounded by green wisps, and there are faint words on the seal.' Let me think about it carefully, and cover the so-called sacred book. "Dan and others said:" Your majesty sincerely served the world, respected your ancestors, respected your loved ones, sought medical treatment at night, and even repaired neighborhood relations. He invited officials rigorously and vulgarly, and his harvest was numerous, all of which were the results of your conscientious efforts. I have tasted that heaven is not far away, and there must be a report; Today, the gods warned in advance that the fruit of the spirit had fallen, which really showed that it was necessary to cultivate morality. "Thank you again, long live the ye. He added: "When unsealing, it is advisable to screen around." The emperor said, "If Heaven shows no politics, Gu Yi and Qing are afraid to repent; If I was told to bow, I should also practice on my side. Should I hide it so that the public doesn't know? "
The emperor immediately went to Chengtianmen, burned incense and looked at it, and ordered Zhou Huaizheng and Huangfu Jiming to rise to the house. Wang Dan knelt down and presented it, and the emperor bowed down again to collect the book, put it on the ground, and resumed his steps with Japan. But he covered his umbrella, withdrew the police and went to the Dojo to ask Chen Yaomao of the Privy Council to unseal it. It reads: "Zhao was ordered to prosper the Song Dynasty and pay for it. Stay in the right place. The world is 700, and it will not move in 1999. " I went to the silk book, opened it and told Yao to read it. There are three yellow words in his book, the parts of speech are Shangshu Hongfan and Laozi Tao Te Ching. At the beginning, the emperor said that he could be filial to the world, the second time he said that he was pure and simple, and at the end he said that the world would last forever. After reading it, hide it in the golden chamber Dan and so on. , said he was in the north of the temple. That night, I ordered Dan to stay in the middle of the book and go to the Dojo later. Dan rushed to the Dojo, and the emperor had already arrived first.
Bing Yin, the ministers entered the Hall of Politics and gave a banquet. Both the emperor and the assistant minister eat vegetables. Zhang Qixian, the official minister, was sent to tell the world, the ancestral temple, the country and the ancestral temple in Beijing.
Ding Mao, standing in front of the temple, killed, Chen Gong sang high songs, and the officials of the civil and military forces accompanied him, and presented the Sanqing gobbledygook. After the ceremony, the emperor stepped in and avoided the ecliptic. "On the third and fifth day, Ziyun will protect the palace and beg for the history museum," said the supervisor of the Department of Heaven. From it.
Amnesty the world, change Yuan, civil and military officials, and change Zuo Chengtian Gate to Zuo Chengtian Xiangfu Gate. Send a letter to Tokyo for five days, starting from February 1st.
In Renshen, border officials said, "Zhao Deming invited Uighur to pay tribute, and Zhang Pu led thousands of people to harass Uighur. Zhou Xia is ridiculous this year, and this trend is also declining. " The emperor said: "I know he is sorry for the drought. I have ordered the market not to ban people who eat food in Xifan." To protect and caress barbarians, tolerance is a top priority; Otherwise, it will kill people. "
Zhao Deming tasted the hunger of the people and asked for millions of grains on the table. When the emperor conveyed his instructions to the assistant ministers, everyone was angry and said, "Deming took the money and dared to take the oath in Chongqing." He can't get it, he can't get it. " Wang Dan asked the third division to accumulate millions of millet in Beijing and let Deming come and get it himself; The emperor obeyed him. Deming summoned him, glanced at Que, bowed again and said, "There are people in the imperial court!" It's a stop.
By the officer money presented "auspicious fu", by the official imperial edict.
On the day of the heavenly book, Li Zongge, a bachelor of Hanlin, presented a movement to the emperor of the last dynasty and answered with an excellent letter. When he was a bachelor, Chao Yang knew about the tribute, Yang Yi fell ill and learned about Zhao Anren's politics.
Master Liao is like a long dragon.
In February, Renchen Shuo, Emperor Qianlong visited Jane in Yuanmen.
Ding You, send six people to Xilin Gol League to entertain the minister.
