Xuan paper can be divided into three feet, four feet, five feet, six feet, eight feet, two feet and six feet according to specifications. Three-foot rice paper is generally used as exercise paper. Five-foot rice paper is rarely sold and not commonly used. Display and creation generally use four feet, five feet, six feet, eight feet, two feet and six feet of rice paper.
Xuan paper has good ink wetting property, strong durability, aging resistance and difficult discoloration. Xuan paper is tough and moist, smooth but not slippery, white and dense, pure in texture, lossless in rubbing, strong in ink wetting, and unique in permeability and lubricity. Writing and painting are divided into five colors, that is, they are completed in one stroke, with distinct shades, visible textures, distinct Mo Yun and distinct layers. It is not easy to be eaten by insects and has a long service life. Xuan paper has been known as "the king of paper, the paper of a thousand years" since ancient times.
The purpose of rice paper:
The choice of rice paper should be based on its own use. As we all know, there are actually two kinds of Xuan paper, the first is raw Xuan and the second is cooked Xuan. The difference between these two kinds of Xuan paper is that all Xuan paper is essentially the secondary processing of Shengxuan. Sprinkle a layer of alum water on the health care. In this way, the sacred porch will become mature. The reason for this is to prevent the characteristics of easy water seepage in health care.
Therefore, the purpose of cooked propaganda is generally used to draw large-scale meticulous paintings, color landscape paintings and so on. Then, the characteristic of Shengxuan is that it is easier to penetrate ink, which can make the level of ink change deeper. This makes it easy for us to produce different ink effects when using biological propaganda. For painters who paint large-scale splash-ink landscape paintings or freehand brushwork, this kind of Xuan paper is the best choice.
In addition to the difference between absolute raw propaganda and absolute cooked propaganda. There are also semi-cooked rice paper, and rice paper with more raw materials and less clinker, or more clinker and less raw materials. Of course, these different types of rice paper have different uses. Generally speaking, when learning calligraphy, you should choose half-baked rice paper.
Specifically, that is to say, the best choice for writing regular script, seal script and official script is Xuan paper with more clinker and less raw materials. Because these regular script writing speed is relatively slow, if the ink penetration is particularly severe, it is not easy to write regular script.
When we write cursive script, we should choose Xuan paper, because there are fewer cooked ingredients and more raw ingredients. Because cursive writing is faster, it needs a certain ink effect, but if you don't soak the ink, it looks oily.