The seal is generally one big and one small, one yin and one yang. Name and font size, leisure stamp such as fasting name, etc. They were printed in Zhu and Bai respectively. The seal is also oval in shape, and it is best to carve it into the name of studying in Yang Wen. Yin's square seal cutting has names, font sizes and so on. When using the seal, the name seal and the font size seal are at the lower left of the calligraphy. Add a positive article to it. In this way, it can be balanced symmetrically. Cooperate with calligraphy to form a perfect composition.
The shapes of seals are square, rectangular, oval and irregular.
The seal is divided into female engraving and male engraving. Female engraving refers to the removal of words, while male engraving refers to the removal of redundant words, and the seals are yin and yang respectively.
There are three kinds of seals: name seal, leisure seal and collection seal. Famous seals are necessary for a work, so they are more serious, generally square, and the size cannot exceed the inscription, about 2.5cm.
Leisure chapters are divided into introduction chapter, middle chapter, side chapter and corner chapter, which are mostly square or rectangular in shape to stabilize the picture and make it more harmonious. It should be noted that the leading chapter needs to be covered on the diagonal of the corner pressing chapter, not on the same side, about 3cm. Leisure chapters are generally oval and irregular, and the first chapter is used more. Others can be selected according to specific works. The content of leisure chapters is diversified, which can be poems, epigrams, weather, moral and so on.
Collection seals are mostly 3cm square seals, depending on the size of the work. Stamping is to try not to destroy the picture.
To sum up, the calligraphy seal has no fixed size, and the calligraphy seal cannot take any size. It is necessary to prepare seals of multiple sizes for standby.