During the Reform Movement of 1898, the emperor's assistant minister said, "Scholars in Beijing are gradually becoming extravagant. Clothes and utensils are decorated with gold, while workers use gold as a foil. Their daily activities are countless, costing more than100000 yuan. If they are immersed in the wind, they can quit. " At noon, Bingwu issued a letter: "Ding Weisong made the third division announce the old system, and the informant rewarded it. From then on, you don't have to take clothes to paint gold and embroider gold. "
In March, 1287 people, including Yanzhou elder Lvliang Jia Xu, asked for meditation. The introduction of the imperial edict made Cao Liyong announce his work, saying, "It is difficult to do it in all previous dynasties and it is difficult to accept it." Liang and others went on to say, "The country has been ordered for fifty years and brought peace. Today, it is appropriate to declare Daiyue a blessing in the world. " The emperor replied, "This important matter cannot be discussed casually." Liang and others said, "When I am old, China will be prosperous and peaceful. I would like to pick up the coffin early and perform the ceremony. " Give me a letter to post it. In those days, Shao Hua led officials to resist the watch, and he did not allow it.
Eight hundred and forty people, including Ji Mao, Yanzhou and Shi Kongwei, sought Zen.
At noon, Prime Minister Wang Dan and others led 24,370 civil and military officials, generals, state and county officials, barbarians, monks and monks, and permanent residents to Dongguan. Please close the door if you have served the table for five times.
In April, Xin Maoshuo and Xia Tianshu landed in the Gongde Pavilion in Ouchi.
During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Zhao sent an official to tell the world, ancestral halls and temples about some things on Mount Tai this year 10. B Wei, in order to know that the Privy Council is Wang Qinruo and the political affairs are Zhao Anren, is about meditation. At the beginning, the discussion on Guan Chan was undecided. The emperor used the funds to make Ding Wei in the Song Dynasty, saying, "There are big plans." Discussion is decision. That is to say, the imperial edict refers to the plan of measuring grain and grass on Taishan Road, and the introduction of the road for Cao Liyong and Zheng Xuan to be Li Shenfu's camp. Zhao Jiong, Li Zongqi, Yang Yi and Zhi Bachelor of Hanlin, as well as Chen Pengnian and Taichang Liyuan. Wang Dan asked five ambassadors to be appointed according to the story of the suburbs. The emperor said, "The promotion of China's gift by the five ambassadors should be done by Zhong Shu and the Privy Council in turn." Bing Shen appointed Wang Dan as the gift ambassador, Wang Qinruo as the etiquette ambassador, Zheng Feng as the etiquette ambassador, Chen Yaosou as the halogen book ambassador and Zhao Anren as the Qiao Daodun ambassador. His manners and Qiao Daodun were given to him, so Sheng and Yao Sou parted. Drink if, Anren and Yanzhou, still change to dry county, banned in Taishan firewood mining, mountain labor shall not be transferred to Ding Fu, stop using Yanzhou and Yunzhou soldiers. Except for the front and rear halls, the palaces are covered with curtains. The Committee of Gold, Silk and Grass Grain has made the necessary plan to close the market or transfer it, and learned from Beijing that it is not necessary. Send firewood to Shaanxi, float to Yunzhou by the Yellow River, and pay for it.
Mining and fishing are prohibited on Fengyuan Road in Zhaodong. When you build a palace, you must not invade the land of the people. Those who drive a chariot to practice seedlings should be admonished.
Ren Yin, Emperor Yuchong Zhengdian, personally tried Jinshi, and recorded the solution and copied it down to prove it. At the beginning of the hall, a curtain was set up, the seats were listed, their names were marked, and the list was revealed to show their order so that they could sit when they saw it. Li Zongge, a bachelor of Hanlin, was appointed as the examiner. The emperor has been to the times, and the affairs of the emperor are extremely detailed. Don't leave a good man behind. On the first day of Zong Yi's accession to the throne, the examination paper of Jinshi was written, and the Prime Minister was asked to recheck it. It was Lin Xuan who gave Yao Ye, A Zheng and others a poor family. First of all, I expressed my gratitude and ordered the release of Brown. On a special day, I got a green robe, boots and coat, that is to say, I was appointed to my position.
At noon, Zhao Yinggong was ordered to serve a sacred book.
At that time, the official said: "The Han Dynasty recommended goodness, mostly because of famine, so it asked Quezheng. This country is sealed by Rui Jian, so it is not appropriate to re-establish this case. " So I learned about the subjects of the official department.
Chen Bing wrote: "The auspicious birds and rare birds and animals offered by Taizong and Taizong are all in the garden. You can count them. Give it to them as soon as the Zen ceremony is over. "
Send messengers to Chiyi Yuezhou to collect 30 bunches of Setaria viridis, so as to save wine for God. Dong Hao, an old man, knew about it and gave it to Zhou Hao as a teaching assistant, as well as a pile of silk.
In the afternoon, I patrolled to the east and went to Mount Tai via Lin Yu Road in Yunzhou. After the ceremony, fortunately Yanzhou took Zhongdu Road back to Beijing.
First, Zhang Shixun was supervised as the supervisor of Hiram's Hospital. When Gong Ju first used the method of pasting his name, Shi Xun was in charge. He has relatives among Jinshi, so he is willing to take the exam tomorrow to avoid suspicion. The main secretary didn't listen, she said it herself. The emperor is it, and it is registered on the imperial screen, so he wrote: "From now on, anyone who has personal grievances with the examiner will try his head." In June, Jiangnan transported messengers, and the Chinese book personified people, but I saw it several times. The emperor made it himself, except for the scholar. Wang Dan, the prime minister of Shixun, said to himself in the government hall, "I would like to be good at teaching." Dan said calmly, "The imperial court made a lot of money." Shi Xun began to thank. Scholars follow Guangxi and Hebei, and dare not make a cloud every time they think about it.
In May, Geng Shenshuo, the master of Liao country, also went to Beijing.
Ren Xu, Wang Qinruo said that Mount Tai went down to Liquan, and I saw you in Xishan and Black Dragon.
Hebei transshipment made Li give up 80,000 yuan from internal funds, so he invited 490,000 yuan of gold, silk and millet from this road to JD.COM to help with the memorial service. The emperor said, "Scholars have the heart to handle things." I sent you a letter of commendation for staying in Yizhou and taking charge of the East Seal.
Please put an altar on Mount Tai, five feet in diameter and nine feet in height. There is a meteor altar in the southeast of the altar, which is 10 feet high and 10 feet square. Worship the altar at the foot of the mountain is like a mound system, and the first altar of the club is like a square mound system. What about the land? What about jade books, jade books and stones of heaven and earth? Love, golden jade, and ordered treasure are all prepared. Follow the instructions.
Bing Yin ordered Wang Dan, Zheng Feng and Zhao Anren to write jade books and jade books.
At the beginning, according to the story of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor told the temple to leave Beijing and go to Mount Tai and Sheshou Mountain to drive it away. In the past, the emperor only worshipped rich and clean things, and the rest were simple, so he switched to etiquette. Found and changed the name of the driver, saying Luan Jia.
Xin Wei and Zhao Anren performed: "It's like Taibu Temple, and the golden jade climbed Mount Tai first. It is 20 feet high and 10 feet wide, and the Chengmen Bridge across the county is very narrow. Please order repairs. " The emperor said, "If so, it would be a waste of time. You can live outside the city and hide in front of the grave. "
The third division hid one hundred and two thousand pieces of silver in the state treasury.
Liao is stationed in Huaizhou.
Shen Jia, arranged 120 people in the harem, and sent them for a burial.
In June, in Renchen, I made a detailed comment on the instruments of Zen Buddhism. The emperor looked at it and said, "This instrument has been abandoned for a long time, but it is not a ceremony. Good-looking? " In other words, there are 19 suspicious things, let the five ambassadors participate in the discussion and do them correctly.
Sun Shi, an official from Beijing, was sent to Liao country to tell him that something was going to happen to Mount Tai.
First, in May, the emperor replied that he dreamed that he was a man of God, and said that he would give Taishan a sealed book in the first half of the month and inform Wang Qinruo. So Qin Ruo said, "On the fifth day of the first month, the carpenter saw Huang Sushu dragging a tree in the north of Liquan Pavilion. He can't read the words on it. He said that the king was in the imperial city and saw the name of the imperial city on it, so he told Qin Re, Qin Re and others got it. So I built the Dojo and knelt down tomorrow to teach Ambassador China to hold the title. " At this time, the emperor urgently called Wang Dan and others to tell him about it, and wanted to come out to meet him. That is, he ordered Dan to be the guide and guard, and greeted the sealed book with courtesy and settled in the main hall containing Fiona Fang. The emperor bowed again and awarded Chen Yaomao the national seal, saying, "You are filial, nurturing people and blessed. Mr. Gary, Li Shu knows. Keep your words a secret, if you know what I mean. The country is brave and longevity is long. " After reading it, call a hundred officials to see it. There are clouds and colors in the left and right theaters. After reading the gobbledygook, Huang Yun stayed in the temple like a gust of wind.
Give wenwu Baiguan Taishan Liquan.
Geng Xu and Qu were guilty ministers from Yanzhou prison.
19 1 1 year, ministers were honored as Emperors of Chongwen Guangwuyi, Tianzundao Baoying, Zhang Ying and Ming Sheng Renxiao.
In autumn and July, Emperor Taizong paid tribute to the Great Sage, Emperor Taizong paid tribute to Emperor Xiao Wu, and made Emperor China pay tribute to Emperor Wen. Sejong paid tribute to Emperor Xiao and Emperor Zhuang Xian, and still paid tribute to Emperor Qin Shundi and his younger brother Lu.
In August, Emperor Taizong honored An Deyu as a chivalrous martial arts god, and said that the most benevolent person was a fairy, a holy monk with martial arts, and an emperor of Daming Xiaoguang.
Chao Jiong, the official who detailed the ceremony, was asked to worship Du Tingyi on Mount Tai.
Slaughtering of B has been banned since 1 month, starting from1month.
Ji You and Wang Qinruo came to North Korea and presented 8,000 copies of Cao Zhi.
In September, May 5th said that the company should not fight a big lawsuit.
I haven't reported to the ancestral temple. Cao Zhi, Jiahe and Ruimu are all listed in front of the gobbledygook, in Chen Yu's room 6.
Geng Shen, assistant minister of the Ministry of War, ordered Min Zhongquan to stay in Tokyo.
The Imperial Capital made Liu worship the new gobbledygook in the government hall, saying that there were fourteen cranes flying. With the support of gobbledygook, the Song Dynasty played the double cranes flying for a long time. On the wing day, Gu Di said, "I saw the crane yesterday, but I flew into the chariot. If Yunfei has been flying for a long time, I'm afraid it's not true. You should play it easily. " He said, "Your Majesty is sincere and does not deceive others. This figure is particularly profound. I hope there are China's books in Current Affairs. " The emperor bowed his head and agreed.
Guihai presented gobbledygook at Yuan Chao Temple. Jia Zi, helped Feng Tianshu climb the Jade Pavilion and went to the ancestral temple, Nanmen Temple. After a while, the bus arrived, and according to the discretion of the pavilion, six rooms were offered to Taizu and Taizong, with the intention of matching them strictly, and the emperor cried to make friends. The ministers said: White clouds are like dragons and phoenixes, and fourteen cranes fly in the temple room.
Chen Geng and Zhao Anren presented more than 8,700 copies of five-color gold and calligraphy paper.
Yiyou, the emperor personally learned the Zen ritual in Chongde Hall. At the beginning, the ceremony official said that the emperor had no personal habits, and the emperor said, "I am respectful, so don't take it to heart!" "
In September, West, Hebei, Hedong, Jiangsu, Huaihe, Zhejiang, Jinghu, Fujian and Guangnan Road were all full of money.
In winter and October, Wu Zishuo, the master of Liao is like Zhongjing.
Geng Yin, imperial edict: "Anyone who is inconvenient to interview people in counties and cities and whose clothes, scales and measurements are not up to the law will be banned. If there is a genius who is not an official, he will be recommended to be an official for a long time. Widowed and unable to take care of themselves, give more assistance. The political trajectory of officials is particularly unusual, and the people benefit from it. Those who don't guard the corner and know nothing about politics, such as dutiful sons, obedient sons and wives, are called by the village to analyze and listen. Officials know that people who benefit from the disease are also recorded. "
The five stars in Tian Yan are the same color.
Xin Mao, driving the capital, played the role of servant and acted as the forerunner of gobbledygook. Xin Chou, the second Yunzhou; Ren Chen, resident. Zhu Xun learned of the imperial edict and said that he would present the jade book and the jade butterfly to Xiangluanyi. There was divine light on the jade book in Haotian. Send Li Zongge, a bachelor of Hanlin, to thank him.
Bingwu, the second time to Luan Yi. Fa drove into the palace in Ganfeng County, and the emperor went to Haotian Yushu to burn incense and worship God again, thanking God for his grace.
Occupy cities, eat a lot of food, and all countries in the world use things to welcome the left. Mary is a gourmet fan, but he doesn't offer two-inch long osmanthus. He said that the five generations of ancestors all came from the elders in the Western Heaven. As the saying goes: "Keep this, China saints and their party will pay tribute to them when they close their menstruation."
Wu Shen, Muqingtang Land House. Wang Qinruo and others donated more than 38,000 copies of Ganoderma lucidum.
You, ministers, play five-color Yun Qi Ding Yue. The emperor and his ministers climbed up the back pavilion and took a look. This pavilion is called Ruiyun. Knowing how to make Zhu Xun's imperial seal, and being an official in Taiwan Province, I first went up the mountain and returned to Maling to Tianmen. It was a difficult journey. People gave two pieces of silk to the crossbar, and parents pushed it up from the pawn.
Geng Xu, less than five minutes after the day leaked, the emperor wore a Tong Guan and a crimson gauze robe, holding a golden pheasant, ready to drive, went to the gate, put on his boots and robes, took his step, and the halogen book was listed at the foot of the mountain. Huang Hui fought with guards and relatives from the ruins on the mountain to Taipingding. Every two steps, embroider one person alternately to sacrifice the horse. Yaxian gave nothing to Wang Ning, and finally gave it to Yuan. Lu Shu told Chen Yaosou to follow the board, saying that Huang Yun had built a road, and the road was steep, so he had to step down, step by step, and there were discussions to help him keep it, but all went away. The tour guide may be tired, but the emperor's words are resolute. When I arrived at the Forbidden City, I called the ministers nearby to see the Jade Girl Spring and the two monuments of Tang Gaozong and Ming Chengzu. The night before, there was a strong wind on the mountain and the curtains were broken, but Chi Ming was not there. The emperor arrived, the weather was mild, and the official inspection instrument was enshrined on the platform. At night, the police station stopped at the foot of the mountain.
19 1 1 year, I enjoyed the gods, Taizu and Taizong as companions on the platform. Ordered officials to reward the five emperors and gods in the altar. Ivey left the heavenly book to God, the emperor crowned it with dedication, and served as a guide to reduce it, stopping at? When leaving the door, the candle tap in the cage was also removed. Photographed in the book, Assistant Minister Zhou began to read jade books and jade articles. The emperor drank the blessing, took a picture of the book, and made Wang Dan kneel down and say, "The book of Emperor Taiyi, a gift from heaven, is endless and will always be a symbol of people." After the three sacrifices, the golden jade will be sealed. Photographed by Wang Qiu Dan, putting jade in a stone? Feeling, with too much comfort, Zheng Feng will be sent to the Golden Temple to be a supervisor and apprentice? Feeling. The emperor went to the stage to read, but he also defended. The celestial prison plays Qingyun around the altar, and there is yellow gas on the moon. Then I led from Guan Yunyun, long live the foothills paging, shaking the valley. The emperor returned to the palace today, and hundreds of officials greeted Taniguchi.
Renzi, Zen worships the emperor's land in the first mountain of society, as a tool of worship. It was cloudy and windy the night before, and the wind stopped during the operation. I know that the rare birds and animals enshrined in all directions are at the foot of the mountain. The French driver is also in the high palace, and he said that the sun is heavy and the clouds see five colors. The imperial edict regarded Gao Feng Palace as Hui Zhen Palace.
In Turtle Sea, a department set up the pilgrimage altar of Zhang Wei and Gong Xianxia, which is in the south of Gao Feng Palace. The emperor wore a crown, and the Shou Chang Hall on the imperial altar was congratulated and pardoned by the world. Those who were not the original ones were often pardoned. Civil and military officials and manners go hand in hand. Give the world three days. Change Ganfeng County to Fengfu County. Cutting wood is prohibited within seven miles of Mount Tai Fiona Fang. A grand banquet was held in Muqing Hall, and the ministers and elders of Mount Tai were given clothes, tea and silk.
Jiayin, the driver of the car, was sent to the second Taiping sentry in Fengfu County. It is this day that dinner will be resumed. The emperor Lao Wang Dan and others ate food for a long time, and Dan and others all worshipped it. Ma Zhijie said, "Your Majesty is the only one who eats vegetables. I will wait on the road and don't want to eat meat privately." Gu Dandi and others said, "Do you know what to say?" Dan bowed again and said, "If you know, you can keep your word."
Chen Bing, the second Yanzhou native, took Zhangzhou as the governor.
On November 5th, the Emperor announced the King's Hall with his boots and robes, and presented them as appropriate, accompanied by Kong's family. With the decision to stop, the emperor will worship again. Fortunately, Liang Shuge Tang. Shang Shuwen, the minister of punishments, was ordered to be divided into seventy-two sons, the first Confucian scholar, Shu and Yan, and the Dizan carved stone hall. Fortunately for Kong Ling, he embraced the road with trees, rode a horse, came to the tomb of King Wenxuan, worshipped again, wrote a letter to Emperor Xuansheng Wenxuan, and still restored the temple, providing a temple to ten families nearby. The next day, Zhang Qixian, the official department minister, was sent to prison to offer sacrifices, giving his family 300,000 dollars and 300 silks. Forty-sixth grandchildren were born in Shengyou as a gift to Lang, and nearly six of them were granted official positions and origins. He also named Shu the Duke of Lu, Yan the Taitai of Lu, and Bai Muyu the Taitai of Hun. He also chased after it, saying that Zhaolie Wu was king and ordered Qingzhou to set up a temple. Duke Wen of Zhou called the king of literature to build a temple in Qufu County.
I haven't. The emperor returned to the funeral and Qin Qinglou visited the Cape for three days.
Ren Xu, made in Yanzhou. Ding Mao, Cifan County. Give the Nine Classics and Three Histories to Wang Xuan Temple in Qufu County, and let Yanzhou choose Confucian scholars to tell them. He also gave Taizong imperial system and books, and gave Yanzhou Shangshu.
Bingzi was born in Chen Qiao, followed by Fangyuan. People in Xiaguan, Huaidian, JD.COM and Heshuo welcome motorists from Mount Tai. Ding Chou took a look and drove to Mount Tai. In Song Dynasty, Fengtian Book made Ding Wei belong to ouchi support. Give Guan Bai three days off and one day in the Privy Council.
On the third day of the first month, the imperial edict was reduced to Tianqing Festival with gobbledygook. Ding Wei Song Dynasty, please write down your praise with auspicious symbols and draw it in Zhao Ying Palace.
Shen Jia ordered Wang Dan to take photos of Qiu, and presented Taizong and Taizong's books. After the ceremony, enjoy six rooms.
Yiyou, a big banquet contains a hall of light, which is also a spin.
In December, Xin Mao, Yu Chao Yuan Dian, was honored by the book.
In the Song Dynasty, Ding Wei, Li Zongge and others were invited by Chen Pengnian to compile the Book of Feng Chan.
Ding You, from the inside out, worshiped Taishan wine, a jade girl, Bailong, and Wangmu Pond Xinliquan, and presented them to the assistant minister. A letter to the left-behind department in Tokyo and the responsible minister in Beijing, don't give anything, especially to them.
Imperial edict: "In the Jianghuai Shipping Department, all departments should reserve three years' reserves in case of flood and drought. "Jiang, huai rice first arrived in the capital, even the points of heaven and chu, also points of flood and drought, just in case.
Geng Xu has set up eight carriages outside Beijing. Outside the emperor's capital, there are many residences. Only the governor of Chixian county was in charge of the old case, and even appointed a special official to put the Beijing government in charge.
19 1 1 year, Kou Zhun, senior minister of the Ministry of Life, was appointed as the commander of Xiongjun Naoda. The Liao envoy tasted the name and said, "What Xianggong wants, why isn't it in the book?" "Master, the imperial court has nothing to do, and the key is locked in the north gate. I must be allowed to do so. "
Good news, Nanya is Xiqing's courtyard.
First, banquets are held in Shangshu Province or museums, and Christmas festivals are held in Suoguo Temple. The emperor thought that Buddhist cooking was excellent, which was detrimental to respect and cleanliness, and was convenient for the opening of the embassy of the Minister of the Interior. Nanya was the last quiet residence of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. The King of Qin and the King of Xu lived in seclusion. Later, no one was there, so they thought it was a quadrangle.
Imperial edict: "When you enter the performance court, you must report to the court on time, so let the five senses enter the performance court as a guarantor, and offenders will be guilty of violating the law."
Liao invited Xiao Tuoyun to fight for Ganzhou Uighur, surrendered his king Elole and comforted him.
I was 13 years old, including Shi Kezhong, a scholar from Liao Fang